Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Women Gendered Work and Gendered Violence: So Much More than a Job,2009,16,2,238-265,Seymour Gendered Strategies of Self: Navigating Hierarchy and Contesting Masculinities,2009,16,4,471-500,Pacholok Staying with People Who Slap Us Around: Gender Juggling Responsibilities and Violence in Paid (and Unpaid) Care Work,2006,13,2,129-151,Baines Resistance Is Not Futile: Liberating Captain Janeway from the Masculine‐Feminine Dualism of Leadership,2004,11,4,381-405,Bowring ‘Why Do All the Women Disappear?’ Gendering Processes in a Political Science Department,2008,15,2,202-225,Kantola ‘You Make Me Feel like a Woman’: Therapeutic Cultures and the Contagion of Femininity,2008,15,1,88-107,Swan Does Gender Still Matter? A Study of the Views of Women in the ICT Industry in New Zealand,2007,14,4,349-370,Crump Occupational Cultures and the Embodiment of Masculinity: Hairdressing Estate Agency and Firefighting,2007,14,6,534-551,Hall Professionals on the Sidelines: the Working Lives of Bedside Nurses and Elementary Core French Teachers,2007,14,3,210-231,Daiski The Art of Pacifying an Aggressive Client: ‘Feminine’ Skills and Preventing Violence in Caring Work,2008,15,1,72-87,Virkki The Thin End of the Wedge: Foreign Women Professors as Double Strangers in Academia,2008,15,3,235-287,Czarniawska Work–family Management among Low‐wage Service Workers and Assistant Professors in the USA: A Comparative Intersectional Analysis,2008,15,6,621-649,Weigt Working at Intimacy: Gay Men's Workplace Friendships,2008,15,1,9-30,Rumens Navigating uncertainty employment and women's safety during CoViD-19: reflections of sexual assault resistance educators,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Smith The "living dead" within "death-worlds": gender crisis and covid-19 in India,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chakraborty Navigating white academe during crisis: the impact of COVID-19 and racial violence on women of color professionals,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Melaku Femininity work: the gendered politics of women managing violence in bar work,2023,30,5,1694-1708,Gill Troubling organizational violence with Judith Butler: surviving whistleblower reprisals,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kenny We are both women and Kurd: An intersectional analysis of female Kolbars challenges in Iranian Kurdistan amid the COVID crisis,2023,30,3,1104-1123,AleAhmad