Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The cycle of violence and abuse in women who kill an intimate male partner: A biographical profile,2009,39,2,242-252,Pretorius Headlines and discourses in newspaper reports on traffic accidents,2008,38,2,337-354,Seedat Epidemiology of suicide in South Africa: Setting an agenda for future research,2013,43,2,238-251,Kagee Playing games: The salience of social cues and group norms in eliciting aggressive behaviour,2013,43,2,252-262,Louw Post-traumatic stress disorder in patients with spinal-cord injuries,2013,43,2,182-197,Moodley The construct validation of the Relationship Harmony and Soft-Heartedness Scales of the South African Personality Inventory,2013,43,2,167-181,Van de Vijver Re-examining the evidence for a total ban on alcohol advertising in South Africa,2013,43,4,402-405,Parry Towards relationality: Interposing the dichotomy between peace and violence,2013,43,4,482-493,Seedat Barriers to caregiver involvement in a child safety intervention in South Africa,2013,43,4,470-481,van Niekerk Critical incidents' impact on frontline South African police personnel in light of the current briefing and debriefing strategies,2014,44,4,416-425,Elntib Psychological research and South Africa's violence prevention responses,2014,44,2,136-144,van Niekerk Educators' perceptions of homophobic victimisation of learners at private secondary schools,2015,45,1,116-129,Mostert Barriers to rape reporting among white South African women,1987,17,1,20-24,Collings The experience of non-offending caregivers following the disclosure of child sexual abuse: understanding the aftermath,2016,46,1,88-100,Collings Social representations of intimate partner violence in the South African media,2016,46,4,491-503,Isaacs Student accounts of space and safety at a South African university: implications for social identities and diversity,2018,48,1,61-72,Strebel Interventions for posttraumatic stress disorder: a review of the evidence base,2017,47,1,7-22,Kaminer Young men in post-apartheid South Africa talk about masculinity and suicide prevention,2016,47,2,233-245,Kagee Burnout depressive symptoms job demands and satisfaction with life : discriminant validity and explained variance,2017,47,1,46-59,Thuynsma Fitness to stand trial evaluation challenges in the United States : some comparisons with South Africa,2017,47,2,148-158,Gowensmith The relationship between neuropsychological performance and depression in patients with traumatic brain injury,2017,47,2,171-183,Joosub Mental healthcare providers' attitudes towards the adoption of evidence-based practice in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder in South Africa,2017,47,2,198-209,Padmanabhanunni Community violence exposure family management practices and substance use in youth : a cross-cultural study,2017,47,2,246-259,Kliewer Gendered experiences of African male learners in child- and youth-headed households : implications for the role of psychologists,2017,47,3,305-315,Pillay Can evolutionary insights into the brain's response to threat suggest different group interventions for perceived stress and burnout of teachers in high-risk schools?,2017,47,3,401-415,Johnson Psychopathy and its relation to personality psychopathology in a South African female forensic context,2018,48,2,230-242,Louw The associations between stressful life events and depression among students in a university in Botswana,2018,48,2,255-267,Amone-P'Olak Villains and victors: representations of the fallists in newspapers during the 2015 university crisis,2018,48,3,360-371,Ebrahim Why are all rapes not grievable?,2018,48,4,403-406,Helman Migrant children separated from their parents: where does the real risk to children's safety lie?,2019,49,1,7-9,Palmary The factor structure of the Normative Beliefs about Aggression Scale as used with a sample of adolescents in low socio-economic areas of South Africa,2019,49,1,27-38,Padmanabhanunni Health professionals talk about the challenges of suicide prevention in two correctional centres in South Africa,2019,49,1,70-82,Bantjes The impact of workplace bullying in the Zimbabwean nursing environment: is social support a beneficial resource in the bullying-well-being relationship?,2019,49,1,83-96,Finchilescu Stress and coping of police officers in the South African Police Service,2019,49,1,97-108,Wassermann A thematic content analysis of suicide notes from South Africa,2019,49,1,148-159,Lazarides Mirror mirror on the wall who's the least biased of them all? Dangers and potential solutions regarding bias in forensic psychological evaluations,2019,49,2,165-176,Gowensmith Non-pathological criminal incapacity relating to provocation or emotional stress - an overview of developments in South African law,2019,49,2,177-187,Hoctor A proposed model for evaluating the impact of participating in trauma-focused research,2019,49,2,241-252,Collings Questioning the mental health effects of community-based interventions: evaluation of a women empowerment programme,2019,49,2,282-292,Weierstall The influence of self-reported childhood sexual abuse on psychological and behavioural risks in young adults at a university in Botswana,2019,49,3,353-363,Amone-P'Olak A test of the interpersonal-psychological theory of suicidal behaviour in a sample of mental health outpatients,2019,49,3,430-445,Naidoo An overview of trends in depressive symptoms in South Africa,2019,49,4,518-535,Mungai Towards the development of a forensic psychology training curriculum in South Africa,2019,49,4,536-549,Pillay Sexual violence experiences among black gay bisexual and other men who have sex with men and transgender women in South African townships: contributing factors and implications for health,2020,50,2,170-182,Kaighobadi The process and phases of Arthur Inman's suicidal career,2004,34,2,237-258,Appalsamy Suicide in a South African town: A cultural psychological investigation,2003,33,3,133-143,Laubscher The prevalence of suicidal behaviours among secondary school adolescents in the Limpopo Province South Africa,2003,33,2,126-132,Madu Suicide ideation in the South African Police Service,2005,35,1,58-72,Rothmann Suicide ideation in adolescent South Africans: The role of gender and coping strategies,2007,37,3,552-575,Meehan The development and utilisation of a suicide risk assessment interview schedule,2008,38,2,391-411,Bantjes Suicide-related behaviours among secondary school adolescents in the Welkom and Bethlehem areas of the Free State Province (South Africa),2009,39,4,489-497,Madu An emic perspective on the dynamics of non-fatal suicidal behaviour in a sample of South African Indian women,2011,41,1,63-73,Beekrum Suicide in a poor rural community in the Western Cape South Africa: Experiences of five suicide attempters and their families,2011,41,3,300-309,London Depression among health care students in the time of COVID-19: the mediating role of resilience in the hopelessness-depression relationship,2021,51,2,269-278,Pretorius Suicidal behaviour among university students: a systematic review,2021,51,1,54-66,Pillay Rage Dyscontrol and Suicide: An Extension of Nell's Ideas,1992,22,1,27-28,Lester Adult first-year students' reports of depressive symptoms at a rural South African university,2023,53,1,102-110,Thwala