Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Community Therapeutic Intervention for Women Healing from Trauma,2006,31,4,339-351,McWhirter Reducing Gender Role Conflict among Men Attending Partner Abuse Prevention Groups,2003,28,4,355-369,Schwartz Women of Courage: A Personal Account of a Wilderness-Based Experiential Group for Survivors of Abuse,2006,31,2,99-111,Kelly Women of Burma Speak Out: Workshops to Deconstruct Gender-Based Violence and Build Systems of Peace and Justice,2004,29,3,259-283,Norsworthy Therapeutic Factors in Guidance versus Counseling Sessions of Domestic Violence Groups,2007,32,4,346-361,Waldo Promoting distributive justice for intimate partner violence survivors with group intervention,2010,35,2,115-123,Chronister Feminist group counseling with south Asian women who have survived intimate partner violence,2008,33,1,84-102,Singh Group Work with Adult Survivors of Childhood Abuse and Neglect: A Psychoeducational Approach,2003,28,2,106-121,Choate Mixed-Gender Co-Facilitation in Therapeutic Groups for Men Who Have Perpetrated Intimate Partner Violence: Group Members' Perspectives,2013,38,1,3-29,Lindsay Group training for parents of children with behavior problems,1986,11,4,194-199,Lewis Incest: A developmental dystopia,1986,11,3,174-179,Mudry Treatment and group therapy with dually diagnosed populations,1986,11,3,151-156,Schneider Group counseling for military personnel who battered their wives,1986,11,3,132-138,Waldo Peer counseling for elderly victims of crime and violence,1986,11,2,107-113,Burke Treatment for survivors of incest,1986,11,2,85-92,Hall Mutual help for spouses whose partners are employed in stressful occupations,1986,11,2,80-84,Hildebrand Self-help groups for vietnam veterans experiencing posttraumatic stress disorder,1986,11,2,74-79,Gressard Group work with athletes,1985,10,4,211-216,Gunnison Prevention groups: a model for improving immigrant adjustment,1985,10,4,217-224,Edleson Group counseling for heterosexual interpersonal skills: mixed- or same-sex group composition,1985,10,4,192-197,Beasley Group therapy in the treatment of female partners of Vietnam veterans,1985,10,1,44-50,Harris Group training in communication skills for elementary school principals,1985,10,1,38-44,Bromberg Personal growth groups for women: an Adlerian approach,1985,10,1,19-27,Hawes Group counseling for ridiculed children,1984,9,3,157-162,Clark Constructive management of conflict in groups,1984,9,3,137-144,Mitchell Substance abuse and the family,1984,9,2,106-112,Murphy A description of a behavioral group treatment for depression,1984,9,2,85-92,Cox Group work with female alcoholics,1984,9,1,44-50,Wren Group strategies with black alcoholics,1984,9,1,38-43,Harper Substance abuse prevention: a developmental skills approach,1984,9,1,32-37,Rosenthal Group treatment of adult substance abusers,1984,9,1,26-31,Altman Multifamily educational groups in juvenile court settings with drug/alcohol offenders,1984,9,1,21-25,Conner Graduated levels of group therapy for substance abusers,1984,9,1,7-13,Gerstein Shalom: a developmental group model for young adults,1983,8,4,205-210,Carty Counseling families of the elderly: a group experience,1983,8,4,198-204,Hammond Group counseling to improve communication skills of adolescents,1983,8,3,144-150,Leaman Impact of parent education groups on family environment,1983,8,3,126-132,Campbell Marathon group counseling with illicit drug users: a study of the effects of two groups for 1 month,1983,8,3,114-125,Page Empathy and confrontation related to group counseling outcome,1983,8,3,106-113,Waldo Socioprocess groups for court workers: a training format,1983,8,2,86-92,Wilbur Marathon group counseling with illicit drug users: analysis of content,1983,8,2,67-75,Page Group treatment of sexual assault survivors,1983,8,1,39-46,Sprei Lesbian consciousness-raising discussion groups,1983,8,1,24-30,On Sexuality awareness workshop for women,1983,8,1,17-23,Kingdon Women and anger: relearning in a group context,1983,8,1,9-16,Hotelling Introduction to women emerging: group approaches,1983,8,1,3-8,Sullivan Sexuality and the elderly: a group counseling model,1982,7,4,251-259,Capuzzi Group treatment of suicidal clients,1982,7,4,245-250,Hippie Unethical behaviors we all do and pretend we do not,1982,7,3,182-186,Kottler Ethics and the experts: insight into critical incidents,1982,7,3,154-161,Gumaer So you think it is a secret,1982,7,3,149-153,Davis Challenging men in groups,1982,7,2,132-136,Washington Premarital counseling using group process,1982,7,2,102-108,Martin Use of the vocational exploration group with economically disadvantaged black students,1982,7,2,96-101,Johnson The family is not a group--or is it?,1982,7,2,88-95,Becvar Small group dynamics in an industrial setting,1982,7,1,30-38,Anderson A community based life-skills group for adolescent probationers,1981,6,4,244-248,Rotman Gender issues in training group leaders,1981,6,3,161-170,Reed Racial issues in the training of group workers,1981,6,3,155-160,Davis In-service training for group leaders in a prison hospital: problems and prospects,1981,6,3,130-135,Corey An outreach program for drama students,1981,6,2,115-120,Scher Female sexuality groups: growth workshops for college women,1981,6,2,109-114,Snow Training paraprofessional group counseling leaders in the federal prison system,1981,6,2,96-99,Riggs The "reconstituted family": a model for group treatment of the severely emotionally disturbed adolescent,1981,6,1,42-51,Knight Relationship building in second marriages and merged families,1981,6,1,35-41,Kirby Adjustment groups for single parents,1981,6,1,29-34,Simone Family enrichment: an activity group process for multiple families,1981,6,1,22-28,Hillman The marital growth group,1981,6,1,13-21,Lingren Group therapy for abusive parents and their children,1981,6,1,8-12,Kelley Troubled family interactions and group intervention: an overview,1981,6,1,3-7,West Groups for grief and survivorship after bereavement: A review,1991,16,1,46-55,Zimpfer