Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The Challenge of Pluralism and Peace: The Changing Relationships Among the Churches in Colombia1,2009,98,2,342-359,Gros Beyond the Text: Revisiting Jacques Dupuis‘ Theology of Religions,2007,96,380‐381,56-71,Sydnor Bibliography on Mission Studied,2008,97,384‐385,161-179, Choosing Life or Second Life? Discipleship and Agency in A Mediated Culture,2008,97,384‐385,7-20,Halt Confessing Faith Together in the Economy: The Accra Confession and Covenanting for Justice Movement,2008,97,386‐387,233-244,Sheerattan‐Bisnauth Crusade Violence: Understanding and Overcoming the Impact of Mission Among Muslims,2008,97,386‐387,273-291,Nayak Getting Saved in El Salvador: The Preferential Option for the Poor,2008,97,384‐385,31-49,Wadkins Just and Inclusive Communities: Report of the Theological Consultation La Paz Bolivia April 29‐May 3 2007,2008,97,384‐385,135-148, Mission as Transformation: An Exploration of the Relationship Between Mission and Development,2008,97,384‐385,91-102,Si Of lions and rabbits: the role of the church in reconciliation in South Africa,2007,96,380‐381,41-55,Maluleke Reconciliation and the New Identity in Christ: Pneumatological Perspectives of Christian Mission in its Third Millennium,2008,97,386‐387,255-272,Grundmann Speaking Credibly? Communicating Christian Particularism in Postmodern Contexts,2008,97,384‐385,21-30,Stanley The AGAPE Process: A Challenge for Transformative Mission and Ecumenism in the 21st Century,2008,97,386‐387,220-232,Mshana Mental Health as a Key Issue in the Future of Global Health Developments,2006,95,376-377,36-49,Tharyan