Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Making sense of interviewee–interviewer dynamics in narratives about violence in intimate relationships,2004,7,5,383-401,Gadd The Power of Talk: Transformative Possibilities in Researching Violence with Children in South Africa,2008,11,4,293-306,Parkes Feminist epistemology and the politics of method: Surveying same sex domestic violence,2010,13,3,251-263,Donovan Counting woman abuse: a cautionary tale of two surveys,2010,13,3,265,Crocker Investigating human trafficking from the Andean Community to Europe: the role of goodwill in the researcher-gatekeeper relationship and in negotiating access to data,2013,16,6,515-523,Van Dyke (Auto)ethnography and cycling,2014,17,1,59-71,Larsen Walking a tightrope: reflections on police gatekeeping roles in suicide research in Ghana,2018,21,3,289-301,Osafo Understanding the justifiability scale in international surveys: an exploratory study,2020,23,3,291-309,Remizova