Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Behavior Problems of African American Boys and Girls Attending Head Start Programs in Violent Neighborhoods,2000,11,3,339,Randolph Externalizing Problems in Head Start Children: An Ecological Exploration,2000,11,3,357,Crowley Children's engagement within the preschool classroom and their development of self-regulation,2013,24,2,162-187,Williford Early character development and education,2000,11,1,55-72,Grych Early childhood interventionists' perceptions of the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act: provider characteristics and organizational climate,2013,24,3,393-407,Herman-Smith The role of preschool relational and physical aggression in the transition to kindergarten: links with social-psychological adjustment,2014,25,5,619-640,Crick Emotion Labeling among Young Children in Foster Care,2014,25,8,1180-1197,Clyman Early childhood teachers' psychological well-being: exploring potential predictors of depression stress and emotional exhaustion,2018,29,1,53-69,Buettner Balance in positive emotional expressivity across school contexts relates to kindergartners' adjustment,2018,29,1,1-13,Eisenberg Emotion regulation harsh parenting and teacher sensitivity among socioeconomically disadvantaged toddlers in child care,2018,29,2,143-160,Barnett The relation of teachers' emotional intelligence and students' social skills to students' emotional and behavioral difficulties: a study of preschool teachers' perceptions,2017,28,8,996-1010,Poulou Can infant temperament be used to predict which toddlers are likely to have increased emotional and behavioral problems?,2018,29,4,435-449,Waldie Temperamental anger and positive reactivity and the development of social skills: implications for academic competence during preadolescence,2018,29,5,747-761,Keane Parts of the whole: motor and behavioral skills in self-regulation and schooling outcomes,2018,29,7,909-913,Cameron Home visiting among inner-city families: links to early academic achievement,2018,29,8,1115-1128,Chen Relations of early childhood education teachers' depressive symptoms job-related stress and professional motivation to beliefs about children and teaching practices,2019,30,1,131-144,Choi Is the Brief Version of the Child Abuse Potential Inventory a valid and reliable measure for childcare providers?,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lee A prospective sequential analysis of the relation between physical aggression and peer rejection acts in a high-risk preschool sample,2011,22,4,574-592,Symons