Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The neuroscience of suicidal behaviors: What can we expect from endophenotype strategies?,2011,1,ePub,ePub,Gottesman PCLO rs2522833 impacts HPA system activity in healthy young adults,2011,1,online,e10,Rietschel Convergent functional genomics of anxiety disorders,2011,1,online,e9,Shekhar Hostility in adolescents and adults: a genome-wide association study of the Young Finns,2011,1,6,e11,Keltikangas-Jarvinen Transgenerational impact of intimate partner violence on methylation in the promoter of the glucocorticoid receptor,2011,1,online,e21,Meyer Decreased cerebral blood flow in the limbic and prefrontal cortex using SPECT imaging in a cohort of completed suicides,2011,1,online,e28,Taylor Vasopressin modulates social recognition-related activity in the left temporoparietal junction in humans,2011,1,online,e3,Meyer-Lindenberg Exaggerated aggression and decreased anxiety in mice deficient in brain serotonin,2012,2,,e122,Mosienko Effects of sports participation on psychiatric symptoms and brain activations during sports observation in schizophrenia,2012,2,,e96,Takahashi Elevated body mass in National Football League players linked to cognitive impairment and decreased prefrontal cortex and temporal pole activity,2012,2,,e68,Willeumier Working memory brain activity and capacity link MAOA polymorphism to aggressive behavior during development,2012,2,,e85,Klingberg Effects of methamphetamine abuse and serotonin transporter gene variants on aggression and emotion-processing neurocircuitry,2012,2,,e80,London Evidence for biological roots in the transgenerational transmission of intimate partner violence,2012,2,,e106,Cordero The impact of the Great East Japan earthquake on mandatory psychiatric emergency hospitalizations in Tokyo: a retrospective observational study,2012,2,online,e168,Aoki The association of attempted suicide with genetic variants in the SLC6A4 and TPH genes depends on the definition of suicidal behavior: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2012,2,,e166,Clayden Low vascular endothelial growth factor and interleukin-8 in cerebrospinal fluid of suicide attempters,2012,2,,e196,Åsberg Susceptibility of the adolescent brain to cannabinoids: long-term hippocampal effects and relevance to schizophrenia,2012,2,,e199,Gleason Increased rate of depression and psychosomatic symptoms in Jewish migrants from the post-Soviet-Union to Germany in the 3rd generation after the Shoa,2013,3,,e241,Ullmann A single gene defect causing claustrophobia,2013,3,,e254,El-Kordi Traumatic stress reactivity promotes excessive alcohol drinking and alters the balance of prefrontal cortex-amygdala activity,2013,3,,e296,Edwards Default mode and salience network alterations in suicidal and non-suicidal self-injurious thoughts and behaviors in adolescents with depression,2021,11,1,e38,Gotlib Multi-environment gene interactions linked to the interplay between polysubstance dependence and suicidality,2021,11,1,e34,Stein Genetic risk factors in two Utah pedigrees at high risk for suicide,2013,3,,e325,McMahon Effects of genetic and early environmental risk factors for depression on serotonin transporter expression and methylation profiles,2014,4,,e402,Hennig Impaired regulation of emotion: neural correlates of reappraisal and distraction in bipolar disorder and unaffected relatives,2015,5,,e497,Kanske Prefrontal cortex markers of suicidal vulnerability in mood disorders: a model-based structural neuroimaging study with a translational perspective,2015,5,,e516,Jollant Pregnant women's cognitive appraisal of a natural disaster affects DNA methylation in their children 13 years later: Project Ice Storm,2015,5,,e515,King The role of 5-HT1A receptors in mediating acute negative effects of antidepressants: implications in pediatric depression,2015,5,,e563,Rahn Childhood trauma midbrain activation and psychotic symptoms in borderline personality disorder,2015,5,,e559,Pope In the face of threat: neural and endocrine correlates of impaired facial emotion recognition in cocaine dependence,2015,5,,e570,Williams Take it or leave it: prefrontal control in recreational cocaine users,2015,5,,e582,Robbins Epigenetic and genetic variation at SKA2 predict suicidal behavior and post-traumatic stress disorder,2015,5,,e627,Jovanovic Impulsive alcohol-related risk-behavior and emotional dysregulation among individuals with a serotonin 2B receptor stop codon,2015,5,,e681,Tiihonen A high-risk group of pregnant women with elevated levels of conflict-related trauma intimate partner violence symptoms of depression and other forms of mental distress in post-conflict Timor-Leste,2016,6,,e725,Mohammad A high-risk group of pregnant women with elevated levels of conflict-related trauma intimate partner violence symptoms of depression and other forms of mental distress in post-conflict Timor-Leste,2016,6,,e767,Mohammad Altered responsiveness of BNST and amygdala neurons in trauma-induced anxiety,2016,6,,e857,Rodríguez-Sierra An enzyme in the kynurenine pathway that governs vulnerability to suicidal behavior by regulating excitotoxicity and neuroinflammation,2016,6,8,e865,Samuelsson Region-specific alterations of A-to-I RNA editing of serotonin 2c receptor in the cortex of suicides with major depression,2016,6,8,e878,Arango Emergence of social behavior deficit blunted corticolimbic activity and adult depression-like behavior in a rodent model of maternal maltreatment,2016,6,10,e930,Rincón-Cortés Prenatal maternal depression is associated with offspring inflammation at 25 years: a prospective longitudinal cohort study,2016,6,11,e936,Sharp Methylomic profiling of cortex samples from completed suicide cases implicates a role for PSORS1C3 in major depression and suicide,2017,7,1,e989,Hannon Aberrant development of intrinsic brain activity in a rat model of caregiver maltreatment of offspring,2017,7,1,e1005,Yang Military deployment correlates with smaller prefrontal gray matter volume and psychological symptoms in a subclinical population,2017,7,2,e1031,Lindenberger Genetic effects influencing risk for major depressive disorder in China and Europe,2017,7,3,e1074,Lang Large-scale interaction effects reveal missing heritability in schizophrenia bipolar disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder,2017,7,4,e1089,Kumar Animal models to improve our understanding and treatment of suicidal behavior,2017,7,4,e1092,Guillaume Biological risk factors for suicidal behaviors: a meta-analysis,2016,6,9,e887,Nock Subcortical brain structure and suicidal behaviour in major depressive disorder: a meta-analysis from the ENIGMA-MDD working group,2017,7,5,e1116,Thompson Sex differences in recent first-onset depression in an epidemiological sample of adolescents,2017,7,5,e1139,Gilman Modifiable predictors of depression following childhood maltreatment: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2017,7,7,e1162,Braithwaite Disrupted hippocampal neuregulin-1/ErbB3 signaling and dentate gyrus granule cell alterations in suicide,2017,7,7,e1161,Turecki Gene expression associated with suicide attempts in US veterans,2017,7,9,e1226,Miller Age of first exposure to American football and long-term neuropsychiatric and cognitive outcomes,2017,7,9,e1236,McKee Cortical high gamma network oscillations and connectivity: a translational index for antipsychotics to normalize aberrant neurophysiological activity,2017,7,12,e1285,Ahnaou DNA methylome variation in a perinatal nurse-visitation program that reduces child maltreatment: a 27-year follow-up,2018,8,1,e15,Brooks-Gunn Psychosocial characteristics as potential predictors of suicide in adults: an overview of the evidence with new results from prospective cohort studies,2018,8,1,e22,Gunnell Dandelions tulips and orchids: evidence for the existence of low-sensitive medium-sensitive and high-sensitive individuals,2018,8,1,e24,Aron Neuroimaging-informed phenotypes of suicidal behavior: a family history of suicide and the use of a violent suicidal means,2018,8,1,e120,Turecki NR3C1 hypermethylation in depressed and bullied adolescents,2018,8,1,e121,Galanti Genetics of self-reported risk-taking behaviour trans-ethnic consistency and relevance to brain gene expression,2018,8,1,178,Pell Urinary biomarker panel for diagnosing patients with depression and anxiety disorders,2018,8,1,e192,Xie Global long non-coding RNA expression in the rostral anterior cingulate cortex of depressed suicides,2018,8,1,e224,Turecki Childhood adversity and DNA methylation in two population-based cohorts,2018,8,1,e266,Howe Serotonin receptors and suicide major depression alcohol use disorder and reported early life adversity,2018,8,1,279,Mann Genetic associations with suicide attempt severity and genetic overlap with major depression,2019,9,1,e22,Stein Childhood psychosocial challenges and risk for obesity in U.S. men and women,2019,9,1,e16,Olfson Effects of familial risk and stimulant drug use on the anticipation of monetary reward: an fMRI study,2019,9,1,e65,Robbins Callous-unemotional traits low cortisol reactivity and physical aggression in children: findings from the Wirral Child Health and Development Study,2019,9,1,e79,Hill The prediction of suicide in severe mental illness: development and validation of a clinical prediction rule (OxMIS),2019,9,1,e98,Fazel Correction: Brain region-specific alterations of RNA editing in PDE8A mRNA in suicide decedents,2019,9,1,112,Mann Gene set enrichment analysis to create polygenic scores: a developmental examination of aggression,2019,9,1,e212,Wilson The association between intimate partner violence against women and newborn telomere length,2019,9,1,e239,Chan Genome-wide association study of alcohol dependence in male Han Chinese and cross-ethnic polygenic risk score comparison,2019,9,1,e249,Wu Fairness norm violations in anti-social psychopathic offenders in a repeated trust game,2019,9,1,e266,Lamm The Penrose Effect and its acceleration by the war on drugs: a crisis of untranslated neuroscience and untreated addiction and mental illness,2019,9,1,e320,Grecco The rise and fall of MRI studies in major depressive disorder,2019,9,1,e335,Xu Pharmacological prevention and early treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder and acute stress disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2019,9,1,e334,Bisson Genomic influences on self-reported childhood maltreatment,2020,10,1,e38,Stein Emotional remodeling with oxytocin durably rescues trauma-induced behavioral and neuro-morphological changes in rats: a promising treatment for PTSD,2020,10,1,e27,Le Dorze Genome-wide DNA methylation meta-analysis in the brains of suicide completers,2020,10,1,e69,Turecki Development of an early-warning system for high-risk patients for suicide attempt using deep learning and electronic health records,2020,10,1,e72,Zhang Altered anterior cingulate glutamatergic metabolism in depressed adolescents with current suicidal ideation,2020,10,1,e119,Frye Do AKT1 COMT and FAAH influence reports of acute cannabis intoxication experiences in patients with first episode psychosis controls and young adult cannabis users?,2020,10,1,143,Breen Improved metabolomic data-based prediction of depressive symptoms using nonlinear machine learning with feature selection,2020,10,1,e157,Tomita Dopamine: from prediction error to psychotherapy,2020,10,1,e164,Vervliet The intergenerational transmission of suicidal behavior: an offspring of siblings study,2020,10,1,e173,Lichtenstein Using polygenic scores for identifying individuals at increased risk of substance use disorders in clinical and population samples,2020,10,1,e196,Anokhin Electroconvulsive therapy modulates functional interactions between submodules of the emotion regulation network in major depressive disorder,2020,10,1,e271,Wang Intrinsic connectomes underlying response to trauma-focused psychotherapy in post-traumatic stress disorder,2020,10,1,e270,Bryant Computational causal discovery for post-traumatic stress in police officers,2020,10,1,1-12,Saxe Childhood trauma suicide risk and inflammatory phenotypes of depression: insights from monocyte gene expression,2020,10,1,e296,Arolt Polygenic risk for anxiety influences anxiety comorbidity and suicidal behavior in bipolar disorder,2020,10,1,e298,McMahon A machine learning algorithm to differentiate bipolar disorder from major depressive disorder using an online mental health questionnaire and blood biomarker data,2021,11,1,e41,Tomasik Educational attainment reduces the risk of suicide attempt among individuals with and without psychiatric disorders independent of cognition: a bidirectional and multivariable Mendelian randomization study with more than 815000 participants,2020,10,1,e388,Davey Smith Machine learning for suicide risk prediction in children and adolescents with electronic health records,2020,10,1,e413,Chen Identifying mental health status using deep neural network trained by visual metrics,2020,10,1,e430,Shafiei Lower amygdala fatty acid amide hydrolase in violent offenders with antisocial personality disorder: an [(11)C]CURB positron emission tomography study,2021,11,1,57,Kolla Clustering suicidal phenotypes and genetic associations with brain-derived neurotrophic factor in patients with substance use disorders,2021,11,1,e72,Brousse The association of clinical correlates metabolic parameters and thyroid hormones with suicide attempts in first-episode and drug-naïve patients with major depressive disorder comorbid with anxiety: a large-scale cross-sectional study,2021,11,1,e97,Zhang Functional network alterations differently associated with suicidal ideas and acts in depressed patients: an indirect support to the transition model,2021,11,1,e100,Turecki Childhood maltreatment history and attention bias variability in healthy adult women: role of inflammation and the BDNF Val66Met genotype,2021,11,1,e122,Kim From warrior genes to translational solutions: novel insights into monoamine oxidases (MAOs) and aggression,2021,11,1,e130,Chrousos A systematic review of childhood maltreatment and DNA methylation: candidate gene and epigenome-wide approaches,2021,11,1,e134,Nugent Differential predictors for alcohol use in adolescents as a function of familial risk,2021,11,1,e157,Reichenberg Phenotypic and genetic markers of psychopathology in a population-based sample of older adults,2021,11,1,e239,Hyde Alterations of core structural network connectome associated with suicidal ideation in major depressive disorder patients,2021,11,1,e243,Zhu Phosphodiesterase 8A to discriminate in blood samples depressed patients and suicide attempters from healthy controls based on A-to-I RNA editing modifications,2021,11,1,e255,Courtet Altered levels of interleukins and neurotrophic growth factors in mood disorders and suicidality: an analysis from periphery to central nervous system,2021,11,1,341,Gadad Childhood maltreatment predicts subsequent anxiety symptoms among Chinese adolescents: the role of the tendency of coping styles,2021,11,1,340,Lu Teasing apart trauma: neural oscillations differentiate individual cases of mild traumatic brain injury from post-traumatic stress disorder even when symptoms overlap,2021,11,1,345,Zhang Comparable level of aggression between patients with behavioural addiction and healthy subjects,2021,11,1,375,Asaoka Assessment of suicide attempt and death in bipolar affective disorder: a combined clinical and genetic approach,2021,11,1,379,Crowell Adversity in early life and pregnancy are immunologically distinct from total life adversity: macrophage-associated phenotypes in women exposed to interpersonal violence,2021,11,1,e391,Bush Genetic association study of childhood aggression across raters instruments and age,2021,11,1,e413,Moffitt Adverse childhood experiences daytime salivary cortisol and depressive symptoms in early adulthood: a longitudinal genetically informed twin study,2021,11,1,e420,Plomin Traumatic events during childhood and its risks to substance use in adulthood: an observational and genome-wide by environment interaction study in UK Biobank,2021,11,1,431,Zhang Associations between childhood maltreatment and DNA methylation of the oxytocin receptor gene in immune cells of mother-newborn dyads,2021,11,1,449,Kolassa Characterising the shared genetic determinants of bipolar disorder schizophrenia and risk-taking,2021,11,1,e466,Djurovic Prevalence and correlates of suicidal ideation and suicide attempts in preadolescent children: a US population-based study,2021,11,1,e489,Liu Fatty acid dysregulation in the anterior cingulate cortex of depressed suicides with a history of child abuse,2021,11,1,e535,Turecki Modifiable predictors of suicidal ideation during psychotherapy for late-life major depression. a machine learning approach,2021,11,1,e536,Alexopoulos Mapping global prevalence of depression among postpartum women,2021,11,1,e543,Liu Worldwide prevalence of suicidal ideation and suicide plan among people with schizophrenia: a meta-analysis and systematic review of epidemiological surveys,2021,11,1,e552,Liu Neurocognition and social cognition in patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders with and without a history of violence: results of a multinational European study,2021,11,1,620,de Girolamo Anxiety and depressive symptoms in college students during the late stage of the COVID-19 outbreak: a network approach,2021,11,1,e638,Xiang Social buffering of human fear is shaped by gender social concern and the presence of real vs virtual agents,2021,11,1,641,Herrmann Graph theory analysis of whole brain functional connectivity to assess disturbances associated with suicide attempts in bipolar disorder,2022,12,1,e7,Oquendo Prenatal origins of suicide mortality: a prospective cohort study in the United States,2022,12,1,e14,Perlis Torture exposure and the functional brain: investigating disruptions to intrinsic network connectivity using resting state fMRI,2022,12,1,37,Malhi Epigenome-wide association study of posttraumatic stress disorder identifies novel loci in U.S. military veterans,2022,12,1,65,Gelernter Personality traits associate with behavioral problems in pet dogs,2022,12,1,78,Salonen Insula network connectivity mediates the association between childhood maltreatment and depressive symptoms in major depressive disorder patients,2022,12,1,89,Wang Phenotypic and genetic analysis of a wellbeing factor score in the UK Biobank and the impact of childhood maltreatment and psychiatric illness,2022,12,1,113,Schofield Proteomic profiling of postmortem prefrontal cortex tissue of suicide completers,2022,12,1,e142,Ahn Identification of potential blood biomarkers associated with suicide in major depressive disorder,2022,12,1,e159,Sequeira Bayesian causal network modeling suggests adolescent cannabis use accelerates prefrontal cortical thinning,2022,12,1,e188,Garavan Shared genomic architectures of COVID-19 and antisocial behavior,2022,12,1,193,Boutwell Correction: The association of clinical correlates metabolic parameters and thyroid hormones with suicide attempts in first-episode and drug-naïve patients with major depressive disorder comorbid with anxiety: a large-scale cross-sectional study,2022,12,1,203,Zhang Modelling sexual violence in male rats: the sexual aggression test (SxAT),2022,12,1,e207,Neumann Correction: Modelling sexual violence in male rats: the sexual aggression test (SxAT),2022,12,1,215,Neumann Childhood maltreatment mediates the effect of the genetic background on psychosis risk in young adults,2022,12,1,219,Conrod Accelerated epigenetic aging in suicide attempters uninfluenced by high intent-to-die and choice of lethal methods,2022,12,1,e224,Åsberg Associations between childhood maltreatment and psychiatric disorders: analysis from electronic health records in Hong Kong,2022,12,1,231,Chan Clinical gut microbial and neural effects of a probiotic add-on therapy in depressed patients: a randomized controlled trial,2022,12,1,1-10,Brand Detecting and distinguishing indicators of risk for suicide using clinical records,2022,12,1,e280,Simon Layer III pyramidal cells in the prefrontal cortex reveal morphological changes in subjects with depression schizophrenia and suicide,2022,12,1,e363,Sun Efficacy of psychotropic medications on suicide and self-injury: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials,2022,12,1,e400,Ribeiro Time of exposure to social defeat stress during childhood and adolescence and redox dysregulation on long-lasting behavioral changes a translational study,2022,12,1,e413,Conus Dimensions of childhood adversity differentially affect biological aging in major depression,2022,12,1,e431,Hammamieh Rates and correlates of cannabis-associated psychotic symptoms in over 230000 people who use cannabis,2022,12,1,1-8,Winstock A one-year follow-up study of treatment-compliant suicide attempt survivors: relationship of CYP2D6-CYP2C19 and polypharmacy with suicide reattempts,2022,12,1,e451,Courtet Comparison of lithium levels between suicide and non-suicide fatalities: cross-sectional study,2022,12,1,e466,Okazaki Predicting criminal and violent outcomes in psychiatry: a meta-analysis of diagnostic accuracy,2022,12,1,e470,Kapczinski Superior temporal gyrus and cerebellar loops predict nonsuicidal self-injury in major depressive disorder patients by multimodal neuroimaging,2022,12,1,e474,Zhang A genetically informed prediction model for suicidal and aggressive behaviour in teens,2022,12,1,1-9,Middeldorp Polygenic risk for mental disorders as predictors of posttraumatic stress disorder after mild traumatic brain injury,2023,13,1,e24,Stein Correction: comparison of lithium levels between suicide and non-suicide fatalities: cross-sectional study,2023,13,1,e52,Okazaki The interrelations between psychological outcome trajectories and resource changes amid large-scale disasters: a growth mixture modeling analysis,2023,13,1,e57,Hobfoll Accelerated epigenetic aging in women with emotionally unstable personality disorder and a history of suicide attempts,2023,13,1,e66,Åsberg Shared genetic liability for alcohol consumption alcohol problems and suicide attempt: evaluating the role of impulsivity,2023,13,1,e87,Edwards Predicting suicide risk in 137112 people with severe mental illness in Finland: external validation of the Oxford Mental Illness and Suicide tool (OxMIS),2023,13,1,e126,Fazel Suicidality and mood: the impact of trends seasons day of the week and time of day on explicit and implicit cognitions among an online community sample,2023,13,1,e157,O'Shea Internet addiction and residual depressive symptoms among clinically stable adolescents with major psychiatric disorders during the COVID-19 pandemic: a network analysis perspective,2023,13,1,e186,He Aggressive and psychopathic traits are linked to the acquisition of stable but imprecise hostile expectations,2023,13,1,e197,Krämer Network analysis of comorbid depression suicidality and biomarkers on HPA axis among mood disorder patients to psychiatric emergency services,2023,13,1,e203,Liu Unveiling common psychological characteristics of proneness to aggression and general psychopathology in a large community youth cohort,2023,13,1,e255,Chang Brain-cognition relationships in late-life depression: a systematic review of structural magnetic resonance imaging studies,2023,13,1,e284,Mulsant Military-related mild traumatic brain injury: clinical characteristics advanced neuroimaging and molecular mechanisms,2023,13,1,e289,Yeh Behavioral and neurocognitive factors distinguishing post-traumatic stress comorbidity in substance use disorders,2023,13,1,e296,Bjork Consequences of adolescent drug use,2023,13,1,e313,Torregrossa COVID-19 pandemic stressors are associated with reported increases in frequency of drunkenness among individuals with a history of alcohol use disorder,2023,13,1,e311,Bucholz Connectomics-based resting-state functional network alterations predict suicidality in major depressive disorder,2023,13,1,e365,Wang Suicidality and its associated factors among mood disorder patients in emergency department in China: a comparative study using propensity score matching approach,2023,13,1,e372,Liu Metabolic features of treatment-refractory major depressive disorder with suicidal ideation,2023,13,1,1-12,Pan Targeting suicidal ideation in major depressive disorder with MRI-navigated Stanford accelerated intelligent neuromodulation therapy,2024,14,1,e21,Zhao Neural correlates of automatic emotion regulation and their association with suicidal ideation in adolescents during the first 90-days of residential care,2024,14,1,e54,Blair The quest for a biological phenotype of adolescent non-suicidal self-injury: a machine-learning approach,2024,14,1,e56,Kaess Blood epigenome-wide association studies of suicide attempt in adults with bipolar disorder,2024,14,1,e70,Fiedorowicz Effects of sex and gender on the etiologies and presentation of select internalizing psychopathologies,2024,14,1,e73,Singh Distinct correlation network of clinical characteristics in suicide attempters having adolescent major depressive disorder with non-suicidal self-injury,2024,14,1,e134,Peng Machine learning and the prediction of suicide in psychiatric populations: a systematic review,2024,14,1,e140,Brambilla Effects of acute estradiol and progesterone on perimenstrual exacerbation of suicidal ideation and related symptoms: a crossover randomized controlled trial,2022,12,1,528,Prinstein Trends in cancer-related suicide in the United States: a population-based epidemiology study spanning 40 years of data,2024,14,1,e213,Wang Prevalence and network structure of depression insomnia and suicidality among mental health professionals who recovered from COVID-19: a national survey in China,2024,14,1,e227,Ungvari Identification of suicidality in patients with major depressive disorder via dynamic functional network connectivity signatures and machine learning,2022,12,1,383,Zhou Low dose oral ketamine treatment in chronic suicidality: An open-label pilot study,2021,11,1,e101,Lagopoulos Network analysis of depressive symptoms in Hong Kong residents during the COVID-19 pandemic,2021,11,1,e460,Hall Understanding complex functional wiring patterns in major depressive disorder through brain functional connectome,2021,11,1,e526,Li Can passive measurement of physiological distress help better predict suicidal thinking?,2021,11,1,e611,Nock Predictors of diagnostic transition from major depressive disorder to bipolar disorder: a retrospective observational network study,2021,11,1,e642,Son What could we learn from SARS when facing the mental health issues related to the COVID-19 outbreak? A nationwide cohort study in Taiwan,2020,10,1,e339,Chien Prefrontal activation in suicide attempters during decision making with emotional feedback,2020,10,1,e313,Courtet Association of chronic and acute inflammation of the mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue with psychiatric disorders and suicidal behavior,2019,9,1,e227,Lichtenstein Placebo aiTBS attenuates suicidal ideation and frontopolar cortical perfusion in major depression,2019,9,1,e38,Baeken Peripheral and central levels of kynurenic acid in bipolar disorder subjects and healthy controls,2019,9,1,e37,Perlis A meta-analysis of the effects of ketamine on suicidal ideation in depression patients,2024,14,1,e248,Shen Genetics of child aggression a systematic review,2024,14,1,e252,Kennedy Why do adolescents attempt suicide? Insights from leading ideation-to-action suicide theories: a systematic review,2024,14,1,e266,Auerbach