Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Measuring driver impairments: sleepiness distraction and workload,2012,3,2,22-30,Anund Linking engineering and medicine: fostering collaboration skills in interdisciplinary teams,2012,3,4,27-29,Khoo Realities of biomedical product liability suits and the role of junk science: from breast implants to TASER weapons,2012,3,5,27-32,Kroll Moving behavioral theories into the 21st century: Technological advancements for improving quality of life,2013,4,5,25-28,Nilsen Making sports safer for kids: using biomechanical devices to prevent injuries,2013,4,5,18-21,Mertz Technology comes to the playing field: New world of sports promises fewer injuries better performance,2013,4,5,12-17,Mertz How's my sleep?: personal sleep trackers are gaining in popularity but their accuracy is still open to debate,2014,5,5,14-18,Grifantini A balancing act: scientists seek to reduce the risk of falls in the elderly,2017,8,2,21-24,Berglund Tackling an epidemic: new and emerging opioid addiction treatments offer hope for solutions to this crisis,2018,9,2,22-25,Bates Natural disasters and public health,2019,10,2,24-27,Bates The danger of sleep deprivation,2019,10,4,21-24,Berglund School security?,2020,11,1,25-26,Johnson Three Outstanding Women in Science [Retrospectroscope],2017,8,5,54-64,Valentinuzzi Imaging Depression: New Biological Markers May Mean More Targeted Treatments are Just over the Horizon,2017,8,6,19-22,Berglund