Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Court Trials and Miscarriage of Justice in "Dream of the Red Chamber",2011,23,1,129-156,Zhao Does the Letter of the Law Always Arrive at Its Destination? "A Study in Feminine Psychology",2010,22,3,394-417,Aristodemou Imagining a Different World: Reconsidering the Regulation of Family Lives,2010,22,3,440-462,Harding In Search of Heimat: A Note on Franz Kafka's Concept of Law,2010,22,3,463-490,Banakar Inviolate Personality and the Literary Roots of the Right to Privacy,2011,23,1,1-25,Rosen Law and Violence,2010,22,1,1-17,Menke Mys-Reading the Past in Detective Fiction and Law,2010,22,2,288-306,Sargent William Gilmore Simms and the Literary Aesthetics of Crime and Capital Punishment,2010,22,2,220-243,Barton Defoe contra Arius: The Rationalization of Diabolical Risk,2015,27,1,75-98,Youssef The Semantics of Autonomy the Pathos of Decision and Dispositifs of Representation at the End of Life,2020,32,2,291-302,Gehring