Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author War in the home: A review of the relationship between family violence and war trauma,2010,20,1,19-27,Catani Masculinity and denial of need for help for work-related injuries (police fire and rescue personnel) - --- Männlichkeit und Verleugnung von Hilfsbedürftigkeit nach berufsbedingten Traumata (Polizei Feuerwehr Rettungspersonal),1999,9,4,222-229,Pieper Antidepressants and suicidal tendency,2004,14,3,218-219,Hegerl Depression and suicidality,2005,15,1,6-11,Hegerl Experiences and needs of people bereaved by suicide,2005,15,1,47-53,Winter Inpatient suicide in the hospital - Overview and recent data on suicide during psychiatric inpatient treatment,2005,15,2,103-109,Wolfersdorf Pros and cons of contracts with patients in acute suicidal crises,2005,15,1,39-46,Dorrmann Pharmacological treatment of suicidal behaviour,2005,15,1,29-37,Berghofer Suicide prevention: Approaches and evaluation,2005,15,1,12-19,Althaus Homicide against children - First impressions of a criminological research project,2010,20,1,29-36,Höynck Suicide Risk Assessment: Is It Possible?,2019,29,2,80-84,Glaesmer Acute Suicidal Affective Disturbance: A Systematic Review,2021,31,3,200-206,Claus Embitterment wisdom and suicide ideation,2021,31,2,102-108,Luke German Suicide Barometer: Causes and Treatment of Suicidality from a Lay Perspective,2021,31,4,312-319,Teismann The Reinforcement Model of Suicidality: Understanding and Psychotherapy of Chronic Suicidality in Borderline Personality Disorder,2021,31,4,286-297,Hennings Chronic Suicide Ideation: A Treatment Proposal,2022,32,4,222-229,Teismann The German Version of the Interpersonal Hopelessness Scale (IHS),2022,32,1-2,45-54,Holler Change of values and insecurity - some aspects of political change in eastern Germany,1995,5,3,149-153,Arenz Effectiveness of Antidepressants in Inpatient Psychotherapy for Depression: A Naturalistic Controlled Study,2023,33,1,15-25,Backhaus Positive Self-Appraisals as a Resilience Factor and Motivational Moderator in the Integrated Motivational-Volitional Model of Suicidal Behaviour,2023,33,4,126-135,Holler Suicide Attempt Self-Injury Interview (SASII): Initial Validation of a German Version,2023,33,2-3,89-99,Claus