Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Road rage and reasoning about responsibility,2001,14,2,195-205,Hoctor S. v Eadie: road rage incapacity and legal confusion,2001,14,,206-216,Louw Does the principle of legality require statutory crimes to have specific penalty clauses? A critical analysis of the decisions of the High Court and the Supreme Court of Appeal in DPP Western Cape v Prins,2012,25,3,379-389,Jordaan 'Bought at a price': trafficking in human beings - a brief study of the law in South Africa and the United States,2011,24,3,245-265,Subramanien In the firing fine: The South African legislative response designed to combat human trafficking,2012,25,2,252-270,Kruger The legal framework to combat human trafficking in Germany: a critical perspective,2014,27,1,1-19,Mollema Human trafficking legislation in South Africa: consent coercion and consequences,2014,27,1,20-36,Kreston Towards resuscitating the ailing public violence jurisprudence - lessons from history,2017,30,1,23-37,Khumalo Substantive equality restorative justice and the sentencing of rape offenders,2016,29,3,273-291,Spies Child justice,2016,29,3,376-388,Reyneke Reflections on the trivialisation of genocide : can we afford to part with the special stigma attached to genocide?,2016,29,2,116-139,Merwe The raison d'ĂȘtre of hate-crime laws,2016,29,2,158-172,Naidoo South Africa's rape shield : does section 227 of the Criminal Procedure Act affect an accused's fair trial rights?,2016,29,1,1-23,Omar Gacaca courts reconciliation and the politics of apology in post-genocide Rwanda,2017,30,1,38-71,Kavuro The meaning of 'force' 'violence' and 'threats of violence' for purposes of the crime of public violence,2016,29,1,44-53,Khumalo The effectiveness of sentencing as a measure to combat human trafficking,2017,30,2,198-223,Terblanche Sentencing the erstwhile child : imprisonment and committal to a child and youth care centre,2017,30,3,299-315,Noncembu The judicial relevance and impact of victim impact statements in the sentencing of rape offenders,2018,31,2,212-234,Spies The ticking clock of prescription in cases of historical sexual abuse,2018,31,3,361-390,Mitchell Firearms,2018,31,3,483-492,Carnelley The constitutional protection of child witnesses in Zimbabwe's criminal justice system,2019,32,1,52-75,Fambasayi Regional court magistrates' recommendations for improving the efficacy of taking statements from children,2019,32,2,202-222,Lochner A commentary on the principles underpinning the crime of public violence committed by means of threat of violence,2019,32,2,223-232,Khumalo Are we there yet? A look at the remaining questions on physician-assisted suicide and physician-administered euthanasia,2023,36,2,203-227,Mnyandu