Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Social indicators and public policy,1975,7,1,41-51,Little The choice of futures,1975,7,4,329-334,Thring The hudson report,1975,7,2,165-169,Bellini Educating to understand the problems of peace,1975,7,1,52-57,Galtung Technicalities and fantasy about men and women,1975,7,5,414-419,Jahoda Examining alternative futures,1975,7,3,221-229,Knop An evolutionary and life history perspective on the role of males on human futures,2011,43,8,729-739,Bribiescas Human nature or human natures?,2011,43,8,740-748,Frost Postnormal Science and the maturing of the structural contradictions of modern European science,2011,43,2,142-148,Ravetz Civilizational futures: Clashes or alternative visions in the age of globalization?,2010,42,6,545-552,Aydin The Fermi paradox Bayes' rule and existential risk management,2017,86,,44-57,Miller Envisioning the future for older adults: autonomy health well-being and social connectedness with technology support,2017,87,,133-139,Rogers The siren call of probability: dangers associated with using probability for consideration of the future,2017,88,,43-54,Derbyshire Transdisciplinary forward-looking agenda setting for age-friendly human centered cities,2017,90,,16-30,Gudowsky When the earth shakes … and science with it. the management and communication of uncertainty in the L'Aquila earthquake,2017,91,,35-45,De Marchi What is wrong with evidence based policy and how can it be improved?,2017,91,,62-71,Saltelli Virtual suicide and other ethical issues of emerging information technologies,2013,50,,35-43,Stahl