Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The figure of the hero in cinematographic and urban spaces: Fear and politics in Ciudad Juarez,2011,4,2,75-85,Boudreau Asphalt bandits: Fear insecurity and uncertainty in the Latin American city,2011,4,2,95-103,Pedrazzini Warlpiri fears/whitefella fears: Ways of being in Central Australia seen through an emotion,2010,3,2,95-102,Musharbash Economic crises and emotional fallout: Work home and men's senses of belonging in post-GFC Sydney,2011,4,4,211-220,Gorman-Murray Getting emotional about 'brain mobility',2011,4,3,187-194,Kenway The affective intensities of datafied space,2016,21,,33-40,Pink Victims and protest in a social space: revisiting the sociology of emotions,2017,22,,61-70,Cayli Emotional responses to world inequality,2017,22,,25-35,Barford Moving encounters: Latinas/os about town in East Boston MA,2017,22,,13-20,Snider Atmospheric memories: affect and minor politics at the ten-year anniversary of the London bombings,2017,23,,44-51,Hughes On trauma geography and mobility: towards geographies of trauma (Editorial),2017,24,,52-56,Coddington Helping traumatized warriors: mobilizing emotions unsettling orders,2017,24,,57-65,Moss Contagious trauma: reframing the spatial mobility of trauma within advocacy work,2017,24,,66-73,Coddington Island detention: affective eruption as trauma's disruption,2017,24,,74-82,Mountz Filipino migrant stories and trauma in the transnational field,2017,24,,83-92,Pratt Spatialising skin: pushing the boundaries of trauma geographies,2017,24,,105-112,Adams-Hutcheson "That was so mean :D" - Playful virtual violence and the pleasure of transgressing intersecting emotional spaces,2017,25,,111-118,Bareither Affective schoolgirl assemblages making school spaces of non/belonging,2017,25,,63-70,Wolfe Civil outrage: emotion space and identity in legitimisations of rural protest,2018,26,,16-22,Nilsson Being out of place: non-belonging and queer racialization in the U.K,2018,27,,31-38,DasGupta The importance of supervisory and organisational awareness of the risks for an early career natural hazard researcher with personal past-disaster experience,2018,28,,46-52,Astill The face of the state on the U.S.-Mexico border,2019,31,,140-147,De La Ossa "Even if it didn't happen it's true": the fantasy of geopolitics in the "post-truth" era,2019,31,,155-161,Laketa Walking eating sleeping. Rhythm analysis of human/dog intimacy,2019,31,,26-31,Holmberg "Y'all trying to make a mockery out of me." The confined sexualities of girls in a US juvenile detention facility,2019,32,,e100533,Thomas I loved him and he scared me: migrant women partner visas and domestic violence,2019,32,,e100582,Borges Jelinic Coping caring and believing: the embodied work of disaster recovery workers,2019,32,,e100592,Eriksen From anger to solidarity: the emotional echo-chamber of Gezi park protests,2019,33,,e100632,Eslen-Ziya An uncomfortable turnstile: bodily exclusion and boarding practices in a public transport system,2020,34,,e100652,Muñoz Looking out for each other online: Digital outreach emotional surveillance and safe(r) spaces,2018,27,,60-67,Brownlie Beyond emotional labour: Emotions and peer support in a Canadian prison,2019,33,,,Cole