Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author A systematic review of research on religion and spirituality in the Journal of Traumatic Stress: 1990–1999,2003,6,3,215-228,Figley Apocalyptic suicide,2000,3,2,109,Dein “The Lord is my Shepherd”: examining spirituality as a protection against mental health problems in youth exposed to violence in Brazil,2010,13,5,467,McLennan Mental illness and suicide in British South Asian adults,2012,15,3,235-250,Ineichen Religion trauma and non-pathological dissociation in Northern Ireland,2013,16,2,200-209,Ferguson Sexual violence perceptions among Christian college students,2013,16,3,254-272,Giovannelli Socio-cultural variation in attitudes to adolescents' decision-making,2017,20,10,954-972,Hodes The rise of mindfulness and its resonance with the Islamic tradition,2017,20,10,973-985,Thomas Perceptions about fleeing religious persecution and entrance to the US,2017,20,10,1002-1014,Jacobs Adverse childhood experiences religious/spiritual struggles and mental health symptoms: examination of mediation models,2017,20,10,1042-1054,Currier Assessment of dispositional forgiveness in adolescence: a contribution to the Italian validation of the Forgiveness Likelihood Scale,2017,20,9,888-897,Cabras The sense of entitlement in romantic relationships: ethnic and religious aspects,2017,20,8,728-740,Tolmacz Experience of intimate partner violence among female health workers in South East Nigeria,2017,20,8,827-840,Aguocha Sexual abuse and HIV-risk behaviour among black and minority ethnic men who have sex with men in the UK,2017,20,8,841-853,Lopes Religion and cognitive processing of trauma among newly returned US Iraq and Afghanistan veterans,2017,20,7,603-616,Currier Biblical narratives for positive psychology and suicide prevention: an evidence supported approach,2017,20,7,654-678,Kaplan Emotional religion? Exploring the religious beliefs and religious experiences of real vampires,2017,20,4,359-366,Williams Religiosity and adolescent marijuana use,2017,20,3,229-238,Stewart When a child comes out in the latter-days: an exploratory case study of Mormon parents,2017,20,3,260-276,Nielson The role of religious fundamentalism in college students' perceived drinking norms alcohol consumption and alcohol-related problems,2017,20,2,188-201,Scharer Muslim attitudes and spirituality: relationships with Dark Triad and Harmony Control in Iranian teachers,2017,20,1,20-30,Ghorbani The influence of culture on disaster mental health and psychosocial support interventions in Southeast Asia,2017,20,1,31-44,Hechanova On surviving suicide in South India - exploring support mechanisms from the perspectives of survivors and service providers,2017,20,1,75-88,Young Religiosity health and psychopathology in two cultures: Kuwait and USA,2007,10,5,537-550,Lester The Interpersonal Mattering Scale: its reliability and validity in an Iranian sample,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lester The Revised Arabic Scale of Obsession-Compulsion (ASOC): validation with Iranian psychiatric outpatients,2020,23,3-4,274-288,Lester Religion and suicide among Chinese rural youths,2022,25,2,132-143,Lester Suicide beliefs and behaviour among young Muslims and Hindus in the UK,2002,5,2,111-118,Kamal Suicidal ideation among young people in the UK: Churchgoing as an inhibitory influence?,2006,9,2,127-140,Kay An extraordinary truth? The Ādam "suicide" notes from Bangladesh,2010,13,3,223-244,Selim The hidden dimension of Chinese culture as seen in the dream of a Taiwanese woman,2010,13,5,485-512,Stimson Between compassion and condemnation: A qualitative study of clergy views on suicide in Northern Ireland,2011,14,1,65-74,Leavey Freud's atonement,2011,14,6,531-541,Schneider Suicidal ideation affective lability and religion in depressed adults,2011,14,7,633-641,Baetz Religion ethnicity coping style and self-reported self-harm in a diverse non-clinical UK population,2011,14,3,259-269,Fox The relationship between forgiveness and history of suicide attempt,2013,16,1,31-37,Sansone Daily hassles and suicide ideation in African-American female suicide attempters: Moderating effect of spiritual well-being,2014,17,5,529-541,Kaslow "I have sinned": Understanding the role of religion in the experiences of suicide attempters in Ghana,2014,17,5,437-448,Kinyanda Religiosity spirituality mental health and mental health treatment outcomes in Australia: a systematic literature review,2014,17,6,568-581,McPhedran Spirituality and differentiation of self of parents living in the "City of Sadness",2014,17,7,655-664,Ng Personality spirituality suicide and self-injury proneness among lesbian gay and bisexual adults,2015,18,9,777-788,Cramer The suicide of Ṣàngó through the prism of Integrated Motivational-Volitional model of suicide: implications for culturally sensitive public education among the Yorùbá,2015,18,5,408-417,Atilola Minnesota clergy's attitudes on suicide prevention and likelihood to inquire about suicidal thoughts and intent,2016,19,6,565-573,Hedman Existential themes in the treatment of people at suicide risk. Understandings and practices of specialist healthcare professionals,2018,21,6,588-600,Lien Unique experiences in religious groups in the US and China--a qualitative study,2018,21,6,609-624,Hu Media reporting of suicide in Muslim countries,2020,23,10,941-944,Menon The significance ascribed to contacting a diaconal suicide-prevention crisis line in Norway: a qualitative study,2020,,,113-126,Lien Association between sexual attraction and suicide risk: the mediating role of spirituality,2022,25,8,739-754,Pineda-Roa Believing in religion as a source of value strains among college students: a cross-sectional study,2023,26,9,941-955,Zhang Characteristics of health and well-being in former Jehovah's Witnesses in Austria Germany and Switzerland,2023,26,7,644-662,Heim