Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Rape as a strategy of war in the Democratic Republic of the Congo,2010,2,3,163-164,Mukwege Dowry deaths: a neglected public health issue in India,2011,3,1,35-43,Babu Strengths and weaknesses of the humanitarian Cluster Approach in relation to sexual and reproductive health services in northern Uganda,2011,3,2,108-114,Mayhew Intimate partner violence and perinatal common mental disorders among women in rural Vietnam,2013,5,1,29-37,Tran Mental health services development in Latin America and the Caribbean: achievements barriers and facilitating factors,2013,5,1,15-18,Caldas de Almeida Systematic review of prevention and management strategies for the consequences of gender-based violence in refugee settings,2013,5,2,85-91,Asgary Personal experiences and attitudes towards intimate partner violence in healthcare providers in Guyana,2013,5,4,273-279,Parekh Governance matters: an ecological association between governance and child mortality,2014,6,3,249-257,Chen Understanding road safety in Kenya: views of matatu drivers,2014,6,3,242-248,Raynor Use of healthcare services by injured people in Khartoum State Sudan,2014,7,3,183-189,Abdalla Patients struggle to access effective health care due to ongoing violence distance costs and health service performance in Afghanistan,2014,7,3,169-175,Nic Carthaigh Non-communicable disease training for public health workers in low- and middle-income countries: lessons learned from pilot training in Tanzania,2014,7,5,339-347,Davila The characteristics of and risk factors for child injuries in Andhra Pradesh India: the Young Lives project,2015,7,6,447-454,Durham The magnitude of injury problems among child labourers in a rural community of Bangladesh: findings from an injury surveillance system,2015,8,1,73-76,Dalal Mental health in humanitarian settings: shifting focus to care systems,2013,5,1,9-10,Tol Prevalence and risk factors for intimate partner violence among Grade 8 learners in urban South Africa: baseline analysis from the Skhokho Supporting Success cluster randomised controlled trial,2015,8,1,18-26,Jewkes Are school-level factors associated with primary school students' experience of physical violence from school staff in Uganda?,2015,8,1,27-35,Devries Exposure to violence predicts poor educational outcomes in young children in South Africa and Malawi,2015,8,1,36-43,Sherr Prevalence of violence in childhood and adolescence and the impact on educational outcomes: evidence from the 2013 Peruvian national survey on social relations,2016,8,1,44-52,Fang Violence against children and education,2016,8,1,1-2,Devries Prevalence of violence in childhood and adolescence and the impact on educational outcomes: evidence from the 2013 Peruvian national survey on social relations,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fang Collecting data on violence against children and young people: need for a universal standard,2016,8,3,159-161,Devries Not forgetting severe mental disorders in humanitarian emergencies: a descriptive study from the Philippines,2016,8,5,336-344,Van Ommeren Emergency department care for trauma patients in settings of active conflict versus urban violence: all of the same calibre?,2016,8,6,390-397,Gayraud Knowledge attitudes and practices of rabies prevention and dog bite injuries in urban and peri-urban provinces in Cambodia 2009,2012,4,1,4-9,Lunney Child marriage and women's attitude towards wife beating in a nationally representative sample of currently married adolescent and young women in Pakistan,2016,9,1,20-28,Nasrullah Quantitative survey on health and violence endured by refugees during their journey and in Calais France,2017,9,6,335-342,Porten Guatemala City youth: an analysis of health indicators through the lens of a clinical registry,2019,11,4,265-271,Hassan Injury among the immigrant population in Canada: exploring the research landscape through a systematic scoping review,2019,11,3,203-214,Kazi Psychosocial support during displacement due to a natural disaster: relationships with distress in a lower-middle income country,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dancause Looking back on 10 years of global road safety,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Peden Maintaining progress for the most beautiful chart in the world,2019,11,5,344-348,Hay Social determinants of violence against women in Panama: results from population-based cross-sectional studies and a femicide registry,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gómez Seeking care from a traditional healer after injury in Sudan: an exploratory cross-sectional analysis,2020,12,3,177-183,Abdalla Household motor vehicle ownership and obesity among Indian females and males: 2005-2016,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Maddock Offering care for victims of torture among a migrant population in a transit country: a descriptive study in a dedicated clinic from January 2017 to June 2019,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kizito Participation in household decision making and justification of wife beating: evidence from the 2018 Mali Demographic and Health Survey,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ahinkorah Knowledge practices and perceived barriers of physiotherapists involved in disaster management: a cross-sectional survey of Nigeria-based and trained physiotherapists,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ojukwu Factors affecting alcohol drinking behaviour among secondary school students in Vientiane Province Lao People's Democratic Republic: a cross-sectional study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Moji Socio-economic inequalities in intimate partner violence justification among women in Ghana: analysis of the 2014 Ghana Demographic and Health Survey data,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Adu Exposure to interparental violence and risk of intimate partner violence among women in sexual unions in sub-Saharan Africa,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ahinkorah Individual-level and neighborhood-level shifts in mortality patterns among drug poisoning deaths in a high-density Asian city: a territory-wide case-only analysis,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ho Attitudes towards wife-beating justification and its association with female genital mutilation - analysis of ever-married Somali women in the 2020 Somali Health and Demographic Survey,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bjertness