Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Intimate partner violence against women: A Public Health perspective,2010,36,3,98-103,Suelves Judicial perspective of intimate partner violencenext term and domestic violence in Spain,2010,36,3,93-97,Cruz Moratones Medical-forensic assessment of the battered women,2010,36,3,110-116,Casas Sánchez Psychopathological profile and therapeutic intervention with male batterers,2010,36,3,117-121,Amor Biomechanics of the impact: a tool for legal and forensic medicine in traffic accident investigations,2011,37,3,97-104,Kerrigan Whiplash injury: characteristics and medicolegal assessment in Huelva (Spain),2011,37,1,7-16,Rodríguez-Díaz Muerte diádica: suicidio doble de gemelos [Dyadic death: double suicide of twins],2011,37,1,30-33,Barbería Marcalain Evaluación mediante el Inventario MCMI-III de mujeres víctimas de maltrato psicológico por parte de su anterior pareja [Evaluation through the MCMI-III Inventory of women victims of psychological abuse from her previous couple],2010,36,2,68-76,Ballester Comins Medicina legal y forense y violencia de género [Legal and forensic medicine and gender-based violence],2010,36,3,91-92,Lorente Acosta Violencia de género: lesiones incisas múltiples a propósito de un caso que se asemeja a la tortura [Gender violence: multiple cut wounds a report of a case that resembles torture],2010,36,3,127-128,Hernández Cordero An atypical case of suicide by stab wound,2016,42,2,86-88,Fombellida-Velasco A descriptive analysis of suicide deaths and application of the Psychological Autopsy method during the period 2013-2015 in the region of Osona (Barcelona Spain),2017,43,4,138-145,Naudó-Molist Deaths with medicolegal intervention and its impact on the cause-of-death statistics in Catalonia Spain,2017,43,1,13-19,Gispert Magarolas Suicide investigation: psychological autopsy,2017,43,4,135-137,Martin-Fumadó Complex suicide: A case report,1999,23,86-87,44-48,Moreno Cantero The psycological autopsy in violents deaths,1999,23,86-87,75-82,Garcia Perez Suicide notes,1999,23,86-87,66-74,Rodes Lloret Explosives as a non-terrorist suicide method. Report of two cases in Montevideo Uruguay,2009,35,2,83-85,Alazraki A case of death by massive clothiapine ingestion,2010,36,2,77-79,Pérez Participation of Legal Medicine Institutes in suicide prevention programs: The case of Osona (Barcelona),2012,38,4,131-136,Arrufat Nebot Self-harm risk assessment and its medical and legal implications,2012,38,4,155-160,Fernández García-Andrade Suicide: Clinical and medico-legal issues,2012,38,4,129-130,López-Ibor Importance of medical examiner data in suicide mortality statistics,2013,39,3,122-123,Xifró Suicide pact in twins,2013,39,3,119-121,Martin-Fumadó Strangulation with a rope as suicide procedure,2013,39,3,115-118,Sánchez Ugena Suicide due to chloroquine poisoning,2013,39,1,37-39,Marrón Moya Forensic autopsies of elderly patients,2014,40,2,49-53,Castellá-García Xenomelia: A propos of a case of suicide,2018,44,2,83-84,Pera Bajo Use of chloroquine in suicides,2018,44,2,85-88,Navarro Escayola Contribution of forensic medicine to the improvement of knowledge of suicide,2019,45,2,67-72,Xifró Decision-making capacity and type of hospital admission in suicide behaviour. Theory and practice,2019,45,4,136-142,Gutiérrez-Rojas Medical professional responsibility and suicide: Medical-legal recommendations,2019,45,2,86-87,Martin-Fumadó Descriptive analysis of suicide in the 2018-2019 biennium in Valladolid (Spain),2021,47,4,143-149,Prieto Lorenzo Influence of meteorological conditions on suicide rate in the province of Córdoba,2021,47,1,3-8,Girela-López Behavior and distribution of suicide in the city of Medellín during the period 2015-2019,2022,48,2,60-65,Vásquez Guarín Medico legal study of the organic law of the regulation of euthanasia in Spain compared to the rest of the countries that regulate euthanasia and / or assisted suicide,2022,48,4,166-174,Martínez-León Risk factors for completed suicide in young people and middle-aged adults: Population forensic study,2022,48,2,53-59,Morentin Suicidal poisoning by sodium nitrite: A dangerous mode from Internet. In regard of a case,2023,49,1,37-40,García Caballero