Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Women in Domestic Violence Situations: Vitimization and Coping,2009,2,2,151-159,Dell'Aglio Violence between intimate partners and its implications for women's health,2020,13,1,1-18,Lourenço Workplace harassment: a review of Brazilian publications,2020,13,1,1-18,Gonçalves Domestic violence in the health field: beliefs of managers of a micro-region,2020,13,1,1-18,Lourenço Personality aspects in violent and nonviolent juvenile offenders according to Jesness Inventory: a comparative study,2020,13,2,e14859,Bazon Predictors of intention to leave profession in truck drivers,2020,13,2,e14903,Taube Performance of school psychologist in the south and southwest Goiano: conceptions and challenges,2020,13,3,e15167,Naves The pulsional aspect of religious fanaticism,2020,13,3,e15317,Oliveira Masculinities and violence: life narratives of youths in conflict with the law,2020,13,3,e15485,Silva Challenges for mental health care in rural contexts,2021,14,1,e15627,Cirilo Neto Public park and crime: environmental predictors of the perception of (in)security,2021,14,1,1-22,Vasconcelos Child sexual abuse trauma and depression in adulthood: a case study,2021,14,2,1-25,Del Bianco About love between women: notes on conjugality and sexuality,2021,14,2,1-23,Silva Brazilian youth and the work in drug trafficking: pauperization precarisation and super-exploitation,2021,14,Suppl,1-24,Costa Percepções de uma equipe de saúde mental sobre o comportamento suicida,2016,9,1,78-89,Dias Os pomeranos e a violência: a percepção de descendentes de imigrantes pomeranos sobre o alto índice de suicídio e homicídio na Comunidade de Santa Maria de Jetibá,2013,6,1,[36-53],Capucho