Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Patients committing suicide whilst under the care of the elderly suicide prevention programme of a regional hospital in Hong Kong,2011,21,1,17-21,Wong The validity of proxy-based NEO-Five Factor Inventory data in suicide research: A study of 18- to 64-year-old Hong Kong Chinese who attempted suicide,2011,21,2,58-63,Chiu Inhalant Abuse: a Study from a Tertiary Care De-addiction Clinic,2011,21,4,157-163,Verma Schizophrenia and suicide,2012,22,3,126-133,Balhara Violence among psychiatric inpatients: a victim's perspective,2012,22,4,141-145,Raveendranathan Antisocial Personality Disorder Subscale (Chinese Version) of the Structured Clinical Interview for the DSM-IV Axis II Disorders: Validation study in Cantonese-speaking Hong Kong Chinese,2013,23,2,37-44,Tang Maternal filicide among women admitted to forensic psychiatric institutions in Malaysia: case series,2015,25,2,79-87,Razali Socio-demographic and clinical characteristics of patients who attempt suicide: a hospital-based study from Eastern India,2016,26,3,98-103,Halder College binge drinking and its association with depression and anxiety: a prospective observational study,2017,27,1,18-25,Stoltzfus Serum levels of neuroactive steroids in first-episode antipsychotic-naïve schizophrenic patients and its correlation with aggression: a case-control study,2017,27,2,79-84,Tyagi Fear of fear and broad dimensions of psychopathology over the course of cognitive behavioural therapy for panic disorder with agoraphobia in Japan,2017,27,4,150-155,Kondo Antidepressants for depression associated with traumatic brain injury: a meta-analytical study of randomised controlled trials,2017,27,4,142-149,Paraschakis Folie à deux by proxy in a father after physical abuse by a mentally ill daughter,2017,27,3,121-124,Tay Distress related to individual depressive symptoms: a cross-sectional study in Thai patients with major depression,2017,27,3,115-120,Srisurapanont Global prevalence of elder abuse: a meta-analysis and meta-regression,2017,27,2,43-55,Ho Prevalence and correlates of psychological distress in adolescent students from India,2017,27,2,56-62,Thennarasu Self-harm and suicide attempts in a Japanese psychiatric hospital,2018,28,1,23-27,Yamakawa Postvention in action: the International Handbook of Suicide Bereavement Support,2018,28,3,e106,Wu Sexually violent predator law in the United States,2018,28,4,159-173,Ko Diminished responsibility: law reform in the United Kingdom and personal perspective on forensic psychiatric practice in Hong Kong,2018,28,4,144-149,Liu Maternal infanticide and filicide in a psychiatric custodial institution in Hong Kong,2018,28,4,139-143,Tang Compulsory admission in hong kong: balance between paternalism and patient liberty,2018,28,4,122-128,Yuen Profiling mentally ill offenders in Hong Kong: a 5-year retrospective review study,2018,28,4,114-121,Lam Prevalence of aggressive or violent behaviour in Thai patients with schizophrenia: a cross-sectional study,2019,29,3,87-90,Maneeton Reducing injury during restraint by crisis intervention in psychiatric wards in Singapore,2019,29,4,129-135,Poremski Patients' reports of traumatic experience and posttraumatic stress in psychiatric settings,2020,30,1,3-11,Lee Suicidal risk in older patients with depression during covid-19 pandemic: a case-control study,2021,31,1,3-8,Chan Wilson Sims Fall Risk Assessment Tool versus Morse Fall Scale in psychogeriatric inpatients: a multicentre study,2021,31,3,67-70,Lau Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for late-life depression: a randomised controlled trial,2021,31,2,27-35,Chan Alcohol consumption and depression among university students and their perception of alcohol use,2021,31,4,87-96,Lam Prevalence and determinants of suicidal ideation and suicide attempt in people with human immunodeficiency virus in Africa: a systematic review,2022,32,2,39-42,Metekiya Refractory psychosis after carbon monoxide poisoning: a case report,2022,32,2,43-44,Wong Effect of community treatment orders on mental health service usage emergency visits and violence: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2023,33,2,37-43,Lam Psychosis related to baclofen withdrawal or overdose: a systematic review,2023,33,1,3-14,Allison Urbanisation and declining suicide rates in China between 2005 and 2017,2023,33,3,79-88,Allison Melancholic Versus Non-Melancholic Depression: a Prospective Study,2020,30,1,20-27,Munoli Association of Childhood Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms with Academic and Psychopathological Outcomes in Indian College Students: a Retrospective Survey,2019,29,124,124-128,Thennarasu Associations Between Suicidal Behaviour Attitudes Towards Suicide and Psychological Distress Among Students in a University in East Malaysia,2023,33,4,114-119,Kamaruddin Resolution of Auditory Hallucinations After Right Temporal Haemorrhagic Stroke in a Patient With Clozapine-Resistant Schizoaffective Disorder: a Case Report,2023,33,4,126-130,Tsang Prevalence of depressive and anxiety symptoms and perceived stress in hospitalised patients with COVID-19,2024,34,1,9-13,Rajmohan