Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Expanding Evolutionary Psychology: toward a Better Understanding of Violence and Aggression,2003,42,1,5-50,Mysterud Women inside and outside Academia: a struggle to access knowledge legitimacy and influence,2005,44,1,41-63,Romito Sexual Selection and Human Behaviour,2002,41,3,439-465,Rommel Are the kids alright? A critique and agenda for taking youth cultures seriously,2013,52,1,110-133,Debies-Carl Emergency placements in juvenile justice: abandoning the time for education,2004,43,3,371-387,Bessin The (re)making of sexualities on the web,2014,53,4,462-482,Pajnik Lowered serum cholesterol famine and aggression: A Darwinian hypothesis,1997,36,2,211-222,Erickson