Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author News Coverage Of Violence Against Women -- The Turkish case,2006,6,3,295-314 N2-,Alat Discursive manoeuvres and hegemonic recuperations in New Zealand documentary representations of domestic violence,2003,3,3,283-299 N2-,Michelle Female Friendship Idealisation and the “Need” For Violence In Crush -- Running the risk of Melanie Klein,2007,7,2,171-187,Gordon Representations of An Honor Killing -- Intersections of discourses on culture gender equality social class and nationality,2007,7,3,239-255,Reimers “Jack the Ripper” Strikes Again -- The "Ipswich Ripper" and the "vice girls" he killed,2010,10,1,35,Warkentin “Too Drunk To Say No” -- Binge drinking rape and the Daily Mail,2010,10,1,19,Meyer “The Male Preserve of Martyrdom” -- Representations of Palestinian female suicide bombers in Australian newsprint media,2010,10,2,119,Jaworski Framing the problem of sex trafficking: whose problem? what remedy?,2013,14,3,419-436,Johnston Gender monstrosity,2013,13,3,525-539,Jones #SayHerName: using digital activism to document violence against black women,2016,16,5,922-925,Williams Media framing of trolling and online abuse: silencing strategies symbolic violence and victim blaming,2017,17,6,926-940,Lumsden Media Action Research Group: toward an antiauthoritarian profeminist media research methodology,2017,17,6,1056-1072,Khan Privacy and consent: the trouble with the label of "revenge porn",2017,17,6,1107-1111,Sebastian Bystander intervention feminist hashtag activism and the anti-carceral politics of care,2017,17,4,565-584,Rentschler White noise white affects: filtering the sameness of queer suffering,2017,17,4,585-599,Rault Constructing risk and responsibility: a gender race and class analysis of news representations of adolescent sexuality,2017,17,3,412-425,Tolman "The devil destroyed us": satanism and gender violence in South Africa,2017,17,3,426-439,Falkof Beyond bruised faces and invisible men? Changes in social advertising on male violence against women in Italy,2017,17,3,440-456,Magaraggia Is Debbie Does Dallas dangerous? Representations of cheerleading in pornography and some possible effects,2017,17,2,264-280,Jane "Sluts and nuts": influences on the symbolic annihilation of women sources in sexual assault allegation news coverage,2023,0,0,1-18,Deavours Portraying Trafficking in Lukas Moodysson's Lilya 4-Ever,2015,15,5,829-844,Matthews The rhetoric of the mistake in adult narratives of youth sexuality: the case of Amanda Todd,2016,16,4,710-725,Penney Dil Se and Gulaab Gang -- "Me-Too" by the Women at the Margins,2022,22,7,1837-1841,Banerjee Martyrdom and the Myth of Motherhood: U.K. broadcast news media's agential construction of Palestinian female suicide bombers during the Second Intifada (2000-2005),2022,22,2,306-322,Kirk "The butterfly effect": sexual assault and the aftermath on Netflix's 13 Reasons Why,2023,23,8,4123-4137,Cox Weaponizing neutrality: the entanglement of policing affect and surveillance technologies,2023,23,1,170-184,Pagé