Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Considering capital punishment as a human interaction,2013,7,2,367-382,Bennett Legal vices and civic virtue: vice crimes Republicanism and the corruption of lawfulness,2013,7,1,61-82,Yankah Punishment socially deprived offenders and democratic community,2013,7,1,121-136,Howard Victimless conduct and the volenti maxim: how consent works,2013,7,1,11-27,Dempsey Criminalizing health-related behaviors dangerous to others? disease transmission transmission-facilitation and the importance of trust,2012,6,1,47-63,Francis Intoxication and culpability,2012,6,3,363-379,Husak Criminal law the victim and community: The shades of 'we' and the conceptual involvement of community in contemporary criminal law theory,2014,8,1,205-215,Peršak Victim and society: Sharing wrongs but in which roles?,2014,8,1,187-203,Lernestedt Stateless crimes legitimacy and international criminal law: the case of organ trafficking,2010,4,3,283-295,Francis Robotic rape and robotic child sexual abuse: should they be criminalised?,2017,11,1,71-95,Danaher Corrective justice as a principle of criminal law: a prolegomenon,2018,12,4,605-623,Poama Do criminal offenders have a right to neurorehabilitation?,2023,17,2,429-451,Dore-Horgan 'Debating the Morality and Legality of Medically Assisted Dying'. Critical Notice of Emily Jackson and John Keown Debating Euthanasia. Oxford: Hart Publishing 2012,2013,7,1,151-160,Young The Enforcement of Morals Revisited,2013,7,3,435-454,Arneson The Ideal of the Presumption of Innocence,2014,8,2,449-467,Tadros Reply to Williams,2015,9,2,331-335,Sumner The Practice of Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide Meets the Concept of Legalization,2019,13,2,329-345,Luzon