Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Satisfaction with justice and desire for revenge in survivors of the September 11 2001 attacks on New York City's World Trade Center,2020,12,4,307-323,North Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression: integrating the science of political violence across disciplines cultures and nations,2009,1,1,1-4,Antonius Righteous violence: killing for God country freedom and justice,2009,1,1,12-39,Pyszczynski Experimental peace psychology: Priming consensus mitigates aggression against outgroups under mortality salience,2010,2,1,30,Pyszczynski Future trends in terrorism and political violence,2010,2,1,70,Turner Teaching the history of terrorism in Italy: The political strategies of memory obstruction,2010,2,3,198,Hajek An introduction to evolutionary psychology and its application to suicide terrorism,2011,3,3,176-197,Shackelford Communication of collective identity in secret social groups: Hypothesis of a holographic signature of member affiliation,2011,3,3,198-224,Bradley Countering terrorism through the use of informants: the Northern Ireland experience,2012,4,1,26-40,Monaghan Creating suspect communities: Exploring the use of exclusion orders in Northern Ireland,2012,4,1,77-98,Doody Defining 'terrorism': moving towards a more integrated and interdisciplinary understanding of political violence,2011,3,2,77-79,Monaghan Government retaliation against terrorism: a cross‐national study,2011,3,1,1-19,Desouza Implications of a strategic analysis: the operational strategy of Loyalist paramilitaries,2012,4,1,4-25,Harris In defence of 'terrorism': finding a way through a forest of misconceptions,2010,3,2,116-130,Jackson Iraq versus lack of integration: understanding the motivations of contemporary Islamist terrorists in Western countries,2012,4,2,110-133,Mullins Paramilitary punishments in Belfast: policing beneath the peace,2012,4,1,41-59,Byrne Political reverberations: Northern Ireland's conflict peace process and paramilitaries,2012,4,1,1-3,Monaghan Political Violence and Collective Aggression: 2009 CICA‐STR International Conference,2011,3,1,35-71,Ramirez Successful terrorism: framework and review,2012,4,2,134-150,Marsden Terrorism the US Army perspective in Iraq,2011,3,2,150-160,Hartwell The evolving definition of terrorism in UK law,2011,3,2,131-149,Blackbourn The failed paradigm of 'terrorism',2011,3,2,80-96,Bryan The incidence of illegal nuclear trafficking in proliferation and international security,2012,4,2,99-109,Carpintero-Santamaría Tiocfaidh ár Mná: Women in the Provisional Irish Republican Army,2012,4,1,60-76,Horgan What is terrorism?,2011,3,3,161-175,Rapin Emotions expressed in speeches by leaders of ideologically motivated groups predict aggression,2013,6,1,1-18,Matsumoto Conceptualising 'success' with those convicted of terrorism offences: aims methods and barriers to reintegration,2015,7,2,143-165,Marsden Pro-integration: disengagement from and life after extremism,2015,7,2,129-142,Barrelle Reframing the Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan: new communication and mobilization strategies for the Twitter generation,2015,7,2,97-128,Drissel The representation of violence by insurgent political actors: the "violent" part of "violent extremism"?,2015,7,1,84-96,Ramsay The porous borders of extremism: Autonomous Nationalists at the crossroad with the extreme left,2015,7,1,69-83,Pisoiu The missing spirals of violence: four waves of movement-countermovement contest in post-war Britain,2015,7,1,53-68,Macklin Violence that matters! Radicalization and de-radicalization of leftist urban movements - Denmark 1981-2011,2015,7,1,35-52,Karpantschof Contrast societies radical social movements and their relationships with their target societies. a theoretical model,2015,7,1,18-34,Koehler Viewing jihadism as a counterculture: potential and limitations,2015,7,1,3-17,Hemmingsen Emotions expressed by leaders in videos predict political aggression,2014,6,3,212-218,Frank The terror of 'terrorists': an investigation in experimental applied ethics,2014,6,3,195-211,Feltz Gendered counter terrorism? The potential impact of police officer perceptions of PREVENT policing,2014,6,3,183-194,Lamb Networking vehement frames: neo-Nazi and violent jihadi demagoguery,2014,6,3,163-182,Morris Private sector engagement in the UK's counter-terrorism strategy: a new agenda,2014,6,2,147-161,Rosemont A utilization-focused guide for conducting terrorism risk reduction program evaluations,2014,6,2,102-146,Williams Dilemmas of "going legit": why should violent groups engage in or avoid electoral politics?,2014,6,2,81-101,Martin The lengths terrorists go to: perpetrator characteristics and the complexity of jihadist terrorist attacks in Europe 2004-2011,2014,6,1,58-80,Dongen Perceived impact of terrorism and the role of the media: representations by Italian citizens differing in political orientation and need for closure,2014,6,1,41-57,Areni An operational code of terrorism: the political psychology of Ayman al-Zawahiri,2014,6,1,19-40,Jacquier Don't shoot the mediator: reply to Stump,2013,5,3,225-228,Jackson On the future of critical terrorism studies: A response to Richard Jackson's minimal foundationalist redefinition of terrorism,2013,5,3,217-224,Stump Speaking truth to power? Civil liberties debates and the language of law review articles during the post-9/11 period,2013,5,3,194-216,Merola Reactive community mobilization in Europe: the case of the English Defence League,2013,5,3,177-193,Richards Cross-border terror networks: a social network analysis of the Canada-US border,2013,5,2,155-175,Leuprecht Anatomy of a terrorist cell: a study of the network uncovered in Sydney in 2005,2013,5,2,137-154,Harris-Hogan Social network analysis and counter-terrorism: measures of centrality as an investigative tool,2013,5,2,115-136,Mullins Detecting significant changes in dark networks,2013,5,2,94-114,Everton SNA data difficulties with dark networks,2013,5,2,70-93,Morris Violent and peaceful crowd reactions in the Middle East: cultural experiences and expectations,2013,5,1,20-44,Mueller Transmitting the threat: Media coverage and the discussion of terrorism and civil liberties since 9/11,2013,5,1,1-19,Merola Terrorism and its oxygen: a game-theoretic perspective on terrorism and the media,2012,4,3,212-228,Pfeiffer Interviewing the terrorists: reflections on fieldwork and implications for psychological research,2012,4,3,195-211,Horgan Terrorist risk and income revisited,2012,4,3,175-194,DiRienzo President Trump's travel ban: inciting or deterring terrorism?,2020,12,4,292-306,Hodwitz 'War on Terror' in our backyard: effects of framing and violent ISIS propaganda on anti-Muslim prejudice,2016,8,3,163-176,Hatton Contemporary terrorism and the true believer,2016,8,3,177-196,Zekulin Countering terrorism protecting critical national infrastructure and infrastructure assets through the use of novel behavioral biometrics,2016,8,3,197-211,Monaghan Political violence as shared terrain of militancy: Red Brigades social movements and the discourse on arms in the early Seventies,2016,8,3,212-226,Vecchio The terrorists of Iraq: inside the strategy and tactics of the Iraq insurgency 2003-2014,2016,8,3,227-228,Zhang The Islamic State: combating the caliphate without borders,2016,8,3,228-229,Steinmeir The threat from within: recognizing Al Qaeda-inspired radicalization and terrorism in the West,2016,8,3,229-231,Atkinson Living under threat: psychosocial effects on victims of terrorism,2016,9,3,191-207,Martín-Peña Addressing violent extremism as public health policy and practice,2016,9,3,208-221,Weine Dialoguing and negotiating with terrorists: any prospect for Boko Haram?,2016,0,0,1-19,Nwankpa Prosocial behavior following immortality priming: experimental tests of factors with implications for CVE interventions,2016,9,3,153-190,Williams An examination of college students' fears about terrorism and the likelihood of a terrorist attack,2016,9,2,125-138,Misis The similarities between Lombroso's theories on political crime and contemporary terrorism issues,2016,9,2,78-105,Calafato Walking away: the disengagement and de-radicalization of a violent right-wing extremist,2016,9,2,63-77,Horgan How do civilians assign blame and praise amidst civil conflict?,2020,12,4,243-267,Argo A comparison of ISIS foreign fighters and supporters social media posts: an exploratory mixed-method content analysis,2020,12,4,268-291,Freilich NGO interventions: influences on terrorist activity,2018,10,1,1-26,Hodwitz The effects of self-classification on perceptions of security levels and civil liberties among a sample of college students,2018,10,1,27-38,Verrecchia Searching for signs of extremism on the web: an introduction to Sentiment-based Identification of Radical Authors,2018,10,1,39-59,Davies The electoral impact of the attacks of March 11th in Madrid: explanatory mechanisms,2018,10,1,60-86,Tena-Sánchez Leaving ideological groups behind: a model of disengagement,2018,10,2,91-109,Drake Terrorism and voter turnout in seven urban centers in the United States,2018,10,2,110-137,Hunter Theory of the rise of al-Qaeda,2018,10,2,138-157,Ibrahimi Spiral of silence in a post-violent context: the influence of reference groups and fear of being in a minority position,2018,10,2,158-175,Martín-Peña The logic of suicide terrorism: does regime type affect the choice of targets?,2018,10,2,176-185,Nilsson 'It's not paranoia when they are really out to get you': the role of conspiracy theories in the context of heightened security,2017,9,1,4-20,Lee Cumulative extremism: escalation of movement-countermovement dynamics in Northern Ireland between 1967 and 1972,2017,9,1,37-51,Carter Rethinking democracy and terrorism: a quantitative analysis of attitudes to democratic politics and support for terrorism in the UK,2017,9,1,52-61,Littler Terrorism and the good life: toward a virtue-ethical framework for morally assessing terrorism and counter-terrorism,2017,9,2,139-152,Elk Local service provision to counter violent extremism: perspectives capabilities and challenges arising from an Australian service mapping project,2018,10,3,187-206,Cherney Identities 'Betwixt and between': analyzing Belgian representation in 'homegrown' extremism,2018,10,3,225-248,Pascarelli Lex talionis in the twenty-first century: revenge ideation and terrorism,2018,10,3,249-263,Grace Subjectivity in detection of radicalisation and violent extremism: a youth worker's perspective,2019,11,3,191-214,Weert Telling stories of terrorism: a framework for applying narrative approaches to the study of militant's self-accounts,2019,11,3,232-253,Copeland A content analysis of initial proof of life hostage videos released by international terrorist groups,2019,11,3,254-265,Craun Radicalization patterns and modes of attack planning and preparation among lone-actor terrorists: an exploratory analysis,2019,11,2,113-133,Schuurman Ostracism promotes a terroristic mindset,2019,11,2,134-148,Pfundmair The piracy terrorism paradigm: an interlinking relationship,2019,11,2,149-157,Regan NGO intervention in jihadist conflicts: a closer look at Afghanistan and Somalia,2019,11,2,158-177,Hodwitz Tunisian terrorist fighters: a grassroots perspective,2019,11,2,178-190,Ajala The internal brakes on violent escalation: a typology,2019,11,1,3-25,Holbrook Diagnosing "extremism": the case of "muscular" secularism in Singapore,2019,11,1,26-47,Ramakrishna Psychology extreme environments and counter-terrorism operations,2019,11,1,48-72,Barrett Decision-theoretic behavioral analytics: risk management and terrorist intensity,2019,11,1,73-112,McIlhatton Sometimes they come back: responding to American foreign fighter returnees and other elusive threats,2020,12,1,1-16,Wright Evaluating interventions to disengage extremist offenders: a study of the proactive integrated support model (PRISM),2020,12,1,17-36,Cherney Measuring radicalisation: risk assessment conceptualisations and practice in England and Wales,2020,12,1,37-54,Knudsen Terrorism and tourism in the Caribbean: a regional analysis,2020,12,1,55-71,Lutz Risk factors for terrorism: a comparison of family childhood and personality risk factors among Iraqi terrorists murderers and controls,2020,12,1,72-88,Khalifa A 'Tale of two Jihadis'? Improperly conflating terrorists and foreign fighters in the Arab spring,2020,12,2,118-139,Schumacher Terrorism lightning and falling furniture,2020,12,2,140-156,Phillips The dark tetrad and radicalization: personality profiles in young women,2020,12,2,157-168,Chabrol The eco-terrorist wave,2020,12,3,203-216,Silva How can the literature inform counter-terrorism practice? Recent advances and remaining challenges,2020,12,3,217-230,Knight Gun violence in the United States in 2017 and the role of mental illness,2020,12,3,231-242,Güss Fighting terrorism in Africa when existing terrorism levels matter,2021,13,1,1-22,Asongu Extremists and unconventional weapons: examining the pursuit of chemical and biological agents,2021,13,1,23-42,Guarrieri Between vulnerability and risk? Mental health in UK counter-terrorism,2021,13,1,43-61,Knudsen The synergy of topoi and socio-cognition in ideology construction and identity reformation: war on terror discourse,2021,13,1,62-93,Shazly Pathways to violence: do uncertainty and dark world perceptions increase intentions to engage in political violence?,2021,13,2,142-159,Gøtzsche-Astrup Exogenous events and media reporting of mass shootings,2021,13,2,160-173,Anisin The influences of social identity and perceptions of injustice on support to violent extremism,2021,13,3,177-196,Dunn Use of kidnapping and extortion as a tool for financing terrorism: the case of the PKK,2021,13,3,215-230,Ekici Divergent perceptions of Muslim Americans on being stereotyped as terrorists,2021,13,3,231-249,Zainiddinov Shifts in the visual media campaigns of AQAP and ISIS after high death and high publicity attacks,2021,13,4,251-264,Winkler Are mass shootings acts of terror? Applying key criteria in definitions of terrorism to mass shootings in the United States from 1982 to 2018,2021,13,4,265-294,Hunter Predicting behavioral profiles of online extremists through linguistic use of social roles,2021,13,4,295-319,De Bruyn Radical news? Immigrants' television use acculturation challenges and support for terrorism,2021,13,4,320-336,Hewstone How radicalizing agents mobilize minors to jihadism: a qualitative study in Spain,2022,14,1,22-48,Vicente Societal resilience following terrorism: community and coordination in Christchurch,2022,14,1,70-95,Sumpter Understanding youth radicalisation: an analysis of Australian data,2022,14,2,97-119,Cherney Dying for the cause? The logic and function of ideologically motivated suicide martyrdom and self-sacrifice within the contemporary extreme right,2022,14,2,120-141,Koehler The effects of Assad's atrocities and the call to foreign fighters to come to Syria on the rise and fall of the ISIS Caliphate,2022,14,2,169-185,Speckhard Illuminating terror: content analysis of official ISIS English-language videos from 2014 to 2017,2022,14,3,187-215,Qi Fascist aspirants: Fascist Forge and ideological learning in the extreme-right online milieu,2022,14,3,216-240,Lee From letters to bombs. Transnational ties of West German right-wing extremists 1972-1978,2022,14,3,241-258,Janse The impact of the narrative of victimization: an experiment with university students in Spain,2022,14,4,265-287,Jiménez Ramos More attacks or more services? Insurgent groups' behaviour during the COVID-19 pandemic in Afghanistan Syria and Somalia,2022,14,4,288-311,Ibrahim Shire Militant extremist mind-set in Serbian football supporters: relations with the adherence to extremist social movements,2022,14,4,312-326,Knezević The 'Tarrant effect': what impact did far-right attacks have on the 8chan forum?,2023,15,1,1-23,Baele The effects of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on suicide terrorism,2023,15,1,24-41,Demir Responses of US-based Muslim organizations to being stereotyped as 'terrorists',2023,15,1,42-63,Zainiddinov Classifying terrorism: a latent class analysis of primary source socio-political and psychological data,2023,15,1,64-81,Khalifa Disruptive Islamism: 'Islamic radicalisation' in public discourse and the strategies and impact of terrorist communication on refugees and host communities,2023,15,1,82-114,Rowa Protagonists of terror: the role of ludology and narrative in conceptualising extremist violence,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hickman Cyclicality in non-state violence: theory and evidence,2023,15,2,115-138,Becker Anti-Muslim discrimination and support for violent extremism: evidence from five large-N surveys,2023,15,2,158-178,Shanaah An exploratory analysis of leakage warning behavior in lone-actor terrorists,2023,15,2,179-214,Morrison Mobilizing extremism online: comparing Australian and Canadian right-wing extremist groups on Facebook,2023,15,2,215-245,Scrivens Re-examining the explanations of convert radicalization in Salafi-Jihadist terrorism with evidence from Canada,2023,15,2,246-273,Dawson Antiheroes fueled by injustice: dark personality traits and perceived group relative deprivation in the prediction of violent extremism,2023,15,3,277-302,Pavlović Rhetoric and hate crimes: examining the public response to the Trump narrative,2023,15,3,303-320,Hodwitz Santri with attitude: support for terrorism and negative attitudes to non-Muslims among Indonesian observant Muslims,2023,15,3,321-335,Vergani Dilemmas of the terrorist underworld: the management of internal secrecy in terrorist organisations,2023,15,3,336-360,Marone Language profile of lone actor terrorist manifestos: a mixed methods analysis,2023,15,3,390-408,Hunt Like a chess game: radical right-wing activists explain their part in violent clashes with the state,2023,15,4,411-428,Yassan Becoming a violent extremist: a General Need and Affect model of psychological variables,2023,15,4,429-447,van den Berg Terrorism and economic growth in Africa: understanding the role of military expenditure,2023,15,4,448-462,Iheonu Mechanisms of online radicalisation: how the internet affects the radicalisation of extreme-right lone actor terrorists,2023,15,4,463-487,Ravndal Ideology personality disorders and the militant extremist mindset,2023,15,4,488-502,Furnham A game theory model of terrorist mobilization: the effects of repressive and accommodative counterterrorism and club goods on terrorist decision making,2023,15,4,503-524,Ozdogan Suicide terrorism: Exploring Western perceptions of terms context and causes,2011,3,2,97-115,Güss Predictors of successful terrorism incidents,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Demir