Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Over our dead bodies: port arthur and Australia's fight for gun control,1999,319,7203,199,Black Drug control in sport is about protecting athletes from exploitation,2012,344,online,e4143,Symonds A case of murder and the BMJ. Was it truly murder or sudden infant death syndrome?,2002,324,7345,1096-1097,Lowry War on the roads. Evidence based prevention of these injuries is necessary,2002,325,7358,277,Hyder The neglected epidemic: road traffic injuries in developing countries,2002,324,7346,1139-1141,Nantulya To combat terrorism United Nations must be in charge,2002,324,7333,362,Kruger Complex political emergencies,2002,324,7333,310-311,Zwi Root causes of violent conflict in developing countries,2002,324,7333,342-345,Stewart Preventing domestic violence,2002,324,7332,253-254,Jewkes Reported frequency of domestic violence: cross sectional survey of women attending general practice,2002,324,7332,271,Long Closed circuit television does not reduce violence,1999,318,7200,1717,Dobson Trends in cause specific mortality across occupations in Japanese men of working age during period of economic stagnation 1980-2005: retrospective cohort study,2012,344,online,e1191,Gilmour Cost effectiveness of strategies to combat road traffic injuries in sub-Saharan Africa and South East Asia: mathematical modelling study,2012,344,online,e612,Peden What are the priorities for prevention and control of non-communicable diseases and injuries in sub-Saharan Africa and South East Asia?,2012,344,online,e586,Salomon Intervention strategies to reduce the burden of non-communicable diseases in Mexico: cost effectiveness analysis,2012,344,online,e355,Medina-Mora Sexual behaviour of adolescents in Nigeria: cross sectional survey of secondary school students,2003,326,7379,15,Zink Free smoke alarms: a fire officer responds,2003,326,7381,165,Greet Consuming alcohol on duty may have adverse consequences,2003,326,7381,165,Lee Multifactorial intervention after a fall in older people with cognitive impairment and dementia presenting to the accident and emergency department: randomised controlled trial,2003,326,7380,73,Dawson Being "tired of life" is not grounds for euthanasia,2003,326,7380,71,Sheldon Drug linked to child deaths is still available in India,2003,326,7380,70,Kumar Drinking nation: have we had enough?,2012,344,online,e2634,Appleby Austerity measures will lead to rise in unemployment and suicides says Marmot,2012,344,online,e2887,Limb Bullying victimisation and risk of self harm in early adolescence: longitudinal cohort study,2012,344,online,e2683,Moffitt Bullying in medicine. We must all learn from our unacceptable behaviour,2002,324,7340,786,Mackenzie Bullying in medicine. Both sides need help when bullying happens,2002,324,7340,786,Becker Vitamin A programme in Assam probably caused hysteria,2002,324,7340,791,West Language of self harm is somatic and needs to be learnt,2002,324,7340,788,Clark Bullying in medicine. Those who can do; those who can't bully,2002,324,7340,786,Field Risky drinking by both sexes should be tackled,2002,324,7339,738,Williamson Mentally ill mother escapes death penalty but faces life imprisonment,2002,324,7339,694,Charatan Occupational disease can also develop in non-working children,2002,325,7375,1303,Green Finland leads 31 European countries in tackling child injuries with Greece last,2012,344,online,e4008,Kmietowicz Every doctor has a duty to report suspected child abuse or neglect says GMC,2012,345,online,e4719,Dyer Dog bites,2007,334,7590,413-417,Palmer Doubts over head injury studies,2007,334,7590,392-394,Roberts Culture of secrecy must be tackled,2007,334,7590,381,Williams Drug taking and drinking among 11-15 year olds in England have fallen over past 10 years,2012,345,online,e5153,O'Dowd Preventing falls in older people,2012,345,online,e4919,Morris Integration of balance and strength training into daily life activity to reduce rate of falls in older people (the LiFE study): randomised parallel trial,2012,345,online,e4547,Cumming Suicides associated with the 2008-10 economic recession in England: time trend analysis,2012,345,,e5142,Scott-Samuel Irreversible renal damage from accidental mushroom poisoning,2012,345,online,e5262,Evans Doctors are failing to identify patients most at risk of killing report says,2006,333,7580,1188,Cole The mysterious death of Francesco I de' Medici and Bianca Cappello: an arsenic murder?,2006,333,7582,1299-1301,Bertol Subcutaneous inflammation mimicking metastatic malignancy induced by injection of mistletoe extract,2006,333,7582,1293-1294,Finall Former spy's death causes public health alert,2006,333,7579,1137,Day Effect of assertive outreach after suicide attempt in the AID (assertive intervention for deliberate self harm) trial: randomised controlled trial,2012,345,online,e4972,Nordentoft Suicide prevention,2012,345,online,e5779,Kaess Length of hospital stay for hip fracture falls by a day audit shows,2012,345,,e5940,Mayor Republicans call for changes in US healthcare and gun laws,2012,345,online,e5920,Tanne Health in the Middle East: psychological implications of Iraqi invasion,2006,333,7575,971,Reschen WHO suppressed evidence on effects of depleted uranium expert says,2006,333,7576,990,Dyer Scotland launches consultation on lowering drink driving limit,2012,345,online,e6053,Christie Violence against doctors in China,2012,345,online,e5730,Hesketh Heat related deaths could rise from 2000 to 12 000 a year by the 2080s health agency says,2012,345,,e6138,Torjesen Child mortality falls but 19 000 under 5s still die every day,2012,345,online,e6229,Gulland Local efforts are paramount in preventing suicide during recession,2012,345,online,e6387,Mathieson Pressure to keep up macho image might be behind rise in suicides among men,2012,345,,e6356,Pitts-Tucker New firework caused severe eye injuries at a public display,2012,345,online,e6579,Pringle Fewer road crashes in the year after a medical warning,2012,345,online,e6596, People who self harm have a high mortality from natural causes,2012,345,online,e6447, Moderate risk of bleeding shouldn't rule out sports in children with haemophilia,2012,345,online,e6778, News: Low cost measures should be used to tackle high suicide rate in India,2012,345,online,e6875,Limb Emergency hospital evacuation as Hurricane Sandy hits New York,2012,345,online,e7357,Davies Can suicide be prevented?,2012,345,,e7557,Kamerow Raising price of alcohol in one Canadian province led to fall in drinking finds study,2012,345,online,e7720,Tanne Accelerating suicide rate linked to economic downturn in the US,2012,345,online,e7638, More than 1000 were injured in latest violence in Gaza,2012,345,,e7989,Gulland Suicide prevention and mental illness,2012,345,online,e8201,Braithwaite Mind wandering and driving: responsibility case-control study,2012,345,,e8105,Lagarde Common sense gun policy reforms for the United States,2012,345,online,e8672,Vittes Doctor who denied he saw Iraqi detainee's injuries is struck off medical register,2012,345,,e8686,Dyer Author's reply to letters on death in heat waves,2004,328,7430,50,Keatinge Self poisoning with pesticides,2004,328,7430,42-44,Phillips Effect of low doses of ionising radiation in infancy on cognitive function in adulthood: Swedish population based cohort study,2004,328,7430,19,Trichopoulos Parents convicted of killing to have their cases reviewed,2004,328,7433,183,Dyer Cold is the main health threat after the Bam earthquake,2004,328,7431,66,Moszynski Case-control study of the effect of mechanical trauma on the risk of herpes zoster,2004,328,7437,439,Thomas Proposed system to detect child abuse could deter parents from seeking treatment pressure group says,2012,345,,e8705,Hawkes Patterns of presentation of the shaken baby syndrome: four types of inflicted brain injury predominate,2004,328,7442,766,Minns Burns caused by steam inhalation for respiratory tract infections in children,2004,328,7442,757,Murphy Shaken baby syndrome,2004,328,7442,720-721,Krous The evidence base for shaken baby syndrome,2004,328,7442,719-720,Plunkett Interventions for the prevention of falls in older adults: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised clinical trials,2004,328,7441,680,Rubenstein Preventing falls in elderly people,2004,328,7441,653-654,Gillespie ABC of eyes: Injury to the eye: orbital injuries should not be considered in isolation,2004,328,7440,644; author reply 644,Gallagher We need aggregated data on bullying in the NHS,2013,346,,f209,Hands Preventing and managing violence against women in India,2013,346,online,f229,Jain Amateur boxing and risk of chronic traumatic brain injury: systematic review of observational studies,2007,335,7624,809,Knowles Boxing and the risk of chronic brain injury,2007,335,7624,781-782,McCrory Catholic hospitals in Germany are told they must treat victims of sexual assault,2013,346,,f580,Stafford Mental health approach works better than information at preventing problem drinking in teenagers,2013,346,online,f519,Limb Local authorities must have suicide prevention plans says parliamentary report (news item),2013,346,online,f645,Torjesen Long term effect of reduced pack sizes of paracetamol on poisoning deaths and liver transplant activity in England and Wales: interrupted time series analyses,2013,346,,f403,Kapur Murder of nine polio workers in Nigeria threatens eradication efforts,2013,346,,f954,Arie An unexpected finding after a fall from a horse,2013,346,,f724,Raby Reviving research into US gun violence,2013,346,online,f980,McCarthy Problem of violence against women with HIV is unacknowledged say researchers,2013,346,online,f1087,Arie Role of gender in health disparity: the South Asian context,2004,328,7443,823-826,Fikree Evidence based policy or policy based evidence?,2004,328,7445,906-907,Marmot Mental disorders and vulnerability to homicidal death: Swedish nationwide cohort study,2013,346,,f557,Sundquist Risk of people with mental illnesses dying by homicide,2013,346,,f1336,Webb Stronger gun laws fewer deaths,2013,346,online,f1570, Cognitive function and other risk factors for mild traumatic brain injury in young men: nationwide cohort study,2013,346,online,f723,Nordström Cognitive deficits and mild traumatic brain injury,2013,346,online,f1522,Newcombe Urgent need for proactive leadership in local suicide prevention plans,2013,346,,f1529,Caan Training practitioners to deliver opportunistic multiple behaviour change counselling in primary care: a cluster randomised trial,2013,346,,f1191,McCambridge Use of caffeinated substances and risk of crashes in long distance drivers of commercial vehicles: case-control study,2013,346,,f1140,Ivers Active combat linked to criminal violence in military personnel,2013,346,online,f1717, Suicide is leading cause of death in young Indian women finds international study,2013,346,online,f1900,Kay The end of universal screening for intimate partner violence?,2013,346,online,f2532, Probable explanation of some drowning accidents,1905,1905,,908,Haworth A probable explanation of some drowning accidents,1905,1905,,626-627,Lawrie A probable explanation of some drowning accidents,1905,1905,,833,Longhurst A means of rescue in tidal drowning,1910,1910,,1521,Jones Casualties in the medical services. Army - Accidentally drowned,1917,1917,,60-61,Whincup Suicide in Scotland,1900,1900,,496-498,Sibbald Rupture of the jejunum from direct violence without external bruising,1902,1902,,507-508,Livingston Street accidents and the transport of injured persons,1903,1903,,691,Longhurst Case of perforation of the aorta by pin accidentally swallowed,1903,1903,,1490-1491,Owen Sudden illness and accidents in the streets of London,1904,1904,,1109,Dutton An unusual motor car accident,1907,1907,,1641-1642,Beatson An address on mining accidents with an account of the use of oxygen in a coalpit accident,1909,1909,,712-715,Robertson Colliery accident stations,1909,1909,,753,Rorie A clinical lecture on traumatic heart disease and compensation for "accidents",1909,1909,,885-887,Shaw The need of a vision test for drivers,1916,1916,,390,McHoul Helmet legislation and admissions to hospital for cycling related head injuries in Canadian provinces and territories: interrupted time series analysis,2013,346,online,f2674,Dennis Link between relationship violence and depression works both ways,2013,346,,f3088, Suicide among Falkland war veterans,2013,346,,f3204,Fear The Kumbh Mela stampede: disaster preparedness must bridge jurisdictions,2013,346,,f3254,Greenough How should we manage fear of falling in older adults living in the community?,2013,346,,f2933,Parry Dignitas accepts the first case of suicide for dementia from the UK (Comment),2013,346,,f3595,Dyer Forearm injury in a 5 year old boy,2013,346,,f3192,Coomber Spinal injury,2013,346,,f3374,Davies Institute of Medicine outlines research plan on US gun violence (Comment),2013,346,,f3682,McCarthy Cognitive therapy for Congolese survivors of sexual violence (Editorial),2013,346,,f3689, Bicycle helmets and the law (Editorial),2013,346,,f3817,Spiegelhalter Tear gas is a chemical weapon and Turkey should not use it to torture civilians,2013,346,,f3801,Aktan Protests in Turkey state violence and how doctors are helping: It's about much more than a park,2013,346,,f3789,Civaner Medical groups voice doubts over changes to gun background checks,2013,346,,f3941,McCarthy Domestic violence is common among women in fracture clinics,2013,346,,f3847, Responding to intimate partner and sexual violence against women,2013,346,,f3100,Sohal Lithium in the prevention of suicide in mood disorders: updated systematic review and meta-analysis,2013,346,,f3646,Cipriani Safeguarding adults at risk of harm,2013,346,,f2716,Boland Doubts about the BMA's policy on bicycle helmets,2013,347,,f4340,Watkins Injuries to health workers are common but safety checks are rare report finds,2013,347,,f4701,McCarthy Assessing risk of suicide or self harm in adults,2013,347,,f4572,Morriss Unemployment and suicides during the recession in Italy,2013,347,,f4908,De Vogli First reliable data suggest a possible increase in suicides in Greece,2013,347,,f4900,Fountoulakis Two UK people arrested for planning to take relative to Swiss suicide clinic,2013,347,,f5205,Hawkes Charity pulls out of Somalia after 22 years because of violence and abuse,2013,347,,f5150,Kmietowicz Turkish doctors accuse police of deliberately injuring protesters,2013,346,jun05 1,f3674-f3674,Hurley Comment: Mental health bill is set to decriminalise suicide in India,2013,347,,f5349,Bhaumik Young people who self harm by cutting,2013,347,,f5250,Roberts "Hardly worth the effort"? Medical journals' policies and their editors' and publishers' views on trial registration and publication bias: quantitative and qualitative study,2013,347,,f5248,Wager Indian doctors decry decision to move raped woman to Singapore,2012,345,,e8725,Mudur Effectiveness of interdisciplinary primary care approach to reduce disability in community dwelling frail older people: cluster randomised controlled trial,2013,347,,f5264,Kempen Sharing information on violence saved Cardiff {Br P}7m in health legal and social costs in 2007,2013,347,,f5668,Kmietowicz Economic recession and suicide,2013,347,,f5612,Hawton Impact of 2008 global economic crisis on suicide: Time trend study in 54 countries,2013,347,,f5239,Yip Concussion and sport,2013,347,,f5748,Hutchinson Investigating the fallout of a suicide,2013,347,,f6039,Davies Whiplash after motor vehicle crashes,2013,347,,f5966,Barnsley Course of bereavement over 8-10 years in first degree relatives and spouses of people who committed suicide: Longitudinal community based cohort study,2013,347,,f5519,de Groot Predicting psychopaths' violent behaviour is no better than chance study finds,2013,347,,f5958,Torjesen The effect of fall prevention exercise programmes on fall induced injuries in community dwelling older adults: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials,2013,347,,f6234,Dargent-Molina Course of bereavement over 8-10 years in first degree relatives and spouses of people who committed suicide: Longitudinal community based cohort study (Correction),2013,347,,f6649, Global determinants of mortality in under 5s: 10 year worldwide longitudinal study,2013,347,,f6427,Hanf GPs may be the last port of call in suicide,2013,347,,f6472,Dolton Smoking cessation treatment and risk of depression suicide and self harm in the Clinical Practice Research Datalink: prospective cohort study,2013,347,,f5704,Metcalfe Investigating the fallout of a suicide (Correction),2013,347,,f6284, Suicides in Greece: A light at the end of the tunnel,2013,347,,f6249,Michas Suicide and the law in India,2013,347,,f6975,Bagcchi Sexual violence among children is widespread within gangs report says,2013,347,,f7098,Wise Broad approach is needed to reduce gun violence US psychologists say,2013,347,,f7497,McCarthy Were James Bond's drinks shaken because of alcohol induced tremor?,2013,347,,f7255,Johnson War and public health,1999,318,7193,1295,Zwi Common sense gun policy reforms for the United States,2014,348,,g1459, Mobile phones and driving,2014,348,,g1193,Pless Health effects of the London bicycle sharing system: health impact modelling study,2014,348,,g425,Woodcock Advance directives and suicidal behaviour,2010,341,,c4557,Kapur Complicated grief after bereavement,2007,334,7601,962-963,Hawton UK legislation on analgesic packs: before and after study of long term effect on poisonings,2004,329,7474,1076,Cooper Variations in the hospital management of self harm in adults in England: observational study,2004,328,7448,1108-1109,Bennewith Helping people bereaved by suicide,2003,327,7408,177-178,Hawton Influences of the media on suicide,2002,325,7377,1374-1375,Hawton Deliberate self harm in adolescents: self report survey in schools in England,2002,325,7374,1207-1211,Rodham Doctors need training to respond to domestic violence NICE guidance says,2014,348,,g1797,Torjesen Roadside drug testing would not be much of a deterrent,2012,344,,e2133,Winstock Expert panel will examine feasibility of setting levels for drug driving,2012,344,,e73,Wise Driving after a first seizure,2010,341,,c6890,Warlow The association of early IQ and education with mortality: 65 year longitudinal study in Malmö Sweden,2009,339,,b5282,Lager Training doctors to respond to domestic violence: more than just communication skills,2014,348,,g2203,Yapp Ballistic injury,2014,348,,bmj.g1143,Clasper GP is suspended for dishonesty in preparing whiplash injury report,2014,348,,g2650,Dyer Hazardous cosleeping environments and risk factors amenable to change: case-control study of SIDS in south west England,2009,339,,b3666,Sidebotham US internists call for public health approach to gun violence in US,2014,348,,g2796,McCarthy Drowning,2014,348,,bmj.g1734,Handley New way to call time on high strength cheap alcohol,2014,348,,g2572,Gornall Medical professionalism and abuse of detainees in the war on terror,2014,348,,g2947,Soldz India's Supreme Court tells government to improve road safety record,2014,348,,g3254,Chatterjee Screening women for intimate partner violence in healthcare settings: abridged Cochrane systematic review and meta-analysis,2014,348,,g2913,Davidson India's two finger test after rape violates women and should be eliminated from medical practice,2014,348,,g3336,Khambati Schizophrenia is associated with increased rates of violence and suicide Swedish study finds,2014,348,,g3690,Wise Coding of adverse events of suicidality in clinical study reports of duloxetine for the treatment of major depressive disorder: descriptive study,2014,348,,g3555,Tendal Economic recession may have caused 10 000 extra suicides,2014,348,,g3809,O'Dowd Intimate partner violence affects men as well as women,2014,348,,g3771,Bhattacherjee Study shows that more must be done to detect domestic violence,2014,348,,g3946,Whitehouse Changes in antidepressant use by young people and suicidal behavior after FDA warnings and media coverage: quasi-experimental study,2014,348,,g3596,Copeland Lack of a practical system to respond to domestic violence,2014,348,,g3942,Fabre Falling suicide rates in China mask emerging upward trends,2014,348,,g4486,Parry Mental health patients pose high suicide risk in first two weeks after discharge inquiry finds,2014,349,,g4659,Wise Teens' smoking drinking and drug taking at decade low in England,2014,349,,g4828,Mooney Cannabis and the increased incidence and persistence of psychosis,2011,342,,d719,Degenhardt Two hour death in US execution is likely to lead to legal challenges,2014,349,,g4861,Dyer Rape in war: how a US law prevents aid for safe abortions,2014,349,,g5073,Howard Injury surveillance in Europe and the UK,2014,349,,g5337,Kirkwood WHO report says countries should do more to prevent suicides,2014,349,,g5461,Iacobucci Louis Appleby: Wants to cut suicide rate again,2014,349,,g5473, Risky business: doctors' understanding of statistics,2014,349,,g5619,Martyn Tribunal suspends GP after he told patient who was threatening suicide to go ahead,2014,349,,g5804,Dyer More data needed to interpret link between suicide and FDA warning on antidepressants,2014,349,,g5616,Case Proxy for suicide attempts was inappropriate in study of changes in antidepressant use after FDA warnings,2014,349,,g5644,Bartlett Study findings on FDA antidepressant warnings and suicide attempts in young people: a false alarm?,2014,349,,g5645,Barber Link between FDA antidepressant warnings and increased suicide attempts in young people is questionable,2014,349,,g5614,Olfson Radical Sunni doctor convicted of violent assault in demonstration is struck off medical register,2014,349,,g6206,Dyer Self harm in young people,2014,349,,g6204,House Clinical and social outcomes of adolescent self harm: population based birth cohort study,2014,349,,g5954,Lewis Margaret McCartney: After Rotherham-pattern spotting and child abuse,2014,349,,g6347,McCartney Scotland to bring in tougher drink driving law,2014,349,,g6474,Christie Don't use antipsychotics routinely to treat agitation and aggression in people with dementia,2014,349,,g6420,Ballard Suicide rates double among US soldiers between 2004 and 2009 research shows,2014,348,,g1987,McCarthy Sharing care data could save lives of vulnerable children hospital leader says,2014,348,,g1953,Iacobucci World Cup 2014: festival of football or alcohol?,2014,348,,g3772,Gornall Hip pain in an adolescent after injury while playing football,2012,345,,e6265,Machin Why the NFL is investing in health research,2012,345,,e6626,Roehr Prevention of acute knee injuries in adolescent female football players: cluster randomised controlled trial,2012,344,,e3042,Hägglund What football teaches us about researching complex health interventions,2012,345,,e8316,Clark The first 15: New Zealand doctors and rugby,2010,341,,c5127,Srinivasa Welsh rugby and the Pope. Don't worry Your Holiness!,2009,338,,b39,Gianni Effect of the Pope who would not die on Welsh rugby,2009,338,,b38,Keeley Investigation of growth development and factors associated with injury in elite schoolboy footballers: prospective study,2009,338,,b490,Johnson Rugby (the religion of Wales) and its influence on the Catholic church: should Pope Benedict XVI be worried?,2008,337,,a2768,Farewell Time to address safety in the tackle,2007,334,7606,1235,Greystoke Can the human eye detect an offside position during a football match?,2004,329,7480,1470-1472,Belda Maruenda Australia versus New Zealand: an emotional meta-analysis of rugby,2003,327,7429,1475,Silberberg Football position and atopy--both subject to the birth order effect?,2003,327,7429,1473-1474,Perkin Coroner cites football as reason for brain injury,2002,325,7373,1133,Eaton Most of UK is now out of step with rest of Europe on drink driving limits,2014,349,,g7533,Christie The Darwin Awards: sex differences in idiotic behaviour,2014,349,,g7094,Lendrem Mortality of First World War military personnel: comparison of two military cohorts,2014,349,,g7168,Wilson Cartoons kill: casualties in animated recreational theater in an objective observational new study of kids' introduction to loss of life,2014,349,,g7184,Colman Nintendo related injuries and other problems: review,2014,349,,g7267,Jalink Effect of monthly vitamin D3 supplementation in healthy adults on adverse effects of earthquakes: randomised controlled trial,2014,349,,g7260,Camargo Fear of a family member in childhood is associated with use of prescription psychotropic drugs when older study shows,2014,349,,g7789,Mayor Generosity after tsunami could threaten neglected crises,2005,330,7484,165,Moszynski Aid agencies ignored special needs of elderly people after tsunami,2005,331,7514,422,Mudur The unknown risks of youth rugby,2015,350,,h26,Carter Children whose parents attempted suicide are at raised risk of similar behaviour study finds,2015,350,,g7862,Torjesen Long working hours and alcohol use: systematic review and meta-analysis of published studies and unpublished individual participant data,2015,350,,g7772,Ladwig Youth rugby injuries need to be prioritised by funding bodies,2015,350,,h442,Hamilton Association between randomised trial evidence and global burden of disease: cross sectional study (Epidemiological Study of Randomized Trials-ESORT),2015,350,,h117,Rahimi Available evidence on risk of injury in youth rugby,2015,350,,h434,Stokes Changes in professional rugby and risk of injury in the youth game,2015,350,,h424,Powell Research on youth rugby injuries in Northern Ireland,2015,350,,h435,Archbold Torture and doctors' dual obligation,2015,350,,h589,Davies Suicide in doctors while under fitness to practise investigation,2015,350,,h813,Hawton Antidepressant use and risk of suicide and attempted suicide or self harm in people aged 20 to 64: cohort study using a primary care database,2015,350,,h517,Coupland The broader impact of walking to school among adolescents: seven day accelerometry based study,2005,331,7524,1061-1062,Cooper Antidepressants and risk of suicide,2015,350,,h783,Cheung US medical societies call for action on gun violence,2015,350,,h1027,McCarthy Assessment and management of behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia,2015,350,,h369,Kales Author's reply to letter by Trewartha and Stokes on available evidence on risk of injury in youth rugby,2015,350,,h1289,Carter Youth suicide rate in rural US is nearly double that of urban areas study finds (editorial),2015,350,,h1376,McCarthy Doctors' suicides: economic considerations and beyond,2015,350,,h1412,Manning Brain damage in American football,2015,350,,h1381,Best Chronic disease causes more visits to emergency departments while visits for injuries fall US study finds,2015,350,,h1858,McCarthy Rugby injury surveillance and prevention programmes: are they effective?,2015,350,,h1587,Kirkwood American Psychological Association colluded with US officials to bolster CIA torture program report alleges,2015,350,,h2380,McCarthy A third of Indian women who experience violence during pregnancy have complications,2015,350,,h2659,Bagcchi Children's rugby: outdated view that risk of injury is character building,2015,350,,h2507,Berger EuroTag rugby league: a semi-contact version of the game,2015,350,,h2504,Foy Drinking on special occasions shows huge increase on people's typical drinking estimates,2015,350,,h2805,Mayor Two Indian states promise to enforce act that punishes violent attacks against doctors,2015,350,,h2725,Pulla Varenicline and risk of psychiatric conditions suicidal behaviour criminal offending and transport accidents and offences: population based cohort study,2015,350,,h2388,Fazel Road traffic fatalities in Greece have continued to fall during the financial crisis,2015,350,,h3081,Michas Preparedness explains some differences between Haiti and Nepal's response to earthquake,2015,350,,h3059,Auerbach Preparedness explains some differences between Haiti and Nepal's response to earthquake,2015,350,,h3160, One in four US children exposed to weapon violence study finds,2015,350,,h3159,McCarthy Interventions for preventing or treating alcohol hangover: systematic review of randomised controlled trials,2005,331,7531,1515-1518,Verster College sexual assault defense program for women halved rape risk,2015,350,,h3242,McCarthy Benzodiazepine prescribing patterns and deaths from drug overdose among US veterans receiving opioid analgesics: case-cohort study,2015,350,,h2698,Ilgen Activists welcome Delhi government's ban on "unscientific" two finger test for rape,2015,350,,h3316,Bagcchi Drug overdose has become leading cause of death from injury in US,2015,350,,h3328,McCarthy Army suicide attempts are most likely among enlisted soldiers on first tour of duty and female soldiers US study finds,2015,351,,h3702,Wise Effectiveness of two year balance training programme on prevention of fall induced injuries in at risk women aged 75-85 living in community: Ossébo randomised controlled trial,2015,351,,h3830,Aegerter Transparency rules lead to large fall in positive trial results analysis finds,2015,351,,h4304,Mayor Predicting decline and survival in severe acute brain injury: the fourth trajectory,2015,351,,h3904,Creutzfeldt Brief intervention in emergency department does not reduce partner violence in women US study shows,2015,351,,h4205,Mayor Prediction in severe acute brain injury: early discussions with family of people with severe brain injury,2015,351,,h4568,Ball Young goths may be more vulnerable to depression and self harm study finds,2015,351,,h4643,Hawkes Murder trials begin in US against two high opioid prescribers,2015,351,,h4827,Dyer Footballers should not feign or exaggerate injuries,2015,351,,h4761,Majeed Study links SSRIs to violent crime in young adults,2015,351,,h4945,Torjesen World Rugby must review rules on tackling says public health expert,2015,351,,h5049,Kmietowicz Guidelines on safe alcohol drinking are probably about right,2015,351,,h5082,Rao Maharashtra government launches mental health programme to reduce suicide in farmers,2015,351,,h5234,Travasso Civilian deaths from weapons used in the Syrian conflict,2015,351,,h4736,Guha-Sapir Pale babies and deep perambulators,1925,1925,,1224,Nixon Pale babies and deep perambulators,1926,1926,,121-122,Hodgson Global deaths from road incidents plateau,2015,351,,h5565,Gulland The risk of fall and fracture with the initiation of a prostate-selective α antagonist: a population based cohort study,2015,351,,h5398,Fraser US pediatricians call for tougher rule enforcement to reduce football injuries,2015,351,,h5726,McCarthy Taming the international commercial surrogacy industry,2014,349,,g6334,Howard Recognising and responding to victims of human trafficking,2013,346,,f2657,Doherty Recognising and responding to victims of human trafficking,2013,346,apr29 3,f2657-f2657,Doherty California doctor convicted of murder over deaths of three patients by overdose,2015,351,,h5913,McCarthy Suicide risk assessment and intervention in people with mental illness,2015,351,,h4978,Turecki Doctors' group urges Congress to lift ban on gun violence research,2015,351,,h6672,Dyer Bloodcurdling movies and measures of coagulation: Fear Factor crossover trial,2015,351,,h6367,Rosendaal "Gunslinger's gait": a new cause of unilaterally reduced arm swing,2015,351,,h6141,Bloem Obama issues executive orders to curtail gun violence,2016,352,,i77,McCarthy A modest proposal on gun control-and a real one,2016,352,,i69,Kamerow Concussion: doctor who took on the might of American football hits the big screen,2016,352,,h6856,Gulland Chronic traumatic encephalopathy is reported in 25 year old former American football player (comment),2016,352,,h7027,McCarthy Adolescents with adversity related injury are more at risk of death than those with accidental injuries finds study (editorial),2015,351,,h6986,Kmietowicz Study on suicide risk assessment in mental illness underestimates inpatient suicide risk,2016,532,,i267,Large Misrepresenting harms in antidepressant trials,2016,352,,i217,Moncrieff Antidepressants may double risk of suicide and aggression in children study finds,2016,352,,i545,Wise Australian doctor challenges government over child detention "torture",2016,352,,i550,Woodhead Suicidality and aggression during antidepressant treatment: systematic review and meta-analyses based on clinical study reports,2016,352,,i65,Gøtzsche Effect of structured physical activity on prevention of serious fall injuries in adults aged 70-89: randomized clinical trial (LIFE Study),2016,352,,i245,Guralnik Egyptian doctors vote for free hospital care in police assault protest,2016,352,,i1001,Dyer Paper on suicidality and aggression during antidepressant treatment was flawed and the press release was misleading,2016,352,,i911,Cole-King A ban on smoking in psychiatric hospitals would reduce self burn injuries,2016,352,,i926,Dheansa Suicidality and aggression during antidepressant treatment: authors misinterpreted earlier paper from the FDA,2016,352,,i906,Stone Unsafe and understudied: the US gun problem,2016,352,,i578,Winker California doctor convicted of murder in overdose deaths is sentenced to 30 years,2016,352,,i854,McCarthy Experts seek ban on tackling in school rugby to prevent child injuries,2016,352,,i1289,O'Dowd Culture of bullying at Birmingham hospital prevented staff from reporting high cardiac death rates,2016,352,,i1451,Iacobucci Undercounting of football concussions skewed NFL research US investigation alleges,2016,352,,i1788,McCarthy Health workers sent to indigenous Canadian community beset by attempted suicides,2016,353,,i2210,Dyer Better mental healthcare in England may have reduced suicides,2016,353,,i2282,Torjesen Improving emergency care for people who self harm,2016,353,,i2440,Salisbury Changing healthcare workers' attitudes to self harm (Letter),2016,353,,i2443,Hamilton Prosecution of US psychologists who ran CIA torture program moves a step closer,2016,353,,i2454,Dyer Prevention of falls in older people living in the community,2016,353,,i1419,Vieira CBT may help people who self harm Cochrane review shows,2016,353,,i2687,Wise Man with disabilities born from incestuous rape has right to compensation rules judge,2016,353,,i2684,Dyer Methadone is responsible for over half of accidental drug poisoning deaths in toddlers,2016,353,,i2802,Torjesen We need evidence based tools to identify medically at risk drivers,2012,345,,e7087,Desapriya South Asian health: what is to be done? With peace enter diseases of old age,2004,328,7443,838,Desapriya First report on violent attacks on healthcare shows 959 deaths over two years,2016,353,,i3036,Gulland AMA calls for end to ban on gun violence research (editorial),2016,353,,i3529,Dyer AMA calls for end to ban on gun violence research,2016,353,,i3529,Dyer Australia has seen no mass shootings since it banned rapid fire long guns,2016,353,,i3527,McCarthy Tampon makers could help reduce violence against women: preventive strategies and support for a billion victims globally are hugely underfunded,2016,353,,i3465,Shanti US has worst traffic accident death rate among high income countries,2016,354,,i3799,McCarthy Sixty seconds on . . . road traffic crashes,2016,354,,i3833,Gulland Small increase in alcohol duty may cut violence related emergency department visits (Editorial),2016,354,,i3829,Mayor Diverting tampon taxes will not solve the issue of violence against women,2016,354,,i3952,Babchishin Admission for infection is linked to increased suicide risk,2016,354,,i4416,Torjesen Game on for Pokémon Go,2016,354,,i4306,McCartney Injuries before and after diagnosis of cancer: nationwide register based study,2016,354,,i4218,Shen Sexual harassment and bullying in UK surgery: no room for complacency,2016,354,,i4682,McNally Health outcomes during the 2008 financial crisis in Europe: systematic literature review,2016,354,,i4588,Ioannidis Health effects of 9/11 terror attacks continue to grow,2016,354,,i4979,Arie Burns from e-cigarettes and other electronic nicotine delivery systems,2016,354,,i5024,Williams SSRIs double the risk of suicide and violence in healthy adults (Comment),2016,355,,i5504,Torjesen US traffic deaths show sharp increase,2016,355,,i5473,McCarthy Health consequences of shift work and insufficient sleep,2016,355,,i5210,Axelsson Health professionals' stereotyping is impeding suicide prevention efforts,2016,355,,i6072,White Dog ownership has unknown risks but known health benefits: we need evidence based policy,2014,349,,g4081,Orritt Collaboration between medical and veterinary professions on the problem of dog bites,2014,349,,g5083,Mannion Maternal deaths from suicide must be tackled say experts,2016,355,,i6585,Iacobucci Irritability fear and anxiety often precede major depression in adolescents with high familial risk,2016,355,,i6601,Torjesen Syria violence is condemned as evacuation begins,2016,355,,i6750,Gulland Suicide strategy has failed and GPs need better training in assessing risk say MPs,2016,355,,i6761,O'Dowd Young children risk choking on whole grapes doctors warn,2016,355,,i6831,Wise Heading football is related to concussion symptoms study finds,2017,356,,j569,Wise Holistic view is needed to tackle bullying in the healthcare profession (letter),2017,356,,j750,Dalgleish Professional football may be linked to brain injuries usually seen in boxing (comment),2017,356,,j811,Hawkes Professionals should act on instincts if they suspect child abuse NICE says [comment],2017,356,,j934,Hawkes Suicide prevention strategy must include quicker support for patients after discharge say MPs,2017,356,,j1365,Iacobucci Mental illness and injuries: emerging health challenges of urbanisation in South Asia,2017,357,,j1126,Razzak Suicide risk article points in the wrong direction,2017,357,,j1965,Large Childhood adversity and risk of suicide: cohort study of 548 721 adolescents and young adults in Sweden,2017,357,,j1334,Björkenstam US drug regulators should consider adding adults to SSRI suicide warning says campaigner,2017,357,,j2050,Silverman Moderate alcohol consumption as risk factor for adverse brain outcomes and cognitive decline: longitudinal cohort study,2017,357,,j2353,Ebmeier Trauma staff change routines in wake of terrorist attack,2017,357,,j2736,Torjesen Smoking ban in psychiatric hospital led to drop in violent assaults,2017,357,,j2952,Gulland Grenfell Tower fire: why we cannot ignore the political determinants of health,2017,357,,j2966,McKee A GP's experience of the Grenfell Tower fire,2017,357,,j2975,Kazmi Questions remain over implementing Scottish scheme to curb harmful drinking,2017,357,,j3079,Christie Childhood intelligence in relation to major causes of death in 68 year follow-up: prospective population study,2017,357,,j2708,Batty Rape survivor is sentenced to 30 years in jail under El Salvador's extreme anti-abortion law,2017,358,,j3327,Torjesen German doctors condemn internet TV series depicting teenage suicide,2017,358,,j3367,Stafford Antidepressants and murder: case not closed,2017,358,,j3697,Adshead New Zealand campaign calls for action to prevent suicides,2017,358,,j4149,Shepherd Violent crime at GP surgeries is on the rise figures show,2017,358,,j4236,Iacobucci "It wasn't a medical miracle-we made our own luck": lessons from London and Manchester terror attacks,2017,358,,j4309,Gulland In cases of serious injury "scoop and run" improves survival compared with ambulance,2017,358,,j4430,Kmietowicz Antidepressants and murder: justice denied,2017,358,,j4196,Healy Judge questions why GMC took three years to investigate sexual assault claim,2017,359,,j4579,Dyer Banning heading in soccer would have limited effect on concussions study finds,2015,351,,h3789,Wise A young soccer player with sudden pain after kicking the ball,2015,350,,h1944,Lega Gun injuries cost U.S. nearly $3bn a year in hospital charges,2017,359,,j4641,Iacobucci Children get over bullying study shows,2017,359,,j4628,Gulland Brain injury and heading in soccer,2003,327,7411,351-352,McCrory Can we usefully stratify patients according to suicide risk?,2017,359,,j4627,Carter Using the power of the media to reduce the risk of suicide,2017,359,,j4742,Ungar Why we must defend suicide in fiction,2017,359,,j4743,Scalvini Incidence clinical management and mortality risk following self harm among children and adolescents: cohort study in primary care,2017,359,,j4351,Webb Doctor whose scrubs emitted smell of alcohol is cleared of drink driving,2017,359,,j4901,Davenport Weather related disasters increased by 46% from 2007 to 2016 review says,2017,359,,j5028,Hawkes Doctors in India still carry out "two finger test" on rape victims,2017,359,,j5337,Bagcchi Former USA Gymnastics team doctor pleads guilty to sexual assault,2017,359,,j5481,Dyer The full moon and motorcycle related mortality: population based double control study,2017,359,,j5367,Redelmeier Does pride really come before a fall? Longitudinal analysis of older English adults,2017,359,,j5451,Daly Associations of pet ownership with biomarkers of ageing: population based cohort study,2017,359,,j5558,Batty Clinical care and complicity with torture,2018,360,,k449,Rubenstein "High holidays" are linked to increased risk of fatal traffic crashes,2018,360,,k661,Kmietowicz Stronger US gun laws are linked to lower homicide and suicide rates,2018,360,,k1030,Wise Can public health strategies tackle London's rise in fatal violence?,2018,361,,k1578,Torjesen Drug misuse at heart of strategy to reduce violent crime,2018,361,,k1617,Slawther Single mild concussion increases risk of Parkinson's disease study suggests,2018,361,,k1697,Torjesen David Oliver: Falls in older people-can we really make a difference?,2018,361,,k1655,Oliver US gun massacres are preventable,2018,361,,k1664,Staines Chemical weapons are intentionally deployed against the most vulnerable groups of people,2018,361,,k1672,Gee Preventing violent crime,2018,361,,k1967,Shepherd Harsher drug prohibition won't stop violence but regulation might,2018,361,,k1999,Reed Tackling the knife violence epidemic requires a radical upgrade in public health investment,2018,361,,k2116,Cattermole US suicide rate is climbing steadily with highest prevalence in sparsely populated Western states,2018,361,,k2586,Dyer Commentary: New Zealand's full decriminalisation means police and sex workers collaborate to try to reduce violence,2018,361,,k2666,Healy Patients with cancer at 20% increased risk of suicide show figures for England,2018,361,,k2703,Mayor US government queries drug companies about alleged funding of Iraqi terrorists,2018,362,,k3425,Dyer Gunshot Gaza: hospitals struggle to treat surge in firearms injuries,2018,362,,k3445,Owen Changes in midlife death rates across racial and ethnic groups in the United States: systematic analysis of vital statistics,2018,362,,k3096,Chapman Prominent geneticist loses £3.5m grant over charges of bullying,2018,362,,k3624,Hawkes External validation of computed tomography decision rules for minor head injury: prospective multicentre cohort study in the Netherlands,2018,362,,k3527,Patka GP is struck off after being jailed for human trafficking,2018,362,,k3665,Dyer Microwave weapon caused syndrome in diplomats in Cuba US medical team believes,2018,362,,k3848,Dyer Researcher cautions against initiatives to reduce student suicide that lack evidence,2018,362,,k3969,Nunez-Mulder Science and politics of disaster death tolls: science must prevail (editorial),2018,362,,k4005,Checchi NHS will pay £20m compensation to teenager for brain injury,2018,363,,k4159,Dyer Congolese gynaecologist shares Nobel peace prize for work with war rape victims,2018,363,,k4240,Thornton Bullying and harassment cost NHS over £2bn a year study suggests,2018,363,,k4463,Torjesen Hypothermia treatment does not help traumatic brain injury study finds,2018,363,,k4482,Kmietowicz Serious illness often means financial disaster for Americans study finds,2018,363,,k4464,Tanne NHS staff get new measures to tackle violence in the workplace,2018,363,,k4603,Rimmer Bullying in the workplace: almost 40% of doctors think it is a problem BMA finds,2018,363,,k4637,Rimmer Scottish health secretary orders independent inquiry into bullying culture at NHS Highland,2018,363,,k4778,Iacobucci US life expectancy falls for third year in a row,2018,363,,k5118,Dyer Parachute use to prevent death and major trauma when jumping from aircraft: randomized controlled trial [Erratum],2018,363,,k5343, Parachute use to prevent death and major trauma when jumping from aircraft: randomized controlled trial,2018,363,,k5094,Domeier Healthcare for the Rohingya people: traumatised by violence trapped in squalor,2019,364,,k5360,Arie Mesh implants: women who need corrective surgery have higher risk of depression and self harm finds study,2019,364,,l109,Mayor Patient who shot GP with a crossbow over his father's death is guilty of attempted murder,2019,364,,l158,Dyer Formula companies' responsibility for burns awareness,2019,364,,l393,Anwar Road injuries: tackling the leading killer of young people,2019,364,,l479,Silberner Burns injuries from e-cigarettes kept in pockets,2019,364,,l554,Simpson Government review on illicit drug use and violence will not look at decriminalisation,2019,364,,l655,Wise Modern slavery: a global public health concern,2019,364,,l838,Stoklosa State gun laws gun ownership and mass shootings in the US: cross sectional time series,2019,364,,l542,Wiebe Doctors have authority to assess injuries from alleged torture says Supreme Court,2019,364,,l1121,Dyer What type of environmental assessment and modification prevents falls in community dwelling older people?,2019,364,,l880,Drummond GP suicides: LMCs call for action to reduce "appalling" numbers,2019,364,,l1286,Iacobucci Bullying: GP leaders condone victimisation of doctors conference hears,2019,364,,l1348,Rimmer Lethal autonomous weapons,2019,364,,l1171,Helfand Contribution of specific diseases and injuries to changes in health adjusted life expectancy in 187 countries from 1990 to 2013: retrospective observational study,2019,364,,l969,Guo Abandon the term "second victim",2019,364,,l1233,Clarkson Poor understanding of modern slavery in the healthcare system,2019,365,,l1449,Saunders What can clinicians do about modern slavery?,2019,365,,l1452,English Paediatrician who downloaded videos of child abuse is given suspended sentence,2019,365,,l1637,Dyer Tackling bullying and undermining in the NHS,2019,365,,l1667,Rimmer Forensic examiner who failed to examine two alleged rape victims has suspension extended by12 months,2019,365,,l1804,Dyer We need a renewed focus on primary prevention to tackle youth knife violence,2019,365,,l1769,Thompson US succeeds in diluting UN resolution on sexual violence against women,2019,365,,l1899,Hopkins Tanne Hundreds of staff may have been harmed by bullying and harassment in NHS Highland,2019,365,,l2166,Christie Everyone is affected everyone a victim,2019,365,,l2160,Vetrugno Neglecting the "second victim" will not help harmed patients or improve patient safety,2019,365,,l2167,Gómez-Durán The term "second victim" is appropriate for frontline workers,2019,365,,l2157,Petersen Merseyside launches public health approach to tackle rising violent crime,2019,365,,l2253,Iacobucci Bullying and undermining by line managers in the NHS,2019,365,,l2240,Kumar Major rise in non-suicidal self harm in England study shows,2019,365,,l4058,Mayor Escalating Congo ebola epidemic passes 2000 cases amid violence and suspicion,2019,365,,l4062,Dyer Associations between gabapentinoids and suicidal behaviour unintentional overdoses injuries road traffic incidents and violent crime: population based cohort study in Sweden,2019,365,,l2147,Fazel Carbon monoxide poisoning,2019,365,,el2299,Ashcroft US suicide rates in young people are highest since 2000,2019,365,,l4289,Mahase Indian doctors' leaders demand national law to reduce violence in hospitals,2019,365,,l4303,Sachan Alcohol sales fall in Scotland a year after minimum pricing took effect,2019,365,,l4296,Christie Bullying: Sydney hospital unit is third to be banned from training junior doctors amid concerns,2019,365,,l4420,Smith Social media: suicide promotion and anti-vaccine content must be banned says BMA,2019,365,,l4425,Rimmer GP who altered a medical report in accident insurance claim is suspended for 12 months,2019,366,,l4560,Dyer Preventing carbon monoxide poisoning,2019,366,,l4613,Jones New standard of proof for suicide at inquests in England and Wales,2019,366,,l4745,Gunnell Gun violence: US doctors' groups call for action,2019,366,,l5105,Tanne Responding to mental health needs after terror attacks,2019,366,,l4828,Brewin Social media can harm when use displaces sleep or exercise or involves bullying finds study,2019,366,,l5143,Mahase Suicide prevention in England,2019,366,,l5102,Pitman Vaping: CDC investigates severe lung injuries,2019,366,,l5228,Hopkins Tanne Clare Gerada: Preventing suicide in medical staff,2019,366,,l5231,Gerada Vaping and lung injuries: five minutes with . . . Nick Hopkinson,2019,366,,l5314,Rimmer Vaping: CDC investigation continues after patient dies from severe lung injuries,2019,366,,l5320,Iacobucci Almost half of consultant anaesthetists have had a car accident or near miss on their commute home because of fatigue,2019,366,,l5341,Rimmer US supermarket chain Walmart limits gun and ammunition sales,2019,366,,l5441,Tanne Suicide among medical students,2019,366,,l5465,Gishen Preventing suicide in medical staff: fix working conditions,2019,367,,l5783,Pendlebury Preventing suicide in medical staff: let's respect each other,2019,367,,l5833,Woods Suicide among medical students: money worries affect mental health,2019,367,,l5934,Williams Suicide among medical students: investing in our future NHS,2019,367,,l5929,D'Costa Suicide among medical students: be firm on wellbeing,2019,367,,l5935,Liney Suicides in young US people increase 56% over a decade,2019,367,,l6108,Mahase Violence in England and Wales: does media reporting match the data?,2019,367,,l6040,Humphreys Conceptualising trauma in women with long term health needs from violence,2019,367,,l6614,Ahmad Sexual violence against women: a multidisciplinary integrated care model,2019,367,,l6616,Cattaneo Intimate partner violence is just one element of "intimate terrorism",2019,367,,l6612,Gibson Proposed Ohio bill asks doctors to re-implant ectopic pregnancies or face "abortion murder" charges,2019,367,,l6818,Tanne Sixty seconds on . . . mobile phone injuries,2019,367,,l6886,Mahase US set to raise smoking age to 21 and to fund gun violence research after 20 year freeze,2019,367,,l7055,Dyer Protests in India: doctors condemn police violence and restrictions on hospital access,2020,368,,m13,Bhuyan Government orders urgent review of date rape drugs,2020,368,,m51,Wise India's medical community rallies to help protestors injured in police violence,2020,368,,m203,Bhuyan How to stop the dying as well as the killing in a terrorist attack,2020,368,,m298,Christian Caring for torture survivors: one of the most difficult but fulfilling jobs in medicine,2020,368,,m143,Silberner Paediatrician left suicide note suggesting he secretly left patients unvaccinated,2020,368,,m625,Dyer Twenty miles per hour speed zones reduce the danger to pedestrians and cyclists,2020,368,,m453,Cook Military medical response of the French gendarmerie to terrorist events,2020,368,,m803,Pasquier Associations between stopping prescriptions for opioids length of opioid treatment and overdose or suicide deaths in US veterans: observational evaluation,2020,368,,m283,Oliva Association of injury related hospital admissions with commuting by bicycle in the UK: prospective population based study,2020,368,,m336,Pell Designing better cycling infrastructure,2020,368,,m848,Lusk Efforts to reduce stillbirths deaths and injuries in babies have failed finds review,2020,368,,m1120,Eaton Association between suicide reporting in the media and suicide: systematic review and meta-analysis,2020,368,,m575,Voracek Suicide and the media: reporting could cost lives,2020,368,,m870,Gunnell Big cannabis in the UK: is industry support for wider patient access motivated by promises of recreational market worth billions?,2020,368,,m1002,Gornall US gun violence and deaths,2020,368,,m1074,Rivara Association between maternal and paternal mental illness and risk of injuries in children and adolescents: nationwide register based cohort study in Sweden,2020,369,,m853,Hasselberg Injuries in the children of parents living with mental illness,2020,369,,m1317,Kousoulis Covid-19: Indian government vows to protect healthcare workers from violence amid rising cases,2020,369,,m1631, Preventing psychological injury during the covid-19 pandemic,2020,369,,m1702,Pattani Violence against women during covid-19 pandemic restrictions,2020,369,,m1712,Garcia-Moreno Boy is set to receive millions in damages after NHS missed deliberate injuries,2020,369,,m1878,Dyer Covid-19: EU states report 60% rise in emergency calls about domestic violence,2020,369,,m1872,Mahase Minimum pricing in Scotland leads to fall in alcohol sales,2020,369,,e2324,Christie Violence against women in the covid-19 pandemic: we need upstream approaches to break the intergenerational cycle,2020,369,,em2327,Roseboom Access to firearms and adolescent suicide,2020,370,,m2829,Azrael State handgun purchase age minimums in the US and adolescent suicide rates: regression discontinuity and difference-in-differences analyses,2020,370,,m2436,Galea Beirut's battered hospitals struggle in aftermath of explosion,2020,370,,m3171,Dyer Covid-19 misinformation sparks threats and violence against doctors in Latin America,2020,370,,m3088,Taylor Sexual harassment and suicide,2020,370,,m3330,Linos Work related sexual harassment and risk of suicide and suicide attempts: prospective cohort study,2020,370,,m2984,Madsen Suicide rates continue to rise in England and Wales,2020,370,,m3431,Iacobucci Does yoga reduce the risk of falls in older people?,2020,370,,m3246,Tiedemann Rising suicide rates need population level interventions,2020,371,,m3852,Caan The surgeon solving violent crime with data sharing,2020,371,,m2987,Fulchand The surgeon solving violent crime with data sharing,2020,371,,m4122, Why I . . . ride a motorcycle,2020,371,,m4083,Robinson National data on suicide must include ethnicity,2020,371,,m4105,Bhugra Face masks vision and risk of falls,2020,371,,m4133,Young Suicide data should include more information for analysing health inequalities,2020,371,,m4241,Waterman Trends in suicide during the covid-19 pandemic,2020,371,,m4352,Pirkis University of California pays out $73m to 6600 patients of gynaecologist charged with sexual assaults,2020,371,,m4507,Dyer Toxicological analysis of George's marvellous medicine: literature review,2020,371,,m4467,Johnson Rugby players plan negligence claim for chronic traumatic encephalopathy,2020,371,,m4789,Dyer Association of high profile football matches in Europe with traffic accidents in Asia: archival study,2020,371,,m4465,Barnes Sport associated dementia,2021,372,,n168,Stewart Association between county level cannabis dispensary counts and opioid related mortality rates in the United States: panel data study,2021,372,,m4957,Hsu Cannabis liberalisation and the US opioid crisis,2021,372,,n163,Rehm Researchers must contribute to responsible reporting of suicide,2021,372,,n351,Niederkrotenthaler Researchers must contribute to responsible reporting of suicide. Correction,2021,372,,n417,The editors Low traffic neighbourhoods and population health,2021,372,,n443,Aldred Treat physical and sexual violence against women as public health problem says WHO,2021,372,,n689,Mahase Domestic violence during the pandemic,2021,372,,n722,Feder Correction: Domestic violence during the pandemic,2021,372,,n753,The editors Another epidemic: abuse and violence towards doctors from patients and the public,2021,372,,n739,Oxtoby What has been the effect of covid-19 on suicide rates?,2021,372,,834,Appleby E-health StandingTall balance exercise for fall prevention in older people: results of a two year randomised controlled trial,2021,373,,n740,Lord Biden outlines plans to reduce US gun violence,2021,373,,n940,Tanne Covid-19: suicide rates were static in rich countries in first months of pandemic study finds,2021,373,,n977,Wise Cycling in urban environments: benefits of public bicycle schemes must be evaluated carefully,2011,343,,d5771,Fishman Sixty seconds on . . . concussion in football (editorial),2021,373,,n1119,Iacobucci Suicide and self-harm in adult survivors of critical illness: population based cohort study,2021,373,,n973,Tanuseputro Identifying and responding to domestic violence and abuse in healthcare settings,2021,373,,n1047,Boyle The need for compassionate self-harm services,2021,373,,n1478,Quinlivan Bullying will continue as long as the GMC accepts referrals without question,2021,374,,n1836,Beerstecher Violence against women and girls,2021,374,,n1926,Stöckl "Hidden" cost of the pandemic: drug overdose deaths,2021,374,,n1929,Kamerow Supporting victims of sexual assault: the forensic medicine doctor,2021,374,,n1946,Jones Correction: E-health StandingTall balance exercise for fall prevention in older people: results of a two year randomised controlled trial,2021,374,,n1908, Rugby players lose cognitive function and blood flow to the brain over one season study shows,2021,374,,n2161,Taylor A third of ethnic minority staff working in mental health trusts have experienced harassment bullying or abuse at work,2021,374,,n2220,Rimmer Use of antipsychotic drugs and cholinesterase inhibitors and risk of falls and fractures: self-controlled case series,2021,374,,n1925,Man The "shadow pandemic" of domestic violence [editorial],2021,374,,n2166,Jain Heading concussion and dementia: how medicine is changing football forever,2021,374,,n2343,Taylor US hospitals tighten security as violence against staff surges during pandemic,2021,375,,n2442,Dyer Myanmar doctors are under fire from the military and covid-19,2021,375,,n2409,Howard Effect of dietary sources of calcium and protein on hip fractures and falls in older adults in residential care: cluster randomised controlled trial,2021,375,,n2364,Nguyen Covid-19: gun violence in US increased 30% during pandemic,2021,375,,n2580,Tanne GPs may help people at risk of self-harm by asking open questions and acknowledging distress,2021,375,,n2380,Saul Covid-19 and laws for workplace violence in healthcare,2021,375,,n2776,Devnani Covid-19 and violence against women and children: time to mitigate the shadow pandemic,2021,375,,n2903,Fogstad Advice by mail is as effective as targeted interventions in preventing injuries from falls,2021,375,,n2929,Saul Multifactorial falls prevention programme compared with usual care in UK care homes for older people: multicentre cluster randomised controlled trial with economic evaluation,2021,375,,e066991,Gladman Association of Logic's hip hop song "1-800-273-8255" with Lifeline calls and suicides in the United States: interrupted time series analysis,2021,375,,e067726,Voracek We all fall down: head injuries in nursery rhyme characters,2021,375,,e068256,Patton Role of energy in preventing heat related illness [letter],2021,375,,n3117,Lang Violence against women and girls has long term health consequences,2021,375,,e069311,Koenen Sixty seconds on . . . lockdown injuries,2022,376,,o32,Christie Sexual assault and harassment in medicine: we need actions not words [editorial],2022,376,,o229,Knight Burns with emollients,2022,376,,e066102,Williams Ukraine invasion: why I fear for Ukraine's healthcare workers,2022,376,,o605,Nott Doctors were targets for bullying and racism at Midlands trust review finds,2022,377,,o952,Waters Cuban doctors can sue PAHO for aiding alleged "forced labour" trafficking to Brazil US court rules,2022,377,,o962,Dyer Sexual violence in Ukraine,2022,377,,o1016,Mannell GMC sets out plans for doctors to report bullying harassment and discrimination,2022,377,,o1020,Waters Sexual violence as a weapon of war in Ukraine,2022,377,,o1172,Boesten US gun murders reached 25 year high in 2020,2022,377,,o1188,Tanne Covid-19: Suicide rates fell during Brazil's first wave but increased in older people,2022,377,,o1351,Taylor Higher risk of suicide should prompt calls for better mental healthcare and support not legalised assisted dying,2022,377,,o1322,Sleeman The sickening toll of US gun violence continues to rise,2022,377,,o1372,Kamerow Violent incidents at GP surgeries double in five years BMJ investigation finds,2022,377,,o1333,Iacobucci Doctors targeted and hospitals close amid gang violence in Haiti,2022,377,,o1366,Taylor Political environment and mortality rates in the United States 2001-19: population based cross sectional analysis,2022,377,,e069308,Nasir US doctors redouble calls for gun control after hospital shooting,2022,377,,o1412,Dyer How the US can have guns but fewer gun problems,2022,377,,o1416,Hemenway Judge criticises "unacceptable" waits for postmortem results in suspected child homicide cases,2022,377,,o1501,Dyer US Supreme Court ends New York's restriction on carrying firearms as Senate passes gun regulations [editorial],2022,377,,o1563,Tanne Women are left vulnerable as Haiti's spiralling gang violence and healthcare crisis intensifies,2022,378,,o2065,Taylor Conflict climate change and COVID-19 combine to create a breeding ground for sexual and gender based violence,2022,378,,o2093,Clark Every pregnancy associated violent death should be considered preventable say researchers,2022,378,,o2223,Wise Psychiatrist died by suicide four days after learning of GMC investigation (editorial),2022,378,,o2328,Dyer Association between initiation of fluoroquinolones and hospital admission or emergency department visit for suicidality: population based cohort study,2022,379,,e069931,Gagne Former rugby players may be 15 times as likely to develop motor neuron disease study finds,2022,379,,o2392,Mahase US gun deaths increased by 35% during the early covid-19 pandemic [editorial],2022,379,,o2430,Tanne Caring for the carers: we need to talk about tackling staff suicide,2022,379,,o2434,Potter Homicide is a leading cause of death for pregnant women in US,2022,379,,o2499,Koenen Social media self-harm and suicide: we should be promoting research informed decision making about how and what to regulate,2022,379,,o2583,House Correction: Violence against adolescents: prevention must cross the divide between children and women,2022,379,,o2635, Development and external validation of a risk prediction model for falls in patients with an indication for antihypertensive treatment: retrospective cohort study,2022,379,,e070918,Clegg AMA establishes taskforce to prevent US gun violence,2022,379,,o2777,Tanne World Cup: concussion protocol in Iran-England match was "utter disgrace" says charity,2022,379,,o2818,Iacobucci Where is the land and indigenous knowledge in understanding land trauma and land based violence in climate change?,2022,379,,o2790,Ahmad Health and social services staff missed chances to protect murdered 5 year old from dangers at home,2022,379,,o2874,Dyer Scottish footballers are advised to limit heading the ball over brain injury fears,2022,379,,o2885,Christie Forensic examiner who failed to examine alleged rape victims is struck off,2022,379,,o2889,Dyer GMC needs to take a more proactive role in preventing harm and suicide in doctors under investigation,2022,379,,o2883,Esmail Scarlett McNally: prioritising the health of our children by reducing road traffic deaths,2022,379,,o2862,McNally Domestic abuse is important risk factor for suicide,2022,379,,o2890,Howard University hospitals Birmingham: inquiries launched into concerns about bullying and patient safety,2022,379,,o3014,Torjesen Ugly side of the beautiful game: the football world cup and domestic violence,2022,379,,o3021,Laslett Alcohol related disorders among elite male football players in Sweden: nationwide cohort study,2022,379,,e074093,Forssblad Covid-19: UK saw largest fall of 25 European countries in orthopaedic surgery rates during pandemic,2022,379,,o2955,O'Dowd Former GP gets two more life sentences after second trial for sexual assaults against patients,2023,380,,p80,Dyer Concussion protocol in Iran-England match: to watch the ball or the footballer?,2023,380,,p138,Demas Giving alcohol sports marketing the red card in Scotland [letter],2023,380,,p161,Graham Promise and perils of Canada's new action plan to end gender based violence,2022,379,,o2948,Du Mont Earthquakes in Turkey: scale of task is enormous as crossings into Syria open up says UN [editorial],2023,380,,p373,Howard Earthquakes in Turkey and Syria-collaboration is needed to mitigate longer terms risks to health,2023,380,,p559,Abbara Five US medical associations form coalition against gun violence,2023,380,,p592,Tanne Minimum unit pricing in Scotland is associated with 13% fall in alcohol deaths study finds [editorial],2023,380,,p672,Iacobucci Trust must tackle "bullying and toxic" culture that is putting patient care at risk says review,2023,380,,p751,Dyer Deaths from alcohol related injuries in Australia doubled in a decade,2023,381,,p774,Barrett Despite historic bans south Asia still struggles with pesticide suicides,2023,381,,p678,Sarkar Lack of specialist help leaves A&E staff at risk of missing cases of child abuse,2023,381,,p835,Dyer "Helping people get back on their feet"-UK doctors in Turkey share their earthquake stories,2023,381,,p781,Mahase Sudan: WHO calls for protection of health workers and patients amid increased violence,2023,381,,p892,Iacobucci Suicide in young people: screening risk assessment and intervention,2023,381,,e070630,Horowitz Rising fatalities injuries and NHS costs: dog bites as a public health problem,2023,381,,p879,Waters Any sportsperson with suspected concussion should stop playing says new UK guidance,2023,381,,p915,Iacobucci Injury prevention: a strong case for urgent action,2023,381,,p937,Watson Association of early life physical and sexual abuse with premature mortality among female nurses: prospective cohort study,2023,381,,e073613,Roberts Beefed up security or blocking patients: how to respond to patient violence,2023,381,,p995,Howard Kerala state tightens law to protect doctors from violence,2023,381,,p1174,Thiagarajan Rising rates of perinatal suicide,2023,381,,e075414,Dolman How many more people will be abused before we act on sexual violence in healthcare?,2023,381,,p1094,Searle With sexual harassment or assault what you permit you promote,2023,381,,p1117,Fleming Medical colleges and unions call for inquiry over "shocking" levels of sexual assault in the NHS,2023,381,,p1105,Torjesen "The trust had no sexual assault policy and nobody answered the Speak Up phone line",2023,381,,p1066,Torjesen Surgeon is struck off for sexually assaulting a junior female colleague,2023,381,,p1215,Dyer Mea culpa: "correcting" my 2012 BMJ article on the Abolitionists and calling on medical institutions to research their links with slavery,2023,381,,p1245,Smith Concussion in sport: better studies needed to assess long term health effects experts say,2023,381,,p1375,Limb Coroner asks drug regulator to review advice about ciprofloxacin after doctor's suicide,2023,381,,p1418,Dyer Disability should not be a death sentence: global disaster response must be inclusive,2023,381,,p1440,Fefoame Psychiatrist is jailed for running website dedicated to child abuse,2023,381,,p1485,Dyer Doctors call for drink driving limit to be lowered to match other European countries,2023,382,,p1552,Mahase Forearm injury in a young boy,2023,382,,e073925,Liu Health workers are in a unique position to help identify human trafficking,2023,382,,p1745,Stoklosa Trusts should review policies for handling sexual assault and harassment of staff and patients NHS England says,2023,382,,p1758,Torjesen Banning toxic pesticides is effective at preventing suicides in South Asia [editorial],2023,382,,p1838,Eddleston Effect of a smartphone intervention as a secondary prevention for use among university students with unhealthy alcohol use: randomised controlled trial,2023,382,,e073713,Bertholet Drug deaths fall in Scotland but major problems persist,2023,382,,p1947,Christie We must change course to create a world free from the threats of nuclear annihilation and armed violence,2023,382,,p1944,Khadka Doctor who was sexually assaulted at work wins case against trust after it asked colleagues if she had "inappropriate relationships",2023,382,,p1967,Davies Violence against doctors exposes the inequalities in Indian medicine,2023,382,,p1803,Touhid Government pledges to reduce suicides in England over the next two years,2023,382,,p2083,Mahase Nearly a third of female surgeons have been sexually assaulted by a colleague survey finds,2023,382,,p2090,Rimmer Reframing Iran's woman life freedom movement: from gender violence to state violence,2023,382,,p2120,Dehghan We must confront sexual violence in the NHS to prevent further institutional harm,2023,382,,p2118,Greenfield How to identify and manage sports related concussions in primary care,2023,382,,e073161,Heron Biden establishes top level office to reduce gun violence "to send a clear message to the country" [editorial],2023,382,,p2209,Tanne We need irreversible elimination of all stockpiles of nuclear weapons,2023,382,,p2242,Boulton Asylum seekers' boats: from the perils of drowning to the hazards of Legionnaires' disease,2023,383,,p2290,Bhopal Israel and Gaza: MSF calls for end to "indiscriminate violence and collective punishment",2023,383,,p2383,Mahase Afghanistan: 114 000 people need lifesaving healthcare after earthquakes says WHO,2023,383,,p2452,Mahase Correction: Development and external validation of a risk prediction model for falls in patients with an indication for antihypertensive treatment: retrospective cohort study,2023,383,,p2267,The editors Trusts are using unvalidated suicide risk tools against NICE guidance researchers warn,2023,383,,p2492,Mahase The healthcare community must approach the violence in Israel and Gaza with inclusive compassion,2023,383,,p2645,Shahid Systematic sexism and sexual violence harm doctors' pay and career chances report finds,2023,383,,p2744,Iacobucci US medical schools should teach students how to counsel patients on firearm injury prevention,2023,383,,p2826,Mercado US firearm suicides reached "unprecedented" high last year data show,2023,383,,p2872,Tanne New suicide surveillance system launched in England,2023,383,,p2850,Iacobucci Cheers not tears: champagne corks and eye injury,2023,383,,p2520,Lee The man helping prevent suicide with Google adverts,2023,383,,p2847,Looi Perinatal depression and risk of mortality: nationwide register based study in Sweden,2024,384,,e075462,Shen All cause and cause specific mortality in obsessive-compulsive disorder: nationwide matched cohort and sibling cohort study,2024,384,,e077564,Lichtenstein Use of nitrogen in US execution may constitute torture warns human rights agency,2024,384,,q145,Wise US states that ban abortion have had nearly 65 000 pregnancies from rape data show,2024,384,,q223,Tanne Malnutrition and sexual violence rates surge as half a million cross the Darién Gap,2024,384,,q318,Taylor Preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses: the PRISMA statement,2009,339,,b2535,Moher The effect of exercise on suicide in people with depression,2024,384,,q609,Fabiano Trainees are removed from London surgery department after findings of bullying and poor supervision,2024,385,,q906,Rimmer Big alcohol: universities and schools urged to throw out industry-funded public health advice,2024,385,,q851,Davies Action demanded on alcohol as deaths hit record levels,2024,385,,q963,Christie The risk of falls in older people prescribed antihypertensives … and other research,2024,385,,q970,Robinson Deprescribing in older adults with polypharmacy,2024,385,,e074892,Pavon Nearly one in three American teenage girls had suicidal thoughts in 2021 finds CDC,2023,380,,e380,Mahase Suicide rate is decreasing in England and Wales,2000,320,7227,75A,Yamey Continuous observation of patients at risk of self harm is often ineffective finds safety report,2024,385,,q1061,Wise How can we support staff after the death by suicide of a colleague?,2024,385,,q1049,Rimmer Global child mortality falls to historic low,2024,385,,q1077,English Medical patients should be asked about ideas of suicide,2000,320,7245,F, Advanced directives and suicidal behaviour. What to do about treatment refusal at 3 am?,2010,341,,c5477,Davies Violence against health staff in conflict zones reached record high in 2023,2024,385,,q1140,Mahase Isotretinoin: experts convene to investigate new concerns over suicide risk,2019,367,,l7085,Mahase GPs share stories of patient violence amid calls for tougher sanctions against perpetrators,2024,385,,q1159,Rimmer End of life decisions: Authors respond to editorial,2009,339,7722,e648,Van Casteren Risk of psychiatric side effects with varenicline,2009,339,7733,e1272,Moore Do it properly or not at all,2010,340,7750,e775,Seale On the contrary: Good and bad coroner stories,2010,340,7744,e454,Delamothe Suicide and euthanasia paradox: Author's reply,2010,341,7771,e474,MacCormick Reducing the health inequalities associated with employment conditions,2010,340,7761,1392-1395,Benach A clockwork orange,2011,342,7802,,Ingle Empathy or imperturbability?,2012,344,7861,,Smith Editor's reply to Harlow and colleagues,2013,347,,,Godlee Deaths from tramadol and legal highs reach new highs in England and Wales,2013,347,,,Hawkes Long term effect of depression care management on mortality in older adults: Follow-up of cluster randomized clinical trial in primary care,2013,346,7911,,Bruce Legalising assisted dying puts vulnerable patients at risk and doctors must speak up,2013,346,,,Noble New bid to legalise assisted suicide reaches Scottish parliament,2013,347,,,Christie Suicidal memes,2013,346,,,Ellis Bariatric surgery for obesity and metabolic conditions in adults,2014,349,,,Arterburn Why public opinion should not enter the debate about assisted dying,2014,349,,,Hughes Why the assisted dying bill is not needed in England and Wales,2014,349,,,Anthony-Pillai Maternal mortality in eight European countries with enhanced surveillance systems: descriptive population based study,2022,379,,e070621,Gissler Suicidal girl is placed in rented house after council fails to find therapeutic placement,2022,379,,o2485,Dyer GP died by suicide after pressure from job became "overwhelming" says husband,2022,378,,o1983,Wise Ketamine for the acute treatment of severe suicidal ideation: double blind randomised placebo controlled trial,2022,376,,e067194,Courtet Ketamine for suicidal ideation: heed lessons from opiate epidemic,2022,376,,o597,Breen Improve coding practices for patients in suicidal crisis,2021,375,,n2480,Saini Heavy metal toxicity and mortality-association between density of heavy metal bands and cause specific hospital admissions and mortality: population based cohort study,2021,375,,e067633,Martikainen The UK government's migration policy plans will only cause more suffering and death,2021,375,,n2962,McCann Doxycycline: Coroner calls for MHRA to review side effects after student jumped from plane,2020,371,,m4102,Dyer Evidence on managing deliberate self harm is limited,1998,317,7156,D, People who decline psychiatric assessment are more likely to repeat self harm,1998,317,7164,E, Suicide risk is increased in stroke,1998,316,7139,D, Unemployment independently increases risk of suicide,1998,317,7168,E, Social fragmentation is associated with high suicide risk,1999,319,7216,D, Admissions for myocardial infarction and World Cup football: database survey,2002,325,7378,1439-1442,MacLeod Bipolar affective disorder. Suicide statistics were misleading,2002,324,7343,976; author reply 976,Morriss Burden of illness and suicide in elderly people: case-control study,2002,324,7350,e1355,Allebeck Burden of illness and suicide in elderly people. Physical disease and depression are prevalent in elderly Finnish suicide victims,2002,325,7361,e441,Sarkioja Burden of illness and suicide in elderly people. Death where's thy sting?,2002,325,7361,e441,Charatan First episode psychosis. Patients must be asked about suicidal ideation and substance misuse,2002,324,7343,e976,Sandor Homosexual related legislation does not reduce suicidal intent in sexual minority groups,2002,325,7373,e1176,Mathy Suicide after parasuicide,2002,325,7373,1125-1126,Runeson Suicide rate 22 years after parasuicide: cohort study,2002,325,7373,e1155,Tyrer Woman who had attended euthanasia workshop kills herself,2002,325,7376,e1320,Zinn Death risk other than from suicide is raised in self harm,2003,326,7387,e499,Pelosi GMC health procedures,2003,326,7391,S106,Brewer Media influence on suicide. Television programme makers have an ethical responsibility,2003,326,7387,e498,Howe Media influence on suicide. Media influence behaviour,2003,326,7387,e498,Leydon Media influence on suicide. Media's role is double edged,2003,326,7387,e498,Yip Mortality in Swedish women with cosmetic breast implants: study found increased risk of suicides and cancer deaths,2003,326,7401,e1266,Zuckerman NHS criticised over suicide of mentally ill doctor,2003,327,7422,e1008,Singh Risk of suicide in twins: 51 year follow up study,2003,327,7411,373-374,Juel Risk of suicide and spouse's psychiatric illness or suicide: nested case-control study,2003,327,7422,1025-1026,Agerbo Risk of suicide in twins: no protective effect is needed to explain the findings,2003,327,7424,1168; author reply 1169,Verberne Risk of suicide in twins: intelligence of twins and singletons may explain risk,2003,327,7424,1168; author reply 1169,Voracek Suicide among women prisoners at a record high report says,2003,327,7407,e122,Dyer Antidepressants and suicide: rising prescription rate does not mean rising rate of new users,2004,329,7463,461; author reply 461-462,Healy Antidepressants and suicide: risk of completed suicide is not the same as risk of deliberate self harm,2004,329,7463,461; author reply 461-462,Mitchell FDA again reviews antidepressants,2004,329,7464,e475,Tanne FDA to review risks of antidepressants in adults,2004,329,7470,e816,Lenzer Hospital management of self harm in adults in England: study contains important data not reported in the paper,2004,328,7453,1440; author reply 1440,Mitchell Secret US report surfaces on antidepressants in children,2004,329,7461,e307,Lenzer Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors,2004,329,7470,809-810,Cipriani Do selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors cause suicide? Let's keep it in perspective,2005,330,7500,1149; author reply 1150,Streiner Grieving the death of a child: supporting health professionals who care for grieving patients may benefit all,2006,332,7544,794-795,Vrabtchev Grieving the death of a child: clinicians should ensure that lethal drugs are handed back,2006,332,7544,e794,Byrne Self harm in Goth youth subculture: authors' reply,2006,332,7553,e1335,West Are advance directives legally binding or simply the starting point for discussion on patients' best interests?,2009,339,,b4667,Bonner Mefloquine has more adverse effects than other drugs for malaria prophylaxis,2009,339,,b4167,Eaton Risk of suicidal behaviour in adults taking antidepressants,2009,339,,b3066,Cipriani Barriers to suicide. Strategies at Bloor Viaduct,2010,341,,c4447,Sakinofsky Chronic fatigue syndrome,2010,340,,c738,Hotopf Chronic fatigue syndrome. Severely affected severely neglected,2010,340,,c1181,Shepherd Doctors continue fight for David Kelly inquest despite release of autopsy report,2010,341,,c6013,Dyer Integrated motivational interviewing and cognitive behavioural therapy for people with psychosis and comorbid substance misuse: randomised controlled trial,2010,341,,c6325,Barrowclough Long term treatment of depression with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and newer antidepressants,2010,340,,c1468,Barbui Mentally disordered or lacking capacity? Lessons for management of serious deliberate self harm,2010,341,,c4489,Hotopf Media and suicide. Papageno v Werther effect,2010,341,,c5841,Voracek Nested case-control studies,2010,340,,c2582,Sedgwick Suicide and euthanasia paradox. Between blind rebuttal and the knacker's bolt,2010,341,,c4706,Slater Will the new UK government change our approach to risk?,2010,341,,c3890,Cole-King Atypical antipsychotic drugs. Two points of clinical interest,2011,342,,d2148,Krishnadas Depression in older adults,2011,343,,d5219,Walker Ethical dilemmas in the acute setting: a framework for clinicians,2011,343,,d5528,Whitaker Japan's suicide rate is expected to rise after triple disasters in March,2011,343,,d5839,Blair Giving support to a suicidal person,2011,343,,d5680,Jorm Mid-Stafforshire chief executive considered suicide after publication of damning report,2011,343,,d6409,Dyer Psychiatrist is accused of undermining stability of 14 year old,2011,342,,d2773,Dyer Clare Gerada: The aftermath of a colleague's suicide,2019,365,,l2290,Gerada Gabapentinoids linked to new risks including suicidal behaviour,2019,365,,l4021,Tracy GPs should provide tailored support to people bereaved by suicide says NICE,2019,366,,l5498,Wise Medical students and suicide,2017,357,,j1460,Munn Make sure basic needs are met first,2019,367,,l6114,Byrne Suicide falls by a third globally,2019,364,,l416,Matthay Suicide in anaesthetists: five minutes with . . . Samantha Shinde,2019,367,,l6781,Rimmer Exploring thoughts of suicide,2017,356,,j1128,Leach Government is in dark about scale of mental health problems in prisons says NAO,2017,357,,j3169,Limb Family court judge "ashamed" that NHS cannot find bed for suicidal teenager,2017,358,,j3767,Dyer Junior doctor is found dead at Taunton hospital,2017,358,,j3747,Rimmer Removal of all ovarian tissue versus conserving ovarian tissue at time of hysterectomy in premenopausal patients with benign disease: study using routine data and data linkage,2017,356,,j372,Lilford Suicidal thoughts and behaviours are influenced by many factors,2017,357,,j1962,Kruger The BMJ Awards 2017: Mental Health,2017,357,,j1917,Hawkes Suicides among junior doctors in the NHS,2017,357,,j2527,McKee Suicide on TV: minimising the risk to vulnerable viewers,2017,358,,j3876,Niederkrotenthaler Continuous observation for self-harm may be effective in psychiatric settings globally,2024,385,,q1346,Prakash