Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Simple written resources and neighborhood demonstrations help Amish adopt buggy safety recommendations,2001,39,4,4FEA4,James What farm families tell us that can be useful in educating for health and safety,2001,39,6,6FEA5,Seiz Utah extension educators' perceived satisfaction with and needs for agricultural health and safety information,2001,39,2,2RIB3,Webster Using simple educational methods to motivate consumers to prepare for emergencies,2002,40,5,5RIB1,Bowen To bully-proof or not to bully-proof: that is the question,2003,41,2,2RIB1,Go Evaluating a domestic violence task force: methods to strengthen a community collaboration,2004,42,6,6FEA8,Kolodinsky Family violence education in public waiting rooms,2004,42,5,5RIB7,Day Entertainment media violence: roles for extension professionals,2004,42,5,5FEA4,Greder Perceptions of youth risk and safety education: a survey of farm safety day camp participants and their parents,2006,44,5,5RIB3,Arnold Extension's role in homeland security: a Virginia perspective,2006,44,1,1FEA1,Miller Extension's role in homeland security: a case study of Washington County Utah,2006,44,6,6COM1,Washburn Building disaster-resilient families communities and businesses,2007,45,6,6FEA1,Boteler Methamphetamine prevention education: extension responds to a national issue,2008,46,5,5FEA6,Astroth Disaster preparedness and professional and personal challenges of county extension faculty during the 2004 Florida hurricane season,2008,46,3,3FEA6,Telg Child maltreatment reporting beliefs and practices of University of Wisconsin cooperative extension family living educators,2009,47,4,4FEA4,Peterson Evaluating multiple prevention programs: methods results and lessons learned,2010,48,6,6FEA1,Kerpelman When the quick fix doesn't work: evaluating the effect of parent education on child abuse,2010,48,5,5FEA7,DeBord An ecological risk/protective factor approach to understanding depressive symptoms in adolescents,2010,48,3,3RIB6,Olson Latinos safety behaviors related to english literacy as reported by dairy producers in Kewaunee County Wisconsin,2010,48,4,4FEA4,Opatik Assessing rural coalitions that address safety and health issues,2012,50,2,2FEA7,Schwab Developing Life Skills in Youth,1992,30,4,,Boyd I-WALK: an innovative approach to community walkability,2014,52,4,,Lillehoj Self-directed work teams: The antidote for "heroic suicide",2004,42,2,,Franz Mobilizing extension for youth suicide prevention using the Signs of Suicide (SOS) program,2008,46,1,,Jacobs Teaching suicide prevention is positive youth development,2018,56,7,,Lobenstein Creating a suicide prevention program for farmers and farmworkers,2019,57,6,,Mcmoran Responding to crisis: Farmer mental health programs in the extension north central region,2019,57,6,,Inwood Who Do Farmers Trust? Identifying Farmer Support Systems During Times of Stress and Suicide Risk,2023,61,3,,Garcia