Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author “If This Is Week Three We Must Be Doing ‘Feelings’”: An Essay on the Importance of Client-Paced Group Work,2004,26,3,5-14,Caplan Recognizing Vicarious Traumatization: A Single Session Group Model for Trauma Workers,2005,27,2,55-74,Clemans A Model for Group Work Practice with Ultra-Orthodox Jewish Victims of Domestic Violence: A Qualitative Study,2007,30,3,29-45,Sweifach Evaluation of support groups for child abuse prevention: outcomes of four state evaluations,2008,31,2,165-182,Haskett Treating the effects of interpersonal violence: a comparison of two group models,2013,36,1,59-72,Dore Pilot Project for Male Batterers,1989,12,2,63-74,Beninati Putting the pieces back together: a group intervention for sexually exploited adolescent girls,2014,37,2,99-113,Hickle Beyond the dawn. A literature review on technology assisted therapeutic group work interventions for children and young people who experienced maltreatment,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Veigh Let's rework our approach with "Angry Young People",2017,40,3,183-186,McFerran Resolution of Delusional Parasitosis within Complicated Grief Group Therapy: A Case Analysis,2017,40,4,335-349,Supiano Time-limited cognitive-behavioral group interventions with suicidal adolescents,2000,22,2-3,55-75,Rittner Growing www.parentsofsuicide: A Case Study of an online support community,2011,34,2,101-120,Meier Survivor of Suicide Loss Support Group Facilitators: Do Peers and Professionals Differ?,2018,41,4,306-322,Frey