Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Music perception and movement deterioration in Huntington's disease,2011,3,,RRN1252,Beste Valuing lives: Allocating scarce medical resources during a public health emergency and the Americans with Disabilities Act (perspective),2011,3,,RRN1271,Wolf Evidence for disaster risk reduction planning and response: design of the Evidence Aid survey,2011,3,online,RRN1270,Clarke Dealing with disaster databases - What can we learn from health and systematic reviews? Application in practice,2011,3,online,RRN1272,Murray Aspirations and compromises: changes in homestead space relations of the extreme poor after disaster,2011,3,,RRN1280,Rahman Disasters at mass gatherings: lessons from history,2012,4,,RRN1301,Murray The Buncefield Oil Depot Fire of 2005: Potential Air-Pollution Health Impacts Under Alternative Meteorological Scenarios,2012,4,online,RRN1300,Murray The good the bad and the ugly: disaster risk reduction (DRR) versus disaster risk creation (DRC),2012,4,online,e4f8d4eaec6af8,Lewis Weather and environmental hazards at mass gatherings,2012,4,online,e4fca9ee30afc4,Murray Monitoring the mental well-being of caregivers during the Haiti-earthquake,2012,4,online,e4fc33066f1947,DeBacker 2012-2025 roadmap of I.R.Iran's disaster health management,2012,4,online,e4f93005fbcb34,Ardalan Local public health system response to the tsunami threat in coastal California following the Tōhoku earthquake,2012,4,online,e4f7f57285b804,Aragon Knowledge attitude and practice of Tehran's inhabitants for an earthquake and related determinants,2012,4,online,e4fbbbe1668eef,Ardalan Disaster metrics: a proposed quantitative assessment tool in complex humanitarian emergencies - the Public Health Impact Severity Scale (PHISS),2012,4,online,e4f7b4bab0d1a3,Kirsch Assessing the impact of workshops promoting concepts of psychosocial support for emergency events,2012,4,online,e4fd80324dd362,Johal The effects of flooding on mental health: Outcomes and recommendations from a review of the literature,2012,4,,e4f9f1fa9c3cae,Murray Timing and type of disaster severity data available on Internet following the 2010 Haiti Earthquake,2012,4,,e4fb3fd97a2d3c,von Schreeb Utstein-style template for uniform data reporting of acute medical response in disasters,2012,4,online,e4f6cf3e8df15a,DeBacker Developing a health system approach to disaster management: A qualitative analysis of the core literature to complement the WHO Toolkit for assessing health-system capacity for crisis management,2012,4,online,e5028b6037259a,Murray A health system approach to all-hazards disaster management: A systematic review,2012,4,online,e50081cad5861d,Bayntun Secondary stressors and extreme events and disasters: a systematic review of primary research from 2010-2011,2012,4,ePub,ePub,Murray Health impacts of wildfires,2012,4,online,e4f959951cce2c,Murray Lessons from the recent twin earthquakes in Iran,2012,4,,,Ghabili A framework and methodology for navigating disaster and global health in crisis literature,2013,5,ePub,ePub,Chan Vulnerabilities of Local Healthcare Providers in Complex Emergencies: Findings from the Manipur Micro-level Insurgency Database 2008-2009,2013,5,ePub,ePub,Roy State of virtual reality based disaster preparedness and response training,2013,5,ePub,ePub,Hsu The great East Japan earthquake disaster: a compilation of published literature on health needs and relief activities March 2011-September 2012,2013,5,,online,Murray Social factors as modifiers of hurricane Irene evacuation behavior in Beaufort County NC,2013,5,ePub,ePub,Horney Health effects of drought: a systematic review of the evidence,2013,5,ePub,ePub,Murray Iran's Bushehr Earthquake at a glance,2013,5,,,Ghabili Lessons from a flash flood in Tehran subway Iran,2013,5,,online,Ardalan Housing reconstruction in disaster recovery: a study of fishing communities post-tsunami in chennai India,2013,5,ePub,ePub,Raju A summary case report on the health impacts and response to the Pakistan floods of 2010,2013,5,,online,Shabir Spinal injuries in the 2012 twin earthquakes northwest iran,2013,5,,,Ghabili The use of systematic reviews and other research evidence in disasters and related areas: preliminary report of a needs assessment survey,2013,5,,online,Clarke Public health surveillance after the 2010 Haiti earthquake: the experience of Médecins sans Frontières,2013,5,,online,Checchi Mortality in the l'Aquila (central Italy) earthquake of 6 April 2009,2013,5,,e50585b8e6efd1,Alexander Repeat triage in disaster relief: questions from Haiti,2012,4,,e4fbbdec6279ec,Eyal The Haitian Health Cluster Experience: A comparative evaluation of the professional communication response to the 2010 earthquake and the subsequent cholera outbreak,2012,4,,e5014b1b407653,Dhillon The Great East Japan Earthquake: Experiences and suggestions for survivors with diabetes (perspective),2012,4,,e4facf9d99b997,Noda How to use near real-time health indicators to support decision-making during a heat wave: the example of the French heat wave warning system,2012,4,,e4f83ebf72317d,Pascal Impact of the 2010 Pakistan floods on rural and urban populations at six months,2012,4,,e4fdfb212d2432,Kirsch Quantification of the heat wave effect on mortality in nine French cities during summer 2006,2012,4,,RRN1307,Pascal Standard maximum likelihood analyses of alignments with gaps can be statistically inconsistent,2012,4,,RRN1308,Warnow The role of collective action in enhancing communities' adaptive capacity to environmental risk: an exploration of two case studies from Asia,2011,3,,RRN1279,Thomalla Assessing behavioural manifestations prior to clinical diagnosis of huntington disease: "anger and irritability" and "obsessions and compulsions",2011,3,,RRN1241,Paulsen Twitter as a sentinel in emergency situations: lessons from the Boston marathon explosions,2013,5,ePub,ePub,Brownstein The human impact of floods: a historical review of events 1980-2009 and systematic literature review,2013,5,ePub,ePub,Kirsch The human impact of volcanoes: a historical review of events 1900-2009 and systematic literature review,2013,5,ePub,ePub,Doocy The human impact of tsunamis: a historical review of events 1900-2009 and systematic literature review,2013,5,ePub,ePub,Kirsch The human impact of earthquakes: a historical review of events 1980-2009 and systematic literature review,2013,5,ePub,ePub,Kirsch The human impact of tropical cyclones: a historical review of events 1980-2009 and systematic literature review,2013,5,ePub,ePub,Kirsch Impacts of natural hazards on primary health care facilities of Iran: A 10-year retrospective survey,2013,5,ePub,ePub,Ardalan Aftershocks following the 9 April 2013 Bushehr earthquake Iran,2013,5,,,Ardalan Prioritization of themes and research questions for health outcomes in natural disasters humanitarian crises or other major healthcare emergencies,2013,5,ePub,ePub,Evidence Aid Priority Setting Group The perfect storm of information: combining traditional and non-traditional data sources for public health situational awareness during hurricane response,2013,5,ePub,ePub,Brownstein Integrating climate change adaptation into disaster risk reduction in urban contexts: Perceptions and practice,2014,6,ePub,ePub,Rivera Surveillance and epidemiology in natural disasters: A novel framework and assessment of reliability,2014,6,,,Schwartz Hospitals safety from disasters in I.R.iran: the results from assessment of 224 hospitals,2014,6,ePub,ePub,Ardalan A fire department community health intervention to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning following a hurricane,2014,6,ePub,ePub,Jenkins The gender analysis tools applied in natural disasters management: a systematic literature review,2014,6,,online,Khankeh The prevalence of sexual violence among female refugees in complex humanitarian emergencies: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2014,6,,,Beyrer Availability and diversity of training programs for responders to international disasters and complex humanitarian emergencies,2014,6,,,Bayram Carbon monoxide poisoning and flooding: changes in risk before during and after flooding require appropriate public health interventions,2014,6,,,Murray Disaster-driven evacuation and medication loss: a systematic literature review,2014,6,ePub,ePub,Murray Site selection criteria for sheltering after earthquakes: a systematic review,2014,6,disasters,Aug 29,Ardalan The effectiveness of disaster risk communication: a systematic review of intervention studies,2014,6,disasters,Aug 22,Clarke Developing a Consensus-based Definition of "Kokoro-no Care" or Mental Health Services and Psychosocial Support: Drawing from Experiences of Mental Health Professionals Who Responded to the Great East Japan Earthquake,2015,7,ePub,ePub,Kim Challenges for resuming normal life after earthquake: a qualitative study on rural areas of iran,2014,6,,,Khankeh The race to save lives: demonstrating the use of social media for search and rescue operations,2014,6,,,Aharonson-Daniel Variables associated with effects on morbidity in older adults following disasters,2014,6,,,Jenkins Snow tweets: emergency information dissemination in a US county during 2014 winter storms,2014,6,,,Bonnan-White Art of disaster preparedness in European Union: a survey on the health systems,2014,6,,,Della Corte Correction: challenges for resuming normal life after earthquake: a qualitative study on rural areas of Iran,2015,7,ePub,ePub, Correction: correction: challenges for resuming normal life after earthquake: a qualitative study on rural areas of Iran,2015,7,ePub,ePub, The hospital incident command system: modified model for hospitals in iran,2015,7,ePub,ePub,Koenig Community disaster resilience: a systematic review on assessment models and tools,2015,7,ePub,ePub,Ardalan The potential impact of directionality colour perceptions and cultural associations on disaster messages during heatwaves in the UK,2015,7,,,Rundblad Managing the earth's biggest mass gathering event and WASH conditions: Maha Kumbh Mela (India),2015,7,,,Roy A systematic review of the health impacts of mass Earth movements (landslides),2015,7,,,Murray Revitalising evidence-based policy for the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030: lessons from existing international science partnerships,2015,7,,,Carabine Foreign medical teams in the Philippines after Typhoon Haiyan 2013 - who were they when did they arrive and what did they do?,2015,7,,,von Schreeb Political leadership in the time of crises: primum non nocere,2015,7,,,Burkle Supporting rural Australian communities after disaster: the Warrumbungle Bushfire Support Coordination Service,2015,7,,,Reddy Can medical decision-making at the scene by EMS staff reduce the number of unnecessary ambulance transportations but still be safe?,2015,7,ePub,ePub,Ortenwall Twitter as a potential disaster risk reduction tool. Part IV: competency-based education and training guidelines to promote community resiliency,2015,7,,,Subbarao Twitter as a potential disaster risk reduction tool. Part III: evaluating variables that promoted regional Twitter use for at-risk populations during the 2013 Hattiesburg F4 tornado,2015,7,,,Subbarao Twitter as a potential disaster risk reduction tool. Part ii: descriptive analysis of identified Twitter activity during the 2013 Hattiesburg F4 tornado,2015,7,,,Subbarao Twitter as a potential disaster risk reduction tool. Part I: introduction terminology research and operational applications,2015,7,,,Subbarao Virtual disaster simulation: lesson learned from an international collaboration that can be leveraged for disaster education in Iran,2015,7,ePub,ePub,Della Corte Post disaster governance complexity and network theory: evidence from Aceh Indonesia after the Indian Ocean Tsunami 2004,2015,7,ePub,ePub,Lassa Upstream disaster management to support people experiencing homelessness,2015,7,ePub,ePub,O'Sullivan Analysis of landslides triggered by October 2005 Kashmir earthquake,2015,7,,,Mahmood Identifying and Describing the Impact of Cyclone Storm and Flood Related Disasters on Treatment Management Care and Exacerbations of Non-communicable Diseases and the Implications for Public Health,2015,7,,,Watt Moving forward after Sendai: how countries want to use science evidence and technology for disaster risk reduction,2015,7,,,Calkins Kindling Kindness for Compassionate Disaster Management,2015,7,,,Johal An analysis of the relationship between the heat index and arrivals in the emergency department,2015,7,ePub,ePub,Jenkins 2011 Joplin Missouri tornado experience mental health reactions and service utilization: cross-sectional assessments at approximately 6 months and 2.5 years post-event,2015,7,ePub,ePub,Pfefferbaum Criteria for site selection of temporary shelters after earthquakes: a delphi panel,2015,7,,,Ardalan Teacher-mediated interventions to support child mental health following a disaster: a systematic review,2015,7,ePub,ePub,Perkins Demographic determinants of disaster preparedness behaviors amongst Tehran inhabitants Iran,2015,7,,,Ardalan Evacuation during hurricane Sandy: data from a rapid community assessment,2016,8,,,Brown Historical parallels ebola virus disease and cholera: understanding community distrust and social violence with epidemics,2016,8,,,Cohn Assessing households preparedness for earthquakes: an exploratory study in the development of a valid and reliable Persian-version tool,2016,8,,,Ardalan Rapid and near real-time assessments of population displacement using mobile phone data following disasters: the 2015 Nepal earthquake,2016,8,,,Chamberlain Leveraging social computing for personalized crisis communication using social media,2016,8,,,Aharonson-Daniel A comparative analysis of disaster risk vulnerability and resilience composite indicators,2016,8,,,Beccari Effectiveness of interventions programs and strategies for gender-based violence prevention in refugee populations: an integrative review,2016,8,ePub,ePub,Doocy Codified hashtags for weather warning on Twitter: an Italian case study,2016,8,,,Crisci Coping strategies for landslide and flood disasters: a qualitative study of Mt. Elgon Region Uganda,2016,8,,,Atuyambe Surgical care required for populations affected by climate-related natural disasters: a global estimation,2016,8,,,Burkle The effect of emotional closeness and exchanges of support among family members on residents' positive and negative psychological responses after Hurricane Sandy,2016,8,,,Cong Qualitative analysis of surveyed emergency responders and the identified factors that affect first stage of primary triage decision-making of mass casualty incidents,2016,8,,,North Resilience and disaster trends in the Philippines: opportunities for national and local capacity building,2016,8,,,Vinck Developing the Philippines as a global hub for disaster risk reduction - a health research initiative as presented at the 10th Philippine National Health Research System Week Celebration,2016,8,,,Murray Facebook enables disaster research studies: the use of social media to recruit participants in a post-disaster setting,2017,9,,,Ortenwall Emergency preparedness and management at the University of L'aquila (Central Italy) and the role of students' associations in the April 6th 2009 earthquake,2017,9,,,Marincioni Reducing disaster exacerbated non-communicable diseases through public health infrastructure resilience: perspectives of Australian disaster service providers,2016,8,ePub,ePub,Watt The demand for disaster microinsurance for small businesses in urban slums: the results of surveys in three Indian cities,2017,9,ePub,ePub,Patel The most effective methods for delivering severe weather early warnings to fishermen on Lake Victoria,2017,9,,,Cooper The life process of children who survived the Manjil earthquake: a decaying or renewing process,2017,9,,,Dehghan-Nayeri Constructing the indicators of assessing human vulnerability to industrial chemical accidents: a consensus-based fuzzy Delphi and fuzzy AHP approach,2017,9,,,Ardalan How bad is it? Usefulness of the "7eed model" for scoring severity and level of need in complex emergencies,2016,8,ePub,ePub,Garfield Behavior problems and post-traumatic stress symptoms in children beginning school: a comparison of pre- and post-earthquake groups,2016,8,,,Tarren-Sweeney Spatiotemporal identification of potential tsunami vertical evacuation sites: a case study of Shizuoka City Japan,2017,9,,,Voulgaris Correction: A comparative analysis of disaster risk vulnerability and resilience composite indicators,2017,9,,, Interventions for prevention of intimate partner violence against women in humanitarian settings: a protocol for a systematic review,2017,9,,,Ardalan The Theory of Planned Behavior and Disaster Preparedness,2017,9,,,Ardalan Listening to the voices of the people: community's assessment of disaster responder agency performance during disaster situations in rural northern Ghana,2017,9,,,Apanga A rights-based approach to information in humanitarian assistance,2017,9,,,Scarnecchia What do we mean by 'community resilience'? A systematic literature review of how it is defined in the literature,2017,9,,,Rubin Community's emergency preparedness for flood hazards in Dire-Dawa town Ethiopia: a qualitative study,2018,10,,,Ejeta Do natural disasters affect voting behavior? Evidence from Croatian floods,2018,10,,,Bovan The flood-related behaviour of river users in Australia,2018,10,,,Franklin The promotion of 'grab bags' as a disaster risk reduction strategy,2018,10,,,Murray Risk factors for depression among civilians after the 9/11 World Trade Center terrorist attacks: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2018,10,,,Banerjee Knowing what we know - reflections on the development of technical guidance for loss data for the Sendai framework for disaster risk reduction,2018,10,,,Murray An evaluation of global hazard communication with ethical considerations,2018,10,,,Murray Vulnerabilities associated with post-disaster declines in HIV-testing: decomposing the impact of Hurricane Sandy,2018,10,,,Carbone Earthquake in western iran: renovation kills,2018,10,,,Zare Earthquakes to floods: a scoping review of health-related disaster research in low- and middle-income countries,2018,10,,,Tansey Behavioral normative and control beliefs about earthquake preparedness: a deductive content analysis study,2018,10,,,Khankeh Correction: knowing what we know - reflections on the development of technical guidance for loss data for the Sendai framework for disaster risk reduction,2018,10,,,Plos Currents Routine to rare risk - a case study of firecracker explosion disaster in india,2018,10,,,Illiyas Uganda at glance of 5.7 magnitude earthquake: lessons for earthquake risk reduction,2018,10,,,Balikuddembe Causal pathways of flood related river drowning deaths in Australia,2017,ePub,ePub,ePub,Leggat Aspiration pneumonia and death in Huntington's disease,2012,ePub,ePub,ePub,Heemskerk