Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Vicarious traumatisation in practitioners who work with adult survivors of sexual violence and child sexual abuse: Literature review and directions for future research,2009,9,1,47-56,Karatzias A preliminary investigation into counselling student attitudes towards self-harming behaviour,2016,16,2,119-122,Fox The impact of suicide prevention on experienced Irish clinicians,2016,16,1,24-34,Moore Practitioners' experiences of learning and implementing Counselling for Depression (CfD) in routine practice settings,2018,18,1,3-13,Barkham Significant events in an Internet-delivered (Space from Depression) intervention for depression,2018,18,1,35-48,Richards How should we evaluate research on counselling and the treatment of depression? A case study on how the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence's draft 2018 guideline for depression considered what counts as best evidence,2017,17,4,253-268,Barkham Self-conscious emotions and suicidal ideation among women with and without history of childhood sexual abuse,2017,17,4,269-275,Ogrodniczuk Are rupture-repair episodes related to outcome in the treatment of trauma-exposed World Trade Center responders?,2017,17,4,276-282,Haugen Counselling professionals' awareness and understanding of female genital mutilation/cutting: training needs for working therapeutically with survivors,2017,17,4,309-319,Jackson Psychotherapists' ideals in the treatment of panic disorder: an exploratory study,2017,17,3,201-208,Ogrodniczuk Helpful aspects of pluralistic therapy for depression,2017,17,2,137-147,Antoniou Reflexive research with mothers and children victims of domestic violence,2017,17,2,157-165,Cronin-Davis CORE assessment of adult survivors abused as children: a NAPAC group therapy evaluation,2017,17,1,71-79,Kelly Constructions of emotional impact risk and meaning among practitioners working with asylum seekers and refugees,2016,16,4,277-287,Apostolidou A client focused perspective of the effectiveness of Counselling for Depression (CfD),2016,16,4,288-297,McAndrew When life gets in the way: systematic review of life events socioeconomic deprivation and their impact on counselling and psychotherapy with children and adolescents,2018,18,2,143-153,Evans First-line therapy for post-traumatic stress disorder: a systematic review of cognitive behavioural therapy and psychodynamic approaches,2018,18,3,237-250,Paintain Bridging the gap between cognitive and interpersonal variables in depression,2018,18,3,274-285,Drapeau "It's like a refuge": young people's relationships with school counsellors,2018,18,4,377-386,Cartwright 'I then had 50 stitches in my arms…such damage to my own body': an Interpretative phenomenological analysis of Izzat trauma and self-harm experiences among UK women of South Asian heritage,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mafura Counsellors' experiences of working with suicidal clients: An exploratory study,2001,1,3,172-176,Reeves Acculturation and ethnic identity in marginal immigrant South Asian men in Britain: A psychotherapeutic perspective,2003,3,1,42-48,Dhillon Group-based problem-solving therapy in self-poisoning females: A pilot study,2010,10,3,201-213,Bannan Working with suicidal clients: The person-centred counsellor's experience and understanding of risk assessment,2012,12,3,214-223,Moerman A systematic review of the literature on counselling and psychotherapy for the prevention of suicide: 1. Quantitative outcome and process studies,2013,13,3,164-183,Bunn A systematic review of the literature on counselling and psychotherapy for the prevention of suicide: 2. Qualitative studies,2014,14,1,64-79,Bunn Working with suicidal clients: Psychotherapists and allied professionals speak about their experiences,2020,20,3,525-534,Scupham How to heal their psychological wounds? Effectiveness of EMDR therapy on post-traumatic stress symptoms mind-wandering and suicidal ideation in Iranian child abuse victims,2021,21,2,412-421,Jamshidi Understanding suicidality and reasons for living amongst Doctoral Researchers: A thematic analysis of qualitative U-DOC survey data,2021,21,4,757-767,Mackenzie Who is coming through the door? A national survey of self-reported problems among post-secondary school students who have attended campus mental health services in Canada,2021,21,4,837-845,Kealy What metrics of harm are being captured in clinical trials involving talking treatments for young people? A systematic review of registered studies on the ISRCTN,2022,22,1,108-129,Hayes Open trial of a brief web-assisted behavioural intervention to reduce thwarted belongingness and suicidal ideation among adolescents: The Supporting Grieving Teens intervention,2023,23,1,211-221,King Understanding the context of suicide in master's level counselling programmes in Australia,2023,23,3,801-807,Howell