Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Micromachisms or micro violence in the couple: An empirical approximation,2008,24,2,341-352,Bosch-Fiol Intimate partner violence: consequences on psychosocial health,2008,24,1,115-120,Dominguez Fuentes Depression in abused women: Relationships with personality styles contextual and situational violence variables,2007,23,1,118-124,Patro Hernandez Acculturation stress among Latin American immigrants residing in the United States vs. Spain: A literature review,2007,23,1,72-84,Zarza Intimate partner violence: consequences on psychosocial health,2008,24,1,115-120,Fuentes Micromachisms or micro violence in the couple: An empirical approximation,2008,24,2,341-352,Pérez Depression in abused women: Relationships with personality styles contextual and situational violence variables,2007,23,1,118-124,Hernández Beliefs and attitudes on violence against women by partners: Sociodemographics familiar and formative determinants,2006,22,2,251-259,Ferrer Pérez Personality differences of applicants for the gun license (proprioceptive and verbal tests),2014,30,3,964-970,Tous Social deviance among immigrant adolescents from the former Soviet Union in Israel: Data and risk factors,2012,28,3,675-682,Mirsky Personality parenting and deviance among Spanish adolescents,2012,28,3,654-664,Vazsonyi Do macro-contextual characteristics account for individual rates of adolescent deviance? A nine-country study,2012,28,3,643-653,Vazsonyi Neurobiological basis of post-traumatic stress,2010,26,1,1-10,Coelho Rebelo Maia Cognitive-behavioral group therapy for girl victims of sexual violence in Brazil: are there differences in effectiveness when applied by different groups of psychologists?,2016,32,2,433-441,Habigzang What are the most representative warning signs of intimate partner violence against adolescent girls?,2017,33,2,376-382,Nardi-Rodríguez Boundaries between psychological intimate partner violence and dysfunctional relationships: psychological and forensic implications,2016,33,1,18-25,Echeburúa Stepped psychological intervention with common mental disorders in primary care,2018,34,1,30-40,Martín Factors in cyber bullying: the attitude-social influence-efficacy model,2018,34,2,324-331,Lee Partner violence against women and specialized care health professionals,2018,34,2,349-359,Gallardo-Pino The role of objective and subjective experiences direct and media exposure social and organizational support and educational and gender effects in the prediction of children posttraumatic stress reaction one year after calamity,2018,34,3,421-429,Bulut Child perspectives on growing up with gender-based intimate partner violence at home,2021,37,1,10-20,Miranda Resilience and associated factors in women survivors of intimate partner violence: a systematic review,2022,38,1,177-190,Fontanil Victims of dating violence in adolescence: the role of problematic use of social networks sites loneliness and family climate,2023,39,1,127-136,Estévez Suicide attempts in prison: A forensic analysis,2008,24,2,361-369,Sansalvador Risk and protective factors in suicide. A case-control study using the psychological autopsy,2013,29,3,810-815,Antón-San-Martín A review of the dissociative disorders: From multiple personality disorder to the posttraumatic stress,2016,32,2,448-456,Romero-López Psychometric properties of the spanish version of the 12-item interpersonal needs questionnaire in fibromyalgia syndrome patients,2018,34,2,274-282,Ordoñez-Carrasco