Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The severe personality disorders: psychiatric "severity" legal or social?,2011,87,5,505-511,Ababei Regarding a medicolegal approach of the authors to domestic violence: The Douai's experience,2011,87,6,493-497,Le Runigo Is physical restraint a care tool?,2017,93,10,841-845,Azoulay Withdrawal and aging,2017,93,4,302-309,Rossi Biological treatment and prescription in children and adolescents suffering from a major depressive episode,2005,81,9,803-810,Jeammet Prison from the inside,2005,81,7,599-608,Levy Suicide attempts in teenage: Links between suicide and depressive states,2005,81,9,797-802,Latourelle Perversion in the act of suicide,2006,82,2,121-126,Riou Self harm and disturbing images on the part of adolescents,2006,82,3,205-209,Barbas Lithium and suicide: The preventive effect in bipolar disorders,2007,83,9,781-786,Bourgeois One personality disorder can hide another,2007,83,6,451-457,Lucchelli Psychopathological vulnerability and new forms of work organisation (etiological approach),2007,83,4,269-275,Dejours Reflections on the treatment of suicidal psychopaths,2007,83,4,285-292,Cailleau Mishima or the "fabrication" of a body,2008,84,4,323-327,Brémaud Enquiry conducted on a given day regarding the management of suicides in the emergency department of Nord-Pas-de-Calais geographical area - France,2009,85,10,899-905,Ducrocq Suicide and mental pathology in Tunis: retrospective study over 12 years at the Razi Hospital. Suicide is the act of taking one's own life. It is a significant public health problem,2009,85,3,281-295,Ghachem Unipolar-bipolar disorder : Clinical features and course comparison. About 100 tunisian in-patients,2009,85,3,267-273,Dakhlaoui Homicide-suicide. Clinical and epidemiological characteristics. Illustration regarding a clinical case,2011,87,4,321-328,Baratta Psychiatry dealing with social suffering. Towards a new semiology?,2011,87,2,75-82,Santonja Suicidal attempt about child in Senegal,2011,87,5,431-437,Gueye Concerning Self-mutilation of the penis or gender suicide. Three cases of schizophrenia,2014,90,3,207-211,Outarahout Clinical follow-up in the long term: Becoming a teenager in the context of acute suicidal behaviour,2014,90,2,137-140,Fortineau Understanding and Care Management of a Child Suicide Attempt,2014,90,2,141-148,de Becker The phenomenon of kinaesthetic psychological states among suicide attempters and limits of suicide assessment: A clinical case,2015,91,5,373-382,Vandevoorde A research network with borderline adolescents,2016,92,1,29-37,Pham-Scottez Evolution of borderline personality from adolescence to adulthood,2016,92,2,137-142,Moro From the suicide act to the borderline state,2016,92,1,23-28,Guivarch The suicidal act the possible fate of suffering at word,2016,92,6,448-452,Goujat Adverse effects of antipsychotics in children and adolescents and their surveillance,2018,94,2,115-120,Purper-Ouakil From trauma to feminine rejection: Dangers of the feminization journey in current clinical practice,2018,94,4,265-270,Hamm Suicidal crisis trauma crisis intervention what adjustments could be proposed?,2018,94,4,247-252,Zeltner The "burn-out" or chronic fatigue syndrome of physicians and other hospital practitioners,2018,94,1,13-18,Shadili Interview with Antônio Geraldo da Silva president of the Latin American Psychiatric Association: Psychiatry in Latin America in the early twenty-first centurie,2019,95,9,709-712,Geraldo da Silva Suicidal thoughts and behaviors in vulnerable migrants: A regional overview of the perceptions and resources of field workers,2019,95,8,609-617,Queneau Depression in adolescents: Implementation and evaluation of a school-based prevention program,2020,96,10,725-732,Raynaud Emma Bovary-Anna Karenina: Comparative views on two tragic literary destinies,2020,96,5,369-376,Martin Interview by Daniel Zagury with Dr. Vincent Mahé following the publication of April 29 2020 in the Huff Post "Bureaucratosis the "disease" that is devastating our coronavirus management",2020,96,6,399-402,Mahé Sixty years old and still with all its teeth: The age of the sector,2020,96,4,235-237,Odier The prevention of escape in psychiatric institutions. Strengthening the best efforts obligation,2020,96,6,457-463,Battaglia Assessing suicidal ideations and spiritual well-being among Tunisian young people after the January 14 Revolution,2021,97,2,165-172,Cheour Managing suicidal psychotic young adults in psychiatric institutions,2021,97,5,397-401,Dehbi The importance of media reporting of suicide during a period of crisis,2021,97,2,9-10,Pauwels Evaluation of the VigilanS system in the Centre hospitalier spécialisé of Sevrey between January 2020 and June 2021,2022,98,6,455-464,Nawrot Paranoia and homicide. Study of a sample of 13 homicidal patients suffering from paranoia hospitalized at the Henri Colin UMD,2022,98,2,107-114,Raymond Suicide attempts among women receiving psychiatric treatment in the Oriental region of Morocco,2022,98,8,693-700,Barrimi Suicides and suicidal behavior in the Maghrebi environment ;; Suicides et conduites suicidaires en milieu maghrébin,1990,66,10,989-997,Bensmail A father murderer of his two daughters ;; Un père meurtrier de ses deux filles,1990,66,7,669-676,Lavergne Focus on Suicidal Behaviours - The experience of the11th EPA Summer School,2023,99,1,65-68,Fico Mobile psychiatric team for older people and suicidal risk in Ehpad. A clinical case,2023,99,5,315-318,Hanon Psychiatry addictology and mental health in French Guiana: Literature existing knowledge and research priorities,2023,99,9,641-649,Nacher The Cannes Hospital's mobile unit of pedo-psychiatry: Care provision logic of meeting,2023,99,6,357-361,LeRoy