Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Genocide as Social Control,2009,27,2,150-172,Campbell Gendering the Comparative Analysis of Welfare States: An Unfinished Agenda,2009,27,3,317-343,Orloff Humans Animals and Play: Theorizing Interaction When Intersubjectivity is Problematic,2009,27,4,371-389,Jerolmack Body to Body: On the Political Anatomy of Crowds,2009,27,3,271-290,Borch Why is Collective Violence Collective?,2001,19,2,126-144,De La Roche Theories of Sexual Stratification: Toward an Analytics of the Sexual Field and a Theory of Sexual Capital,2006,24,2,107-132,Levi Martin Why Men Commit Crimes (and Why They Desist),2000,18,3,434-447,Kanazawa American Media and Deliberative Democratic Processes,2007,25,2,122-148,Rohlinger Avatars of the Collective: A Realist Theory of Collective Subjectivities,2007,25,4,295-324,Vandenberghe Central Authority and Order,2007,25,3,245-267,Erikson Culture Power and Institutions: A Multi‐Institutional Politics Approach to Social Movements,2008,26,1,74-99,Armstrong Introduction to Emile Durkheim's “Anti‐Semitism and Social Crisis”,2008,26,4,299-321,Goldberg Queer Theory and Sociology: Locating the Subject and the Self in Sexuality Studies,2007,25,1,26-45,Isaiah Green Signing in the Flesh: Notes on Pragmatist Hermeneutics,2007,25,3,193-224,Shalin Sociology as Public Discourse and Professional Practice: A Critique of Michael Burawoy,2007,25,1,46-66,Holmwood The Fall and Rise of Torture: A Comparative and Historical Analysis,2007,25,2,101-121,Einolf The Good the Bad and the Social: On Living as an Answerable Agent,2007,25,3,268-291,Kenny The Northern Theory of Globalization,2007,25,4,368-385,Connell The Portable Home: The Domestication of Public Space,2008,26,4,324-343,Kumar The Power of the Past: A Contribution to a Cognitive Sociology of Ethnic Conflict,2007,25,3,225-244,Rydgren The Specter of AIDS: Testimonial Activism in the Aftermath of the Epidemic,2008,26,3,230-257,Decoteau The Trouble with Recognition: Subjectivity Suffering and Agency,2008,26,3,271-296,McNay Intersubjectivity and domination: a feminist investigation of the sociology of Alfred Schutz,1995,13,1,25-36,Lengermann Chance and causality: a comment on Manis and Meltzer,1995,13,2,197-202,Martin Agency chance and causality: a rejoinder,1995,13,2,203-205,Meltzer The theory of heroic defeats: a mixed motivation approach,1995,13,2,178-196,Olberg The trouble with gender: tales of the still-missing feminist revolution in sociological theory,1995,13,3,209-228,Alway Nazism nationalism and the sociology of emotions: escape from freedom revisited,1996,14,3,241-261,McLaughlin The social construction of enemies: Jews and the representation of evil,1996,14,3,203-240,Smith Romance irony and solidarity,1997,15,1,60-80,Jacobs Lindesmith on addiction: a critical history of a classic theory,1997,15,2,150-161,Weinberg Endogamy as a basis for ethnic behavior,1997,15,2,162-178,Whitmeyer Theorizing meaning construction in social movements: symbolic structures and interpretation during the Irish land war 1879-1882,1997,15,3,249-276,Kane Moral regulation: a reformulation,1997,15,3,277-293,Ruonavaara Comment on Weinberg's "Lindesmith on Addiction",1998,16,2,205-206,Galliher E. Digby Baltzell: Moral rhetoric and research methodology,1998,16,2,149-171,Klausner Praxis and addiction: a reply to Galliher,1998,16,2,207-208,Weinberg Race and theory: culture poverty and adaptation to discrimination in Wilson and Ogbu,1999,17,2,171-200,Gould Religious culture and political action,1999,17,3,307-332,Wood Shame and the social bond: a sociological theory,2000,18,1,84-99,Scheff Processes and mechanisms of democratization,2000,18,1,1-16,Tilly "Race" as an interaction order phenomenon: W.E.B. Du Bois's "Double Consciousness" thesis revisited,2000,18,2,241-274,Rawls The trouble with modernity: gender and the remaking of social theory,2000,18,2,275-288,Thistle Honor status and aggression in economic exchange,2000,18,3,399-416,Baxter Parameterize!: notes on mathematical modeling for sociology,2000,18,3,505-509,White The long and winding road: civil repair of intimate injustice,2001,19,3,371-400,Alexander Deviant cases in tests of the status integration theory,2001,19,3,271-291,Gibbs Civil society and the sexual politics of difference,2001,19,3,325-343,Meeks Gender and the public sphere: alternative forms of integration in nineteenth‐century america,2001,19,3,344-370,Rabinovitch Alternative routes to state breakdown: toward an integrated model of territorial disintegration,2002,20,1,1-23,Li State fragmentation: toward a theoretical understanding of the territorial power of the state,2002,20,2,139-156,Li Money sex and god: the erotic logic of religious nationalism,2002,20,3,381-425,Friedland Ideological language and social movement mobilization: a sociolinguistic analysis of segregationists' ideologies,2002,20,3,328-359,Platt Tanks tear gas and taxes: toward a theory of movement repression,2003,21,1,44-68,Earl Toward an ecological-evolutionary theory of the incidence of warfare in preindustrial societies,2003,21,1,18-30,Nolan Changing forms of inequality,2003,21,1,31-36,Tilly Inequality democratization and de-democratization,2003,21,1,37-43,Tilly The natural realm of social law,2003,21,2,175-190,Donabedian Authority and Autonomy in Marriage: Translation with Introduction and Commentary by Craig R. Bermingham,2003,21,2,85-102,Weber Commentary on Craig R. Bermingham's "Translation with Introduction and Commentary" of Marianne Weber's "Authority and Autonomy in Marriage",2003,21,4,424-427,Lengermann From the depths of despair: performance counterperformance and "September 11",2004,22,1,88-105,Alexander International terrorism and the world‐system,2004,22,1,38-52,Bergesen The geometry of terrorism,2004,22,1,14-25,Black Reason politics and the politics of truth: how science is both autonomous and dependent,2004,22,1,106-122,Brown Rituals of solidarity and security in the wake of terrorist attack,2004,22,1,53-87,Collins Religion rationality and experience: a response to the new rational choice theory of religion,2004,22,1,140-160,Jerolmack Explaining terrorism: the contribution of collective action theory,2004,22,1,26-37,Oberschall Toward a scientific theory of terrorism,2004,22,1,1-4,Senechal dela Roche Terror terrorism terrorists,2004,22,1,5-13,Tilly Gendered power and privilege: taking Lenski one step further,2004,22,2,269-277,Chafetz Tiny publics: small groups and civil society,2004,22,3,341-356,Fine Odious comparisons: incommensurability the case study and "small N's" in sociology,2004,22,3,371-400,Steinmetz Reasons why,2004,22,3,445-454,Tilly Turning anomie on its head: fatalism as Durkheim's concealed and multidimensional alienation theory,2005,23,1,75-85,Acevedo Insecurity citizenship and globalization: the multiple faces of state protection,2005,23,1,25-41,Béland The dark side of the Protestant ethic: a comparative analysis of welfare reform,2005,23,1,1-24,Hudson From virtual public spheres to global justice: a critical theory of internetworked social movements,2005,23,1,42-74,Langman Return to empire: the new U.S. imperialism in comparative historical perspective,2005,23,4,339-367,Steinmetz Macro‐micro relationships in Durkheim's analysis of egoistic suicide,2006,24,1,58-80,Berk How to punch someone and stay friends: an inductive theory of simulation,2006,24,2,170-193,Hoffman Getting the word out: notes on the social organization of notification,2006,24,3,228-254,Ryan The civilizing force of social movements: corporate and liberal codes in Brazil's public sphere,2006,24,4,285-311,Baiocchi Reiterated commemoration: Hiroshima as national trauma,2006,24,4,353-376,Saito The sociological imagination of R. D. Laing,2006,24,4,331-352,Scott The social organization of desire: the sexual fields approach,2008,26,1,25-50,Green Relational understanding and white antiracist praxis,2009,27,1,33-50,Perry Erratum: Introduction to Emile Durkheim's "Anti-Semitism and Social Crisis",2009,27,2,193, Cultural performance and political regime change,2009,27,3,291-316,Kern Fact‐totems and the statistical imagination: the public life of a statistic in Argentina 2001,2009,27,4,466-489,De Santos Practicing intersectionality in sociological research: a critical analysis of inclusions interactions and institutions in the study of inequalities,2010,28,2,129-149,Ferree Hybrid cultural codes in nonwestern civil society: images of women in Taiwan and Hong Kong,2010,28,2,167-192,Lo The sociology of the local: action and its publics,2010,28,4,355-376,Fine The territorial state as a figured world of power: strategics logistics and impersonal rule,2010,28,4,402-424,Mukerji Multiple levels of analysis and the limitations of methodological individualisms,2011,29,1,54-73,Jepperson Typecasting legitimation and form emergence: a formal theory,2011,29,2,97-123,Hsu The moodiness of action,2011,29,3,199-222,Silver The question of moral action: a formalist position,2011,29,4,272-293,Tavory The socioemotional foundations of suicide: a microsociological view of Durkheim's suicide,2014,32,4,327-351,Abrutyn The trauma of the routine: lessons on cultural trauma from the Emmett Till verdict,2016,34,4,335-357,Onwuachi-Willig Bullshit as a problem of social epistemology,2017,35,1,15-38,Wakeham Less theory. more description,2017,35,2,147-153,Khan Fuck nuance,2017,35,2,118-127,Healy The practical logic of political domination: conceptualizing the clientelist habitus,2017,35,3,179-199,Auyero The heterosexual matrix as imperial effect,2018,36,1,1-26,Patil Toward a cultural-structural theory of suicide: examining excessive regulation and its discontents,2018,36,1,48-66,Abrutyn The love of neuroscience: a sociological account,2018,36,1,88-116,Abend Insurgencies as networks of event orderings,2018,36,2,201-209,Breiger Pathways to violence: dynamics for the continuation of large-scale conflict,2018,36,2,210-220,Balian The emergence of statistical objectivity: changing ideas of epistemic vice and virtue in science,2018,36,3,289-313,Peterson The return of the native: A cultural and social-psychological critique of Durkheim's suicide based on the Guarani-Kaiowa' of Southwestern Brazil,2006,24,1,42-57,Brym