Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Are Gangs a Substitute for Legitimate Employment? Investigating the Impact of Labor Market Effects on Gang Affiliation,2009,62,3,407-425,Seals Does Child Labor Reduce Youth Crime?,2007,60,4,559-573,Horowitz Growth Consequences of Terrorism in Western Europe,2008,61,3,411-424,Gaibulloev The Social Costs of Civil Conflict: Evidence from Surveys of Happiness,2008,61,2,320-340,Welsch Does Frustration Lead to Violence? Evidence from the Swedish Hooligan Scene,2010,63,3,450-460,Priks Traffic fatalities and public sector corruption,2006,59,3,327-344,Anbarci Dying to die: New micro and macro evidence that suicide terrorists are suicidal,2023,76,3,478-500,Varaine