Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author A study in social change -- The domestic violence prevention movement in Taiwan,2005,37,1,29-50,Chao The Japanese movement to protest wartime sexual violence: a survey of Japanese and international literature,2001,33,4,572-580,Hayashi Studies of massive collective violence in post-soeharto indonesia,2009,41,2,329-349 AB-,Davidson "We came to tell the truth": reflections on the Tokyo Women's Tribunal,2001,33,4,591-602,Dudden "Comfort women" in Malaysia,2001,33,4,581-589,Nakahira The sacrifice of a schoolgirl. The 1995 rape case discourses of power and women's lives in Okinawa,2001,33,2,243-266,Angst Detention in mass violence,2012,44,3,441-466,Kammen Choosing between life and love: Negotiating dyadic gender ideals among the Lahu of Southwest China,2004,36,2,239-263,Du Resisting marriage and renouncing womanhood: The choice of Taiwanese Buddhist Nuns,2004,36,2,265-284,Crane All ready to die: Kamikazefication and Japan's wartime ideology,2005,37,4,569-596,Earhart The case of volunteer 8: Proof violence and history in Thai society,2011,43,3,399-420,Lim