Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Physical violence against women in Russian families,2008,,9,121-128,Lysova Memorization of places of death in road accidents in the focus of public opinion,2022,,3,98-106,Matlin Suicides in Russia and reforms in Russia,2002,,5,76-80+158,Bogoyavlenski Suicide in Moldova viewed from the position of E.Durkheim's concept,2004,,12,116-120+158,Isak Temporal characteristics of suicide: An empirical study,2004,,3,83-92+158,Myagko Sorokin's suicide booklet background,2003,,11,123-131+158,Mäkinen Suicide as a social phenomenon,2003,,2,104-114+157,Sorokin Structure and dynamics of attempted suicide,2007,,3,89-96+159,Miagkov Suicides in Vitebsk region,2011,,6,80-84,Bertshenko What happens to the rural population in the Russian Near North? (the case of Kostroma region),2015,2015-January,12,70-81,Denisenko Teenagers' suicidal behavior,2015,2015-January,11,161-163,Husnutdinova Assessment of the real rates of homicides and suicides in the regions of Russia,2019,,1,116-126,Yumaguzin Criminal anomie as a social problem,2019,,1,96-105,Kuzmenkovv Ethnic aspects of alcoholization process in the republic of sakha (Yakutia): Models of consumption,2020,2020,3,100-107,Zhegusov Forecast of socio-political instability (the case of the Arab Spring),2022,2022,10,96-106,Basaeva