Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Splitting and Integrating The Enabling Narratives of Mental Health Professionals Who Lived With Domestic and Intimate Violence,2008,14,8,1425-1443,Ben-Ari Performing Silence,2009,15,2,359-371,Bhattacharya Online Inquiry of Public Selves: Methodological Considerations,2004,10,6,923-946,Broad What We Tell Our Daughters and Ourselves About Hysterectomy,2009,15,8,1303-1337,Davis Research as an Aesthetic Process: Extending the Portraiture Methodology,2005,11,1,16-26,Chapman Sense of Differentness in the Construction of Knowledge,2008,14,3,450-465,Buchbinder The Interactive Construction of Narrative Styles in Sensitive Interviews: The Case of Domestic Violence Research,2005,11,4,588-617,Enosh Traumatic Truths and the Gift of Telling,2009,15,1,149-167,Giorgio Regimes of Trustworthiness in Qualitative Research: The Rigors of Reciprocity,2001,7,3,323-345,Harrison I Don't Know How to Start Talking About It,2009,15,2,350-358,Knudson The Implications of an Ethnographer's Sexuality,2006,12,4,724-735,La Pastina Finding My . . . A Story of Female Identity,2009,15,2,324-328,Mackie Conversational Space and Participant Shame in Interviewing,2006,12,6,1160-1179,Owens Conspicuous Invisibility,2008,14,8,1480-1499,Quinlan "You Can't Cross a River Without Getting Wet",2006,12,1,163-184,Shope Performance Text for Chicago Women I Love or "Hey Girlfriend",2005,11,2,152-156,Smith Critical Race Methodology: Counter-Storytelling as an Analytical Framework for Education Research,2002,8,1,23-44,Sólorzano Use of the Transformative Framework in Mixed Methods Studies,2010,16,6,441-454,Creswell Creating Knowledge Collaboratively with Female Sex Workers: Insights from a Qualitative Feminist and Participatory Study,2003,9,4,625-642,Wahab On the Social Relations of Research,2007,13,7,1008-1030,Walby Negotiating Myself,2006,12,1,146-162,Wesely Excessive Interviews: Listening to Maternal Subjectivity,2010,16,3,206-216,Willink Waiting for daybreak: a survivor's account of theft and recovery,2013,19,7,502-504,Swain "Don't be a whore that's not ladylike" discursive discipline and sorority women's gendered subjectivity,2012,18,7,606-625,Berbary "The self" "I" and "a single-consciousness-and-'I'" consciousness in the study of human life and experience V,2013,19,6,419-430,Witz Access to information and freedom of information requests: Neglected means of data production in the social sciences,2012,18,1,31-42,Walby Assembling the affective field: how smartphone technology impacts ethnographic research practice,2013,19,5,385-396,Doorn Autoethnography and emotion as intellectual resources: doing prison research differently,2012,18,1,63-75,Jewkes Can qualitative researchers answer policymakers' what-works question?,2012,18,8,662-673,Donmoyer Collaborative witnessing of survival during the Holocaust: an exemplar of relational autoethnography,2013,19,5,366-380,Ellis Creating meaning from chaos: Narrative and dialogic encounters in family crisis,2012,18,5,391-400,Russell Growing up in the unseen shadow of the Kindertransport: a poetic-narrative autoethnography,2012,18,10,845-851,Hanauer Intimate (dis)connections: Research therapy and "real" life,2013,19,1,3-8,Wyatt It's time to boo: Resonance resistance and revolution,2013,19,4,272-279,Stucky On the root of feeling one is subjectively understanding another: consciousness in the study of human life and experience; part IV,2013,19,2,91-100,Witz Picture this . . . safety dignity and voice--ethical research with children: Practical considerations for the reflexive researcher,2013,19,2,81-90,Phelan The children are listening: an autoethnographic account of the years leading up to familicide in a quiet suburban neighborhood,2012,18,3,266-272,Thaller Walking the methodological tightrope: researcher dilemmas inside an urban school district in times of public disinvestment,2012,18,6,463-474,Weis Weaving a multimethodology and mixed methods praxis into randomized control trials to enhance credibility,2012,18,10,876-889,Hesse-Biber When horizons do not merge: Perplexity doubt and research implications,2012,18,1,20-30,Weiner-Levy How friendship generates key research questions that help to overcome gender-based violence: a personal narrative,2014,20,7,934-940,Gómez It all depends on the beholder: decolonizing the concept of gender-based violence against Aymara women in Northern Chile,2014,20,7,928-933,Zapata-Sepúlveda Of walking shoes boats golf carts bicycles and a slow technoculture: a technography of movement and embodied media on protection island,2008,14,7,1272-1301,Vannini Researching Trafficked Women: On Institutional Resistance and the Limits to Feminist Reflexivity,2011,17,9,769-779,Dempsey Performing betweener autoethnographies against persistent us/them essentializing leaning on a fFreirean pedagogy of hope,2015,22,7,581-587,Moreira Inviting emotional connections to ethnographic research an ethnodrama of a community change initiative,2016,22,7,600-605,Ares Broken windows broken promises: grief privilege and hope in the mythical post racial a call and response,2016,22,7,561-567,Martin The "messiness" of teaching/learning social (in)justice: performing a pedagogy of discomfort,2016,22,5,345-352,Dutta Disruptive meaning-making: qualitative data analysis software and postmodern pastiche,2017,23,10,789-798,Le Blanc A fugue about grief,2006,12,6,1154-1159,Lee By their own hand: Irreconcilable silence,2007,13,8,1209-1220,Isaac Bereavement of spousal suicide: A reflective self-exploration,2008,14,3,335-359,Watford 4/16: Public tragedy collides with personal trauma,2011,17,2,144-147,Tilley-Lubbs "All googled out on suicide": Making collective biographies out of silent fragments with "The unassuming geeks",2011,17,2,134-143,Speedy Broom closet or fish bowl? an ethnographic exploration of a university queer center and oneself,2012,18,4,341-354,Teman Poetic Renarration of Disenfranchised Grief in Relation to Client Suicide,2014,20,3,253-254,Clark Hands on My Hips: Politics of a Subversive Fish,2016,22,4,274-279,Teman Ghost Writings,2023,29,8-9,987-992,Linnell "What Do You Think Needs to be Done to Address Self-Harm?": Centering the Perspectives of Youth Who Engage in Self-Harm Through Found Poetry,2023,29,6,720-724,Riquino