Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Safety ideas control behavior,1947,29,3,173-176,Dearborn The educational needs of children living with violence,1992,74,1,67-71,Craig Standing up to violence,1995,76,5,K1-K12,Sautter Seeking Solutions to School Violence and Vandalism,1978,59,5,299-302,Bayh "Spitting the Lit": Fact or Fad? Gangs and America's Schools,1994,76,1,66-68,Clay Lessons from a disaster on the Great Plains,2014,95,4,28-32,Hintz Safe at school: an interview with Kevin Jennings,2010,91,5,43-48,Richardson When what you know could hurt a child: School counselors can fi nd themselves in a legal quandary over what to do when they learn troubling information about students,2013,95,4,70-71,Darden Shining a light on mental health,2014,96,4,e4,Richardson