Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Against Biopolitics: Walter Benjamin Carl Schmitt and Giorgio Agamben on Political Sovereignty and Symbolic Order1,2009,82,1,42-62,Pan Love Me Hurt Me Heal Me—Isolde Healer and Isolde Lover in Gottfried's Tristan,2009,82,1,5-23,Altpeter‐Jones “Without Poachers No Foresters and Vice Versa”:1 Political Violence in Günter Grass's Ein weites Feld,2007,80,1,59-76,Thesz Broch's 1903: Esch oder die Anarchie: Desiring the Abject Outside,2008,81,1,86-109,Hans Dimensions of Engagement: Politics and Aesthetics in Heinrich Böll's Early Fiction,2007,80,3,350-367,Rebien Figures of Love in Romantic Antisemitism: Achim von Arnim1,2007,80,4,427-448,Garloff Fragments and Wounded Bodies: Kafka after Kleist,2007,80,4,449-467,Shahar German Epic/Jewish Epic: Goethe's Exodus Narrative in Hermann und Dorothea and “Israel in der Wüste”,2007,80,2,165-184,Schutjer No Fun: Aporias of Pleasure in Adorno's Aesthetic Theory,2008,81,2,185-202,Weitzman The Gender of Terror: War as (Im) Moral Institution in Kleist's Hermannsschlacht and Penthesilea,2008,81,1,66-85,Krimmer Working Girls: White‐Collar Workers and Prostitutes in Late Weimar Fiction1,2008,81,4,449-470,Smith Shame and shamelessness in Oskar Roehler's Die Unberührbare,2023,96,1,97-112,Gallagher