Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Romantic attachment emotional and instrumental aggressiveness in batterers,2008,14,4,481-490,Carraud Young drivers' attitudes towards the main road safety measures in France,2011,17,4,373-389,Delhomme Long term evaluation of psychological and social consequences on victims and relocated people after mining subsidence in Auboué - - - Évaluation à long terme de l'impact psychologique et social des affaissements miniers d'Auboué sur les sinistrés ou popul,2008,14,4,491-504,Dodeler Intrapsychic functioning of incarcerated women who committed intrafamily violence,2016,22,3,239-254,Leveillee Suicide in the professional environment: Study of the psychologist's intervention,2008,14,3,443-455,Combalbert