Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Domestic Violence and State Intervention in the American West and Australia 1860-1930,2011,86,1,185-255,Ramsey Bringing in the state: Toward a constitutional duty to protect from mob violence,2004,79,1,177-244,Kuo Unlocked and loaded: government censorship of 3D-printed firearms and a proposal for more reasonable regulation of 3D-printed goods,2015,90,2,901-934,Bryans Disarming the dangerous: preventing extraordinary and ordinary violence,2015,90,1,151-178,Fan Our non-originalist right to bear arms,2014,89,4,1587-1651,Leider Between Victim and Agent: A Third-Way Feminist Account of Trafficking for Sex Work,2011,86,4,1409-1458,Cavalieri Abortion informed consent and regulatory spillover,2016,92,1,1-54,Stein