Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author ‘You’re nothing without me!’: the positive role of education in regaining self-worth and ‘moving on’ for survivors of domestic abuse,2007,12,2,241-258,Morgan Outsiders Within: Isolation of International Faculty in an American University,2014,19,4,450-467,Munene "It's helped me with my anger and i'm realising where i go in life": the impact of a Scottish youth work / schools intervention on young people's responses to social strain and engagement with anti-social behaviour and gang culture,2013,18,1-2,98-114,Deuchar Education and the reconstitution of social class in england,2013,18,1-2,46-60,Ainley University students' accounts of living with depression,2020,25,2,127-148,Martin