Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Targeting architecture: the material world of political violence,2009,37,3,340-342 AB-,Fregonese Predicting building performance: the ethics of computer simulation,2010,38,4,401,Williamson Sustainability and resiliency objectives in performance building regulations,2016,44,5-6,474-489,Meacham The realpolitik of building codes: overcoming practical limitations to climate resilience,2016,44,5-6,490-506,Shapiro The impact of regulations on overheating risk in dwellings,2016,44,5-6,520-534,Mulville Sopite syndrome in wind-excited buildings: productivity and wellbeing impacts,2016,45,3,347-358,Lamb Assessment of water penetration risk in building facades throughout Brazil,2016,45,5,492-507,Domínguez-Hernández Simulation-based daylighting analysis procedure for developing urban zoning rules,2016,45,5,478-491,Reinhart Building retrofit in shrinking and ageing cities: a case-based investigation,2016,45,3,278-292,Weinsziehr Mortality analysis of an urban building stock,2016,45,3,259-277,Aksözen Revisiting thermal comfort models in Iranian classrooms during the warm season,2016,45,4,457-473,King Life-cycle assessment of post-disaster temporary housing,2016,45,5,524-538,Atmaca Hospital learning from extreme weather events: using causal loop diagrams,2016,44,8,875-888,Chand Vacant residential buildings as potential reserves: a geographical and statistical study,2015,44,8,816-839,Huuhka Effects of perceived indoor temperature on daylight glare perception,2015,44,8,907-919,Rodriguez Staff and resident perceptions of mental and behavioural health environments,2022,50,1-2,89-104,Shepley