Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author An acquaintance rape education program for students transitioning to high school,2006,6,3,223-236,Fay Learning about domestic violence: young people's responses to a Healthy Relationships programme,2006,6,3,237-250,Stanley 'Who guards the guards in schools?' a study of reported cases of child abuse by teachers in Zimbabwean secondary schools,2001,1,1,77-86,Shumba Domestic Abuse Prevention Education: Listening to the Views of Young People,2014,14,1,28-41,Fox Bullying "Cussing" and "Mucking About": Complexities in Tackling Homophobia in Three Secondary Schools in South London UK,2014,14,2,159-173,Aggleton "Keeping things straight": the representation of sexualities in life orientation textbooks,2014,14,3,323-337,Wilmot How Sex Education Research Methodologies Frame GLBTIQ Students,2013,13,6,687-701,Jones Teaching Pleasure "and" Danger in Sexuality Education,2013,13,2,121-132,Cameron-Lewis Sexual Diversity Discrimination and "Homosexuality Policy" in New South Wales' Government Schools,2013,13,2,159-171,Ferfolja Parental Attitudes about Teenage Pregnancy: Impact on Sexual Risk Behaviour of African-American Youth,2014,14,2,225-237,Annang Recollections of Sexual Socialisation among Marginalised Heterosexual Black Men,2013,13,5,560-572,Dunlap Sexuality Education in India: Examining the Rhetoric Rethinking the Future,2014,14,2,210-224,Das Students and Sex Work in the UK: Providers and Purchasers,2013,13,3,349-363,Jones Sex Education and Young People in Group Homes: Balancing Risks Rights and Resilience in Sexual Health Promotion,2014,14,4,400-413,Lindroth 'They talked completely about straight couples only': schooling sexual violence and sexual and gender minority youth,2022,22,3,275-288,Ybarra Sexuality education as political theology: pathways to non-violence,2022,22,1,37-51,Heyes Critical media attitudes as a buffer against the harmful effects of pornography on beliefs about sexual and dating violence,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Evans-Paulson Child sexual assault or curious play? Adults negotiating appropriate behaviour in terms of age gender and sexuality when responding to an incident in Swedish early childhood education,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Eng Sex 101: a rapid review of research in the United States on the impacts of college sexual health curricula,2024,24,2,272-289,Hirsch Sexuality education school policy for Australian GLBTIQ students,2012,12,4,437-454,Hillier Classroom voices: youth perspectives to direct school-based sexual health education,2024,24,4,479-496,Dickson