Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Depression and Quality of Life in Patients within the First 6 Months after the Spinal Cord Injury,2012,36,1,119-125,Kim Effect of Dominant Versus Non-dominant Vision in Postural Control,2011,35,3,427-431,Park Effect of lower limb strength on falls and balance of the elderly,2012,36,3,386-393,Cho Spinal cord injury incurred by neck massage,2012,36,5,708-712,Cheong A case report of spinal cord injury patient from a high velocity gunshot wound to the lumbar spine,2013,37,1,118-122,Kim Validity of Motor Impairment Scale in long-term care insurance system of Korea,2013,37,3,403-412,Kim The relationship between muscle fatigue and balance in the elderly,2013,37,3,389-395,Kim Prevalence and characteristics of neuropathic pain in patients with spinal cord injury referred to a rehabilitation center,2020,44,6,438-449,Shin Sciatic nerve injury caused by a stretching exercise in a trained dancer,2013,37,6,886-890,Shim Disparity in the fear of falling between urban and rural residents in relation with socio-economic variables health issues and functional independency,2013,37,6,848-861,Choi Factors that influence employment after spinal cord injury in South Korea,2014,38,1,38-45,Kang Neurological complication after low-voltage electric injury: a case report,2014,38,2,277-281,Hong The effect of virtual reality and tetra-ataxiometric posturography programs on stroke patients with impaired standing balance,2014,38,2,160-166,Kim Characteristics of visual-perceptual function measured by the motor-free visual perception test-3 in Korean adults,2014,38,4,548-553,Han Necessity to develop a tool to evaluate activity of daily living for electric powered indoor/outdoor chair users,2015,39,2,277-284,Lee Association between evoked potentials and balance recovery in subacute hemiparetic stroke patients,2015,39,3,451-461,Lee Utility of a three-dimensional interactive augmented reality program for balance and mobility rehabilitation in the elderly: a feasibility study,2015,39,3,462-472,Lee Change of brain functional connectivity in patients with spinal cord injury: graph theory based approach,2015,39,3,374-383,Kim Effects of balance control training on functional outcomes in subacute hemiparetic stroke patients,2015,39,6,995-1001,Kim The effects of shoulder slings on balance in patients with hemiplegic stroke,2015,39,6,986-994,Sohn Characteristics of patients injured in road traffic accidents according to the New Injury Severity Score,2016,40,2,288-293,Kim Longitudinal trends in fall accidents in community dwelling Korean adults: the 2008-2013 Korean Community Health Survey,2016,40,4,657-665,Simpson Relationship between cognitive perceptual abilities and accident and penalty histories among elderly Korean drivers,2016,40,6,1092-1099,Lim Predictors for depressive mood in geriatric patients after traumatic brain injury: a retrospective cross-sectional study,2017,41,2,279-289,Kim The association between fall history and physical performance tests in the community-dwelling elderly: a cross-sectional analysis,2017,41,2,239-247,Won Heart rate variability among children with acquired brain injury,2017,41,6,951-960,Kim Complications and socioeconomic costs associated with falls in the elderly population,2018,42,1,120-129,Cho Pharmacotherapy prescription trends for cognitive-behavioral disorder in patients with brain injury in Korea,2018,42,1,35-41,Huh Introduction of Fall Risk Assessment (FRA) system and cross-sectional validation among community-dwelling older adults,2019,43,1,87-95,Kim Correlation of the Korean version of Falls Efficacy Scale-International with quantitative balance and gait parameters through exercise program in elderly men,2019,43,2,195-203,Ahn Fall risk assessment of rural elderly population in Korea,2019,43,3,269-278,Oh Determining the most appropriate assistive walking device using the inertial measurement unit-based gait analysis system in disabled patients,2020,44,1,48-57,Bae Epidemiology of spinal cord injury: changes to its cause amid aging population a single center study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lee Effects of concurrent tasks on gait performance in children with traumatic brain injury versus children with typical development,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Manaf Efficacy of an integrated training device in improving muscle strength balance and cognitive ability in older adults,2021,45,4,314-324,Roh Effect of pilates exercises on standing walking and balance in children with diplegic cerebral palsy,2022,46,1,45-52,Abd-Elfattah Early return to play after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: is it worth the risk?,2022,46,2,97-107,Török Characteristics of pediatric spinal cord injury in South Korea: a single-centered study,2022,46,5,248-255,Lee Spinal cord injury fact sheet in Korea,2023,47,1,4-10,Bang Reliability and validity of caregivers' fear of falling index when caring for home-based rehabilitation patients with fall-related fractures,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kakehi Risk factors for suicidality in individuals with spinal cord injury: a focus on physical and functional characteristics,2023,47,5,377-384,Kim Epidemiology and assessment of traumatic spinal cord injury with concomitant brain injury: an observational study in a regional trauma center,2023,47,5,385-392,Huh Epidemiology of traumatic spinal cord injury in the Himalayan range and sub-Himalayan region: a retrospective hospital data-based study,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Azam Influence of sex on dual task performance in young adults comparing cognitive and motor tasks in a cross-sectional study,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Elshorbagy Robot-assisted gait training in individuals with spinal cord injury: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials,2024,48,3,171-191,Shin