Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The Effects of Global Economic Restructuring on Urban Women's Work and Income-Generating Strategies in Dhaka Bangladesh,2004,30,1,63-102,Ward One Strike Evictions State Space and the Production of Abject Black Female Bodies,2010,36,1,45-64,Lethabo King A Theory of the Preferred Worker: A Structural Explanation for Black Male Dominance in Basketball,2008,34,3,369-387,Brooks A Public Sociology for California,2008,34,3,339-348,Burawoy Does the New Middle Class Lead Today's Social Movements?,2003,29,2,163-188,Cleveland Imperialism State and Social Movements in Latin America,2006,32,1,67-81,Cockcroft Sacrificing Neoliberalism to Save Capitalism: Latin America Resists and Offers Answers to Crises,2010,36,5,635-666,de la Barra Invisible or Pathologized? Racial Statistics and Violence Against Women of Color,2008,34,2,193-211,Ferraro Class Transformation in the Household: An Opportunity and a Threat,2003,29,1,47-65,Fraad The Color in Miami: Building Grassroots Leadership of Color in the U.S. Global Justice Movement1,2007,33,5-6,795-831,Pastor A Black Feminist Analysis of Responses to War Racism and Repression,2006,32,2-3,501-524,Zerai Female-Female Non-Partner Assault: A Political-Economic Theory of Street Codes and Female-Gendered Culture in the Contemporary African-American Inner City,2008,34,2,271-290,Wallace Christian heroism and the reconstruction of America,2013,39,4,545-560,Aho Hollywood bike messengers and the new economy,2016,42,2,307-322,Kidder Gender-based violence twin pandemic to COVID-19,2021,47,4-5,583-590,Dlamini The Chinese Race to the Bottom: The Precarious Lives of Unemployed University Graduates in Beijing's 'Ant Tribe',2016,42,7-8,989-1002,Bregnbæk Japan's Modernization and Discrimination: What are Buraku and Burakumin?,2021,47,1,111-132,Kobayakawa After the Foxconn Suicides in China: A Roundtable on Labor the State and Civil Society in Global Electronics,2022,48,2,211-233,Kessler Suicidal Economy of Turkey in Times of Crisis: 2018 Crisis and Beyond,2023,49,4-5,783-800,Yücel