Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The Role of Victims in Criminal Proceedings - Lessons National Jurisdictions can learn from the ICC,2010,21,3-4,399-415,Nsereko Joint Criminal Enterprise at the ECCC: A Critical Analysis of the Pre-Trial Chamber's Decision Against the Application of JCE III and two Divergent Commentaries on the Same,2010,21,3-4,445-494,Karnavas The Attrition of Capital Punishment Worldwide as the American Law Institute Withdraws its Model Penal Code Provision Recommending how to do it,2010,21,3-4,511-525,Clark Marital stress or grounds for divorce? Re-thinking the relationship between R2P and international criminal justice,2015,26,1,13-50,Stahn "Complete labelling" and domestic prosecutions for crimes against humanity,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Eskauriatza Women Accused of International Crimes: A Trans-Disciplinary Inquiry and Methodology,2016,27,2,159-226,Linton Long Overdue: Decriminalisation of Attempted Suicide in Nigeria,2020,31,2,225-249,Onyemelukwe