Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Gaza Israel Hamas and the Lost Calm of Operation Cast Lead,2009,16,1,40-52,Zuhur Internal and External Security in the Arab Gulf States,2009,16,2,39-58,Ulrichsen Hezbollah's Social Jihad: Nonprofits as Resistance Organizations,2009,16,2,122-137,Flanigan Bin Laden and the New Age of Global Terrorism,2001,8,4,1-5,Voll Behind the Palestinian‐Israeli Violence and Beyond,2001,8,1,81-88,Ben‐Meir Killing in the Name of Islam: Al‐Qaeda's Justification for September 11,2003,10,2,76-92,Wiktorowicz A Federation of Palestine and Jordan: A Chance for Peace?,2007,14,2,30-43,Frederiksen A Friend Like This: Re‐evaluating Bush and Israel,2008,15,4,91-111,Barbalat A New U.S. Policy for Syria: Fostering Political Change in a Divided State,2008,15,3,107-121,Kaplan Abandoning the Iron Wall: Israel and“The Middle Eastern Muck”,2008,15,3,30-56,Lustick Advice to President Obama,2008,15,4,134-156,Norton Afghanistan's Security: Political Process State‐Building and Narcotics,2008,15,2,39-52,Aras America's Early Experience with the Muslim Faith: The Nation of Islam,2008,15,3,129-138,Talhami Battle for Muslims' Hearts and Minds: The Road Not (Yet) Taken,2007,14,1,27-41,Esposito Challenges for Democratization in Central Asia: What Can the United States Do?,2007,14,1,95-106,Ipek Civil‐military relations in North Africa,2007,14,4,99-114,Sorenson Combating Extremism: A Brief Overview of Saudi Arabia's Approach,2008,15,2,111-142,Ansary Dancing with Wolves: The Importance of Talking to Your Enemies,2007,14,2,22-29,Ancram Divergent Democratization: The Paths of Tunisia Morocco and Mauritania,2007,14,4,67-83,Hochman Dubai: The Security Dimensions of the Region's Premier Free Port,2008,15,2,143-160,Davidson From Local Hizbollah to Global Terror: Militant Islam in Turkey,2007,14,1,124-141,Uslu Hamas and the Two‐State Solution: Villain Victim or Missing Ingredient?,2008,15,2,1-30,Zuhur Iran's Reformists and Activists: Internet Exploiters,2008,15,1,46-59,Rahimi Iran's Strategic Concerns and U.S. Interests,2008,15,1,1-18,Takeyh Iraq Iran Israel and the Eclipse of U.S. Influence: What Role for America Now?,2007,14,1,1-26,Lieven Israeli‐Palestinian Peace: Inching Toward And Looking Beyond Negotiations,2007,14,3,29-40,Kelman Mutual Threat Perceptions in the Arab/Persian Gulf: GCC Perceptions,2007,14,2,133-140,Mattair Pakistan: Terror War Bolsters Islamism Nationhood,2008,15,1,111-124,Malik Saudi Arabia and the Arab‐Israeli Peace Process,2007,14,3,49-59,Bahgat The Dialectics of Political Islam in North Africa,2007,14,4,84-98,Henry The New Aggressiveness In Iran's Forign Policy,2007,14,2,125-132,Gasiorowski The Unchanging Politics of North Africa,2007,14,4,23-41,Entelis The“Global War on Terror”: What Has Been Learned?,2008,15,4,1-25,Macgregor Thinking Strategically about Iraq: Report from a Symposium,2008,15,1,82-110,Kahl Two Complementary Views of Peacemaking: The Palestinian‐Israeli Case,2008,15,3,56-66,Handelman U.S. Policy Towards North Africa: Three Overarching Themes,2007,14,4,55-66,Hemmer Walling Off Iraq: Israel's Imprint on U.S. Counterinsurgency Doctrine,2008,15,3,67-79,Niva When We Meet with Syria What Should We Say? What Should We Hope to Hear?,2007,14,2,1-21,Kattouf Women in The Maghreb: Civil Society's Actors or Political Instruments?,2007,14,4,115-133,Dris‐Aït‐Hamadouche Mullah Omar's missiles: A field report on suicide bombers in Afghanistan,2008,15,4,26-46,Williams Explaining the decline of suicide terrorism in Turkey,2023,30,4,93-105,Demir