Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The good behavior game and the future of prevention and treatment,2011,6,1,73-84,Poduska Risk of future trauma based on alcohol screening scores: A two-year prospective cohort study among US veterans,2012,7,1,6,Bradley Brief alcohol intervention in a psychiatric outpatient setting: a randomized controlled study,2012,7,1,23,Jansson Pragmatic randomized controlled trial of providing access to a brief personalized alcohol feedback intervention in university students,2012,7,1,21,Neighbors A qualitative study of anticipated barriers and facilitators to the implementation of nurse-delivered alcohol screening brief intervention and referral to treatment for hospitalized patients in a Veterans Affairs medical center,2012,7,1,7,Kraemer Can screening and brief intervention lead to population-level reductions in alcohol-related harm?,2012,7,1,15,Heather When wanting to change is not enough: automatic appetitive processes moderate the effects of a brief alcohol intervention in hazardous-drinking college students,2012,7,1,25,Palfai Feasibility of a computer-assisted alcohol SBIRT program in an urban emergency department: patient and research staff perspectives,2013,8,1,2,Bijur Randomized clinical trial of the effects of screening and brief intervention for illicit drug use: the life shift/shift gears study,2014,9,1,8,Shillington Opioid use in Albuquerque New Mexico: a needs assessment of recent changes and treatment availability,2014,9,1,10,Greenfield Mobile phone brief intervention applications for risky alcohol use among university students: A randomized controlled study,2014,9,1,11,Berman Release from incarceration relapse to opioid use and the potential for buprenorphine maintenance treatment: a qualitative study of the perceptions of former inmates with opioid use disorder,2015,10,1,2,Weiss Designer drugs 2015: assessment and management,2015,10,1,1-9,Gunderson Alcohol brief intervention for hospitalized veterans with hazardous drinking: protocol for a 3-arm randomized controlled efficacy trial,2015,10,1,13,Hanusa A pilot study comparing in-person and web-based motivational interviewing among adults with a first-time DUI offense,2015,10,1,18,D'Amico Feasibility of a computer-assisted alcohol screening brief intervention and referral to treatment program for DWI offenders,2015,10,1,25,Dougherty Implementation of nasal naloxone across health-care settings: a case report from Ohio,2015,10,Suppl 1,A72,Winstanley Benzodiazepine prescribing patterns and drug overdose mortality among individuals receiving opioid analgesics,2015,10,Suppl 1,A48,Ilgen Physician versus non-physician delivery of alcohol screening brief intervention and referral to treatment in adult primary care: the ADVISe cluster randomized controlled implementation trial,2015,10,1,26,Mertens Study protocol for a web-based personalized normative feedback alcohol intervention for young adult veterans,2016,11,1,e6,Marshall Study design to evaluate cognitive behavioral therapy among a diverse sample of adults with a first-time DUI offense,2016,11,1,e7,Miles Examining multi-session brief intervention for substance use in primary care: research methods of a randomized controlled trial,2016,11,1,e8,Kirby Drinking to toxicity: college students referred for emergency medical evaluation,2016,11,1,e11,Saitz Emerging adults in substance misuse intervention: preintervention characteristics and responses to a motivation-enhancing program,2016,11,1,E16,Casey Validation of the AUDIT-C in adults seeking help with their drinking online,2017,12,1,e2,Murray Mobile technology intervention to improve care coordination between HIV and substance use treatment providers: development training and evaluation protocol,2017,12,1,e8,Friedmann A systematic review of health economic models of opioid agonist therapies in maintenance treatment of non-prescription opioid dependence,2017,12,1,e6,Walker Comparison of DSM-IV and DSM-5 criteria for alcohol use disorders in VA primary care patients with frequent heavy drinking enrolled in a trial,2017,12,1,e17,Greenberg Opioid overdose prevention and naloxone rescue kits: what we know and what we don't know,2017,12,1,4,Walley Screening in Trauma for Opioid Misuse Prevention (STOMP): study protocol for the development of an opioid risk screening tool for victims of injury,2017,12,1,e28,Quanbeck Development and differentiability of three brief interventions for risky alcohol use that include varying doses of motivational interviewing,2018,13,1,e6,Saitz Evaluation of the effect of methamphetamine on traumatic injury complications and outcomes,2018,13,1,e11,Brown Mindfulness-based treatment of addiction: current state of the field and envisioning the next wave of research,2018,13,1,e14,Howard Receipt of pharmacotherapy for alcohol use disorder by justice-involved women in the Veterans Health Administration,2019,14,1,e1,Taylor Short screening tools for risky drinking in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians: modified AUDIT-C and a new approach,2019,14,1,e22,Room The feasibility of using smartphones and mobile breathalyzers to monitor alcohol consumption among people living with HIV/AIDS,2019,14,1,e43,Lauckner Substance use disorders and risk of suicide in a general US population: a case control study,2020,15,1,e14,Simon Commentary on substance use disorders and risk of suicide in a general US population: a case control study by Lynch et al,2020,15,1,e21,Little What can primary care services do to help First Nations people with unhealthy alcohol use? A systematic review: Australia New Zealand USA and Canada,2020,15,1,e31,Conigrave Merging statewide data in a public/university collaboration to address opioid use disorder and overdose,2021,16,1,e1,Fiellin Housing opportunities motivation and engagement (HOME) for homeless youth at-risk for opioid use disorder: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial,2021,16,1,30,Kelleher Preliminary study of alcohol problem severity and response to brief intervention,2021,16,1,54,Mackillop Integrating traditional practices and social network visualization to prevent substance use: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial among urban Native American emerging adults,2021,16,1,e56,D'Amico An ethnographic study of unhealthy alcohol use in a Danish emergency department,2021,16,1,60,Becker Alcohol dependence in a community sample of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians: harms getting help and awareness of local treatments,2021,16,1,e65,Room Using practice facilitation to improve alcohol-related care in primary care: a mixed-methods pilot study protocol,2022,17,1,e19,Kraemer 'The Drug Survey App': a protocol for developing and validating an interactive population survey tool for drug use among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians,2022,17,1,e17,Chikritzhs A mobile-based pregaming drinking prevention intervention for college students: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial,2022,17,1,e31,Pedersen Prevalence and associates of non-fatal overdose among people who inject drugs in Saveh Iran,2022,17,1,e42,Griffiths An online self-directed program combining Community Reinforcement Approach and Family Training and parenting training for concerned significant others sharing a child with a person with problematic alcohol consumption: a randomized controlled trial,2022,17,1,e49,Johansson Inability to contact opioid agonist therapy prescribers during the COVID-19 pandemic in a Canadian setting: a cross-sectional analysis among people on opioid agonist therapy,2022,17,1,e73,Hayashi A shift in focus: mothers' descriptions of sharing a child with a co-parent with unhealthy alcohol use after participating in a support program,2023,18,1,e12,Ekström Study design to evaluate a web-intervention to prevent alcohol and cannabis-impaired driving and use among adolescents in driver education,2023,18,1,e17,D'Amico Alcohol the overlooked drug: clinical pharmacist perspectives on addressing alcohol in primary care,2023,18,1,e22,McCambridge Improving alcohol health literacy and reducing alcohol consumption: recommendations for Germany,2023,18,1,e28,Schäfer Implementation of substance use screening in rural federally-qualified health center clinics identified high rates of unhealthy alcohol and cannabis use among adult primary care patients,2023,18,1,e56,Farkas The temporal association between suicide and comorbid mental disorders in people treated for substance use disorders: a national registry study,2023,18,1,e59,Mehlum Subthreshold opioid use disorder prevention (STOP) trial: a cluster randomized clinical trial: study design and methods,2023,18,1,e70,Cleland Perspectives of healthcare workers on the integration of overdose detection technologies in acute care settings,2024,19,1,e4,Joshi Psychometric properties of the cannabis abuse screening test (CAST) in a sample of Moroccans with cannabis use,2024,19,1,e24,Zarrouq Internet-delivered therapy for alcohol misuse: engagement satisfaction and outcomes when patients select their preference for therapist- or self-guided treatment,2024,19,1,e30,Hadjistavropoulos Hospital admissions among patients with comorbid substance use disorders: a secondary analysis of predictors from the NavSTAR trial,2024,19,1,e33,Welsh An evaluation of the maintenance to abstinence (MTA) program in achieving abstinence in opioid users and improving mental health and quality of life,2019,14,1,e4,Pit Prevalence and predictors of suicidality among adults initiating office-based buprenorphine,2023,18,1,e37,Dugosh