Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Feminist Ethics and Everyday Inequalities,2009,24,1,141-159,Brennan In an Abusive State: How Neoliberalism Appropriated the Feminist Movement against Sexual Violence. By KRISTIN BUMILLER,2009,24,2,205-208,Card Same‐Sex Marriage: Why It Matters—At Least for Now,2009,24,1,70-80,Callahan The Limits of Forgiveness,2009,24,1,100-122,Norlock Undoing Theory: The “Transgender Question” and the Epistemic Violence of Anglo‐American Feminist Theory,2009,24,3,11-32,Namaste Foucault Feminism and Sex Crimes,2009,24,4,1-25,Taylor Cross‐Dressing and Gender (Tres)Passing: The Transgender Move as a Site of Agential Potential in the New Iranian Cinema,2009,24,3,158-177,Kheshti “… But I Could Never Have One”: The Abortion Intuition and Moral Luck,2009,24,1,41-55,Lindemann Resisting Definition: Gendering through Interaction and Relational Selfhood,2009,24,3,56-76,Shotwell Sadomasochism as Make‐Believe,2009,24,2,21-38,Stear Challenging the Genteel Supports of Atrocities: A Response to The Atrocity Paradigm,2009,24,1,123-140,Bell Overcoming Oppressive Self‐Blame: Gray Agency in Underground Railroads,2009,24,1,81-99,ConcepciÓn Expecting Bad Luck,2009,24,1,9-28,Tessman Standpoint Theory as a Methodology for the Study of Power Relations,2009,24,4,218-226,Rolin The Abused Mind: Feminist Theory Psychiatric Disability and Trauma,2001,16,4,80-104,Nicki Rape as an Essentially Contested Concept,2001,16,2,43-66,Reitan Simone de Beauvoir and the Ambiguous Ethics of Political Violence,2007,22,3,111-132,Hutchings Sexual Harassment and Sadomasochism,2002,17,2,99-117,Williams Questions Regarding a War on Terrorism,2003,18,1,164-169,Card On Their Own Ground: Strategies of Resistance for Sunni Muslim Women,2007,22,3,152-174,Tobin Heterosexualism and White Supremacy,2007,22,1,166-185,Hoagland Girls Blush Sometimes: Gender Moral Agency and the Problem of Shame,2003,18,3,21-41,Manion Gay Marriage: An American and Feminist Dilemma,2007,22,1,39-57,Ferguson Cruelty Horror and the Will to Redemption,2003,18,2,155-188,Arnault (Love Is) The Ability of Not Knowing: Feminist Experience of the Impossible in Ethical Singularity,2002,17,2,145-161,Davis “It Can Happen to You”: Rape Prevention in the Age of Risk Management,2004,19,3,1-18,Hall Art Understanding and Political Change,2000,15,3,113-139,Mullin The Apotheosis of Home and the Maintenance of Spaces of Violence,2002,17,4,39-70,Price Foucault Rape and the Construction of the Feminine Body,2000,15,1,43-63,Cahill “The Stigma of Nation”: Feminist Just War Privilege and Responsibility,2008,23,2,48-60,Eide A Return to Reciprocity,2007,22,3,22-42,Mayer Abortion Killing and Maternal Moral Authority,2008,23,1,132-149,Reader Constituting Politics: Power Reciprocity and Identity,2007,22,4,96-112,Watson Cosmopolitan Feminism and Human Rights,2007,22,4,180-198,Reilly Evil Deceivers and Make‐Believers: On Transphobic Violence and the Politics of Illusion,2007,22,3,43-65,Bettcher Feeling in the Dark: Empathy Whiteness and Miscege‐nation in Monster's Ball,2007,22,2,122-142,Rowe Feminism and the A‐word: Power and Community in the University,2007,22,4,223-229,Benson Gandhi and the Virtue of Care,2007,22,3,1-21,Kupfer Gay Divorce: Thoughts on the Legal Regulation of Marriage,2007,22,1,24-38,Card Gay Marriage and the War on Terror,2007,22,1,247-251,Mann Global Feminism and Transformative Identity Politics,2008,23,4,110-133,Weir Heterosexual Privilege: The Political and the Personal,2007,22,1,1-9,Feigenbaum Heterosexualism and the Colonial/Modern Gender System,2007,22,1,186-219,Lugones Home and Identity: In Memory of Iris Marion Young,2008,23,3,4-21,Weir Introduction: Thinking about War,2008,23,2,vii-xv,Bar On Just War and the Problem of Evil,2008,23,2,122-140,Schott Moral Repair: Reconstructing Moral Relations after Wrongdoing,2008,23,4,228-233,Spelman Motherhood and the Invention of Race,2007,22,2,79-97,Martinot Parité: Sexual Equality and the Crisis of French Universalism,2008,23,4,220-225,Benhabib Politics of Difference and Nationalism: On Iris Young's Global Vision,2008,23,3,39-59,Herr Power and the Politics of Difference: Oppression Empowerment and Transnational Justice,2008,23,3,156-172,Allen Reassessing the Foster‐Care System: Examining the Impact of Heterosexism on Lesbian and Gay Applicants,2007,22,1,132-148,Riggs Religion Rights and Relationships: The Dream of Relational Equality,2007,22,1,71-91,Denike Replacing Just War Theory with an Ethics of Sexual Difference,2008,23,2,33-47,Poe Reproducing the Souls of White Folk,2007,22,2,98-121,Mason Simone de Beauvoir's Ethics of Freedom and Absolute Evil,2008,23,4,75-89,Morgan Situated Voices: Black Women in/on the Profession of Philosophy,2008,23,2,160-189, Standpoint Theory and the Possibility of Justice: A Lyotardian Critique of the Democratization of Knowledge,2007,22,4,16-29,Grebowicz The Dangerous Individual('s) Mother: Biopower Family and the Production of Race,2007,22,2,60-78,Feder The Human Rights of Others: Sovereignty Legitimacy and “Just Causes” for the “War on Terror”,2008,23,2,95-121,Denike The Legacy of White Supremacy and the Challenge of White Antiracist Mothering,2007,22,2,20-38,Aanerud The Lesbian June Cleaver: Heterosexism and Lesbian Mothering,2007,22,1,149-165,Mann The Opposition of Politics and War,2008,23,2,141-154,Bar On The Potential of Theory: Melanie Klein Luce Irigaray and the Mother‐Daughter Relationship,2007,22,3,175-193,Jacobs Toward a Phenomenology of Sex‐Right: Reviving Radical Feminist Theory of Compulsory Heterosexuality,2007,22,1,210-228,Miriam Unruly Daughters to Mother Nation: Palestinian and Israeli First‐person Films,2008,23,2,17-32,Naaman Who's Zoomin’ Who? A Feminist Queer Content Analysis of “Interdisciplinary” Human Sexuality Textbooks,2007,22,1,92-113,Crawley Women: The Secret Weapon of Modern Warfare?,2008,23,2,1-16,Oliver Pharmacotherapy to Blunt Memories of Sexual Violence: What's a Feminist to Think?,2010,25,3,527-552,Hurley Fetal relationality in feminist philosophy: an anthropological critique,1996,11,3,47-70,Morgan On sexual obligation and sexual autonomy,2013,28,1,122-141,Anderson The familiar face of genocide: internalized oppression among American Indians,2003,18,2,86-100,Poupart Looking Backwards: A Feminist Revisits Herbert Marcuse's Eros and Civilization,2011,26,1,65-78,Holland Why love kills: power gender dichotomy and romantic femicide,2017,32,1,135-151,Gregoratto The ambiguous practices of the inauthentic Asian American Woman,2014,29,1,146-163,Lee