Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Resilience Moderates the Relationship Between Exposure to Violence and Posttraumatic Reexperiencing in Mi’kmaq Youth,2009,8,2,408-420,Wekerle Predictors and correlates of abortion in the fragile families and well-being study: paternal behavior substance use and partner violence,2009,7,3,405-422,Coleman Treatment issues for aboriginal mothers with substance use problems and their children,2010,8,2,320-335,Niccols Frequency and correlates of spouse abuse by type: physical sexual and psychological battering among a sample of Iranian women,2008,6,3,432-441,Zand Genderedness of bar drinking culture and alcohol-related harms: A multi-country study,2013,11,1,50-63,Greenfield Factors associated with suicide and bankruptcy in Japanese pathological gamblers,2014,12,5,600-606,Komoto Patients who attend the emergency department following medication overdose: self-reported mental health history and intended outcomes of overdose,2012,10,4,501-511,Loxley Factors associated with recent suicide attempts in clients presenting for addiction treatment,2012,10,1,132-140,Jamieson A Latent Class Analysis of Adolescent Gambling: Application of Resilience Theory,2013,11,1,13-30,Zimmerman Industrialization Stresses Alcohol Abuse & Substance Dependence: Differential Gender Effects in a Kenyan Rural Farming Community,2013,11,3,369-380,Jason Results from the Pro-QOL-IV for Substance Abuse Counselors Working with Offenders,2013,11,2,199-213,Sprang Service Based Internship Training to Prepare Workers to Support the Recovery of People with Co-Occurring Substance Abuse and Mental Health Disorders,2013,11,2,269-280,Deane Partnerships among Canadian Agencies Serving Women with Substance Abuse Issues and Their Children,2013,11,3,344-357,Smith Perception of Problem Severity Treatment Motivations Experiences and Long-Term Plans among Pregnant Women in a Detoxification Inpatient Unit,2013,11,3,329-343,Shannon All in the family: help-seeking by significant others of problem gamblers,2013,11,3,396-408,Hing Female Gambling Trauma and the Not Good Enough Self: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis,2013,11,2,214-231,Hagen Relations of Personality to Substance Use Problems and Mental Health Disorder Symptoms in Two Clinical Samples of Adolescents,2013,11,1,1-12,Stewart The Role of Psychosocial Characteristics in Criminal Convictions among Cocaine and Gambling Clients in Treatment,2013,11,2,162-171,Macdonald Attitudes skills and knowledge change in child and adolescent mental health workers following AOD screening and brief intervention training,2013,11,2,232-246,Wheeler Measuring Identity Processes in Family Relational Empowerment,2013,11,3,358-368,Caputi Characteristics of treatment seeking finnish pathological gamblers: baseline data from a treatment study,2013,11,3,307-314,Halme Linking gambling and trauma: a phenomenological hermeneutic case study using Almaas' transformation of narcissism approach,2013,11,1,123-138,Nixon Untangling the Complex Needs of People Experiencing Gambling Problems and Homelessness,2013,11,2,186-198,Tiyce The influence of individualism and drinking identity on alcohol problems,2014,12,6,747-758,Foster Developmental relations between alcohol and aggressive behavior among adolescents: neighborhood and sociodemographic correlates,2015,13,5,603-617,Sacco Mental pain among female suicide attempt survivors in Israel: an exploratory qualitative study,2015,13,4,423-434,Mirsky Unhealthy gambling amongst New Zealand secondary school students: an exploration of risk and protective factors,2016,14,,95-110,Robinson The relationship between spirituality and aggression in a sample of men in residential substance use treatment,2016,14,1,23-30,Stuart Dependence on over the counter (OTC) codeine containing analgesics: treatment and recovery with buprenorphine naloxone,2015,14,5,873-883,Gallagher Prevalence of childhood victimization experiences in psychiatric patients: a systematic review,2017,15,4,967-984,Basto-Pereira Primary and secondary exercise dependence in a sample of cyclists,2017,15,2,444-451,Cook Mental health perceptions and practices of a Cree community in northern Ontario: a qualitative study,2017,15,4,725-737,Danto Psychoactive substance use and problematic internet use as predictors of bullying and cyberbullying victimization,2018,16,2,466-479,Elekes Negative experiences of non-drinking college students in Great Britain: an interpretative phenomenological analysis,2018,16,3,737-750,Parke Does Ethnicity Moderate the Link between Drinking Norms and Binge Drinking in College Students?,2019,17,3,493-501,McCabe Comparing two alcohol screening measures on rates of risky alcohol use in a university health clinic,2019,17,3,467-478,Prado A psychometric evaluation of user-generated cannabis use motives in German university students,2019,17,3,445-466,Hoyer Policy pitfalls and challenges in cannabis regulation: lessons from Colorado,2018,16,4,783-790,Calonge Problematic online behaviors among adolescents and emerging adults: associations between cyberbullying perpetration problematic social media use and psychosocial factors,2019,17,4,891-908,Griffiths Gender rumination and awareness of the perpetrator's identity as predictors of help-seeking among cyberbullying victims,2019,17,4,947-958,Demetrovics Addiction to self-harm? The case of online postings on self-harm message boards,2019,17,4,1020-1035,Lewis A tool to help or harm? Online social media use and adult mental health in Indonesia,2019,17,4,1076-1093,Tampubolon The mental health impact of cyber sexual violence on youth identity,2019,17,5,1119-1131,Khanlou Systemic issues in the opioid epidemic: supporting the individual family and community,2019,17,5,1214-1228,McMahon Gender differences in the association between cyberbullying victimization and perpetration: the role of anger rumination and traditional bullying experiences,2019,17,5,1252-1267,Griffiths Affective-somatic symptoms of depression suicide risk and exposure to childhood maltreatment: data from emerging adults to older-age males,2019,17,6,1301-1311,Ogrodniczuk Gender differences in the relationship between depression antisocial behavior alcohol use and gambling during emerging adulthood,2019,17,6,1328-1339,Cunningham-Williams Loneliness depression social support levels and other factors involving the internet use of high school students in Turkey,2019,17,6,1521-1534,Akgün Kostak Systematic review of suicidal behaviour in individuals who have attended substance abuse treatment,2019,17,6,1580-1598,Deane Pre-professional suicide training for counselors: results of a readiness assessment,2020,18,1,27-40,Clemens Positive expectancies for the future as potential protective factors of suicide risk in adults: does optimism and hope predict suicidal behaviors in primary care patients?,2020,18,1,41-53,Hirsch Synthetic cannabinoids (SCs) in metaphors: a metaphorical analysis of user experiences of synthetic cannabinoids in two countries,2020,18,1,160-176,Rácz Stressors of suicide among the residents of Ilam Eastern Nepal: an investigation into a neglected burden,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Niraula Factors increasing suicidal risk in young Argentinean college students with and without suicide attempt history,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Godoy Comparing attitudes toward stigmatized deaths: suicide and opioid overdose deaths,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cerel A latent class analysis of mental health severity and alcohol consumption: associations with CoViD-19-related quarantining isolation suicidal ideations and physical activity,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lardier Commentary: linking mass shootings with mental illness and stigma,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kotera Family violence and adolescent aggressive behavior: the direct and indirect effects of depression and substance use,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lawrence Addressing gender-based violence in drug addiction treatment: a systematic mapping review,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Romo-Avilés Minority sexual orientation gender identity status and suicidal behavior: serial indirect effects of hope hopelessness and depressive symptoms,2017,15,2,260-270,Hirsch Neuroticism and suicidal behavior: conditional indirect effects of social problem solving and hopelessness,2017,15,1,80-89,Chang Gambling problems and attempted suicide. Part I. High prevalence amongst hospital admissions,2006,4,3,265-272,Hatcher Gambling problems and attempted suicide: Part II - Alcohol abuse increases suicide risk,2006,4,3,273-279,Hatcher A transpersonal theory of healing following youth suicide,2009,7,2,389-402,Nixon Mamow Ki-ken-da-ma-win: A partnership approach to child youth family and community wellbeing,2010,8,2,245-257,Nagy Does Self-Compassion Mitigate the Association Between Childhood Maltreatment and Later Emotion Regulation Difficulties? A Preliminary Investigation,2011,9,5,480-491,Wekerle Vulnerability and Gambling Addiction: Psychosocial Benchmarks and Avenues for Intervention,2011,9,1,12-23,Suissa Family Support Mediates the Association Between Substance Use Severity and Suicidal Ideation in Early Adult Emergency Department Patients,2013,11,6,672-681,Tarantino The Impact of Depression on Driver Performance,2014,12,4,524-537,Wickens Optimistic Explanatory Style and Suicide Attempt in Young Adults,2015,13,6,675-686,Hirsch Pain and Suicidal Behavior in Primary Care Patients: Mediating Role of Interpersonal Needs: Pain Social Distress and Suicide in Primary Care,2016,14,5,820-830,Hirsch An Interview Between a Professor and a Nursing Graduate Student on the Current State of Post-secondary Student Mental Health in Ontario Canada,2019,17,3,418-424,Shanmuganandapala Improving Health-Related Quality of Life and Reducing Suicide in Primary Care: Can Social Problem-Solving Abilities Help?,2019,17,2,295-309,Chang Mattering and Psychological Well-being in College and University Students: Review and Recommendations for Campus-Based Initiatives,2019,17,3,667-680,Khan Prevalence Predictors and Diagnostic Dilemmas: State of Bipolar Disorder in Post-Secondary Students in WHO EMRO,2019,17,3,502-519,Khan Influence of Cannabis Use Disorder Symptoms on Suicidal Ideation in College Students,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chabrol Aging and Feeling Valued Versus Expendable During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond: a Review and Commentary of Why Mattering Is Fundamental to the Health and Well-Being of Older Adults,2021,19,6,2443-2469,Heisel A Response to "Young Teenage Suicides in Bangladesh--Are Mandatory Junior School Certificate Exams to Blame?",2021,19,6,1989-1990,Arafat COVID-19-Related Suicides in Bangladesh Due to Lockdown and Economic Factors: Case Study Evidence from Media Reports,2021,19,6,2110-2115,Bhuiyan Clinical-Dynamic Features of Affective Disorders Comorbid with Alcohol Dependence,2021,19,5,1443-1451,Vasilieva Distorted Cognitions Substance Use and Suicide Ideation Among Gamblers: A Moderated Mediation Approach,2021,19,5,1398-1409,Lloyd Gender Characteristics in Methods of Chinese Rural Young Suicides,2021,19,2,438-446,Zhang Impulsivity and Impulsivity-Related Endophenotypes in Suicidal Patients with Substance Use Disorders: an Exploratory Study,2021,19,5,1729-1744,Weber Learning from Those Who Do: Land-Based Healing in a Mushkegowuk Community,2021,19,6,2131-2143,Walsh Problem-Gambling Severity Suicidality and DSM-IV Axis I Psychiatric Disorders,2021,19,2,462-477,Clerici Suicidal Behaviors Among Ukrainian College Students: the Role of Substance Use Religion and Depression,2021,19,6,2392-2406,Hong Characterizing Suicide Ideation by Using Mental Disorder Features on Microblogs: A Machine Learning Perspective,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sarsam Effects of Shinrin-Yoku Retreat on Mental Health: a Pilot Study in Fukushima Japan,2022,20,5,2652-2664,Kotera Indigenous Grassroots and Family-Run Land-Based Healing in Northern Ontario,2022,20,4,1972-1983,Walsh Mandatory Junior School Certificate Exams and Young Teenage Suicides in Bangladesh: A Response to Arafat (2020),2022,20,5,3056-3060,Griffiths Mental Health Problems and Associated Predictors Among Bangladeshi Students,2022,20,2,657-671,Griffiths Prevalence and Predisposing Factors of Suicidal Ideation Among the University Students in Bangladesh: A Single-Site Survey,2022,20,4,1958-1971,Griffiths Recent Marijuana Use Among Young Adults 2015-2018 USA,2022,20,5,3075-3085,Oliver Student Suicide Risk and Gender: A Retrospective Study from Bangladeshi Press Reports,2022,20,3,1438-1445,Griffiths The Moderating Effects of the Facets of Mindfulness on the Relationship between Daily Life Stress and Suicidal Ideation among Korean College Students,2022,20,1,136-151,Song To Blame or Not to Blame: the Role of Belief in Free Will in Substance Use and Suicide Stigma,2022,20,6,3301-3314,Turan Young Teenage Suicides in Bangladesh--Are Mandatory Junior School Certificate Exams to Blame?,2022,20,3,1627-1631,Griffiths Unanticipated Changes in Drug Overdose Death Rates in Canada During the Opioid Crisis,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Snowdon Self-Compassion Moderates the Association Between Body Dissatisfaction and Suicidal Ideation in Adolescents: A Cross-Sectional Study,2022,,,1-18,Griffiths Mental Pain Psychological Distress and Suicidal Ideation During the COVID-19 Emergency: the Moderating Role of Tolerance for Mental Pain,2023,21,2,1120-1131,Mikulincer Mother and Son Suicide Pact Due to COVID-19-Related Online Learning Issues in Bangladesh: An Unusual Case Report,2023,21,2,687-690,Griffiths A national study of suicidal ideation and suicide attempt among incarcerated people in Iran,2023,21,5,3043-3060,Sharifi Incidence and Prevalence of Suicide Attempts in Primary Care in Spain,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cayuela Influence of Baseline Psychiatric Disorders on Mortality and Suicide and Their Associations with Gender and Age in Patients with Methamphetamine Use Disorder,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Huang Perceived Social Support and Mental Health Indicators of a Mexican LGBT Sample During the COVID-19 Pandemic,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Craig The Impacts of Legalization of Physician-Assisted Suicide on Binge Drinking Among US Adults,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fujiwara The Effects of Social Protection and Labor Programs on Suicide Mortality: A Comprehensive Longitudinal Study in 81 Low- and Middle-Income Countries Over the Last Two Decades,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Basterra Using Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy to Prevent Suicide Among High Suicide-Risk Patients Who Also Misuse Opioids: a Preliminary Probe of Feasibility and Effectiveness,2023,21,6,3721-3734,Stanley Personality and acculturation as predictors of self-harm behaviors in Latinx young adults,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Croyle