Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Work for the benefit of the community as a criminal sanction in Spain,2008,55,3,245-258,Blay Evidencing sexual assault: Women in the witness box,2009,56,4,379-398,Burman Sexual violence against women: A psychological approach to the assessment and management of rapists in the community,2005,52,4,401-422,Craissati Current issues and developments in race hate crime,2007,54,2,109-124,Dixon Collateral damage: Men's 'domestic' violence to women seen through men's relations with men,2006,53,1,38-56,Hearn Is custody an effective sentencing option for the UK? Evidence from a meta-analysis of existing studies,2009,56,2,129-151,Marsh Family Violence and Police Response: Learning From Research Policy and Practice in European Countries,2007,54,1,83-84,Martin The Liverpool Desistance Study and Probation Practice: Opening the Dialogue,2004,51,3,221-232,Maruna 'Real' violence?: Gender and (male) violence — an Australian perspective,2009,56,1,29-44,Seymour Domestic Violence Programmes: A Framework For Change,2000,47,1,18-29, Rethinking domestic violence: the continuing debate,1998,45,1,63-64,Ashworth Effective supervision of domestic violence cases,2005,52,2,190-191,Cluley Responses to Anne Ashworth's rethink of domestic violence,1997,44,4,246-247,Connelly Domestic violence and crime and disorder reduction partnerships,2005,52,2,192-194,Madoc-Jones Research and reports: tackling domestic violence,2005,52,4,442-443,Madoc-Jones Domestic violence: narrative and solutions,2003,50,2,127-141,Milner Firing up and burning out: the personal and professional impact of working in domestic violence offender programmes,2008,55,2,139-152,Morran Domestic violence policy,1998,45,3,190-191,Morton 'let a hundred flowers bloom let a hundred schools of thought contend': towards a variety in programmes for perpetrators of domestic violence,2005,52,3,277-288,Rivett Should pre-sentence report writers be interviewing victims of domestic violence?,1998,45,4,226-227,Teft Working with South Asian male perpetrators of intimate partner violence in British Columbia Canada,2012,59,3,219-234,Thandi Probation attitudes to battered women: apathy error and avoidance?,1986,33,4,132-134,Swain Prisoners' motivations for therapeutic community treatment: In search of a 'different' approach to offender rehabilitation,2013,60,2,152-167,Stevens The Legal Aid Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012: The significant changes,2013,60,2,177-189,Cairns Integrated approaches to domestic violence? An exploration of the role of the victim and Women's Safety Work in cognitive-behavioural programmes,2014,61,1,27-43,Bullock Contemporary slavery in the UK: overview and key issues,2007,54,3,279-280,Evans Relationships in the context of suicide risk,2015,62,1,71-73,Borrill Probation staff experiences of managing suicidal and self-harming service users,2015,62,2,111-127,Borrill Suicide and supervision: issues for probation practice,2017,64,1,6-19,Borrill Preventing prison suicide: Staff perspectives,2017,64,2,158-160,Cluley Suicides in Prison and the Safer Prisons Agenda,2002,49,2,140-150,Liebling Protecting the human rights of vulnerable women: A spotlight on deaths of women in prison,2010,57,1,75-82,Coles Healthcare and probation: The impact of government reforms,2015,62,3,268-272,Brooker What should happen after the death of a probationer? Learning from suicide investigations in prison,2020,67,1,65-70,Phillips