Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Ethical dilemmas in social research: no easy solutions,1995,25,3,295-311,Gallagher Connecting Two Worlds: Training Social Workers to Deal with Domestic Violence against Women in the Ethiopian Community,2010,40,8,2485-2501,Ben-Porat Child protection domestic violence and parental substance abuse family experiences and effective practice,2008,38,5,1025-1026,Cavanagh A Deafening Silence: Hidden violence against women and children,2008,38,6,1261-1262,Whear Familial homicide and social work,2010,40,5,1419-1433,Drakeford More responsibilities less control: Understanding the challenges and difficulties involved in mothering in the context of domestic violence,2010,40,5,1434-1451,Lapierre Building and sustaining local co-ordination: An Australian rural community responds to domestic and family violence,2010,40,1,44-62,Wendt No recourse no support: State policy and practice towards south Asian women facing domestic violence in the UK,2010,40,2,462-479,Anitha Disabled women domestic violence and social care: the risk of isolation vulnerability and neglect,2011,41,1,148-165,Mullender Readiness to change: mother-child relationship and domestic violence intervention,2010,41,1,166-184,Humphreys Mental health and domestic violence: 'I call it symptoms of abuse',2003,33,2,209-226,Humphreys Comparing possible 'child-abuse-related-deaths' in england and wales with the major developed countries 1974-2006: signs of progress?,2010,40,6,1700-1718,Williams A stop-start response: social services' interventions with children and families notified following domestic violence incidents,2011,41,2,296-313,Stanley Does responsive regulation offer an alternative? Questioning the role of formalistic assessment in child protection investigations,2011,41,7,1383-1403,Harris Social worker and teacher apprehension of children's stimulation and support in the home environment and care-giver perception of the HOME Inventory in Sweden,2013,44,8,2218-2236,Glad What Has Gender Got to Do with It? Exploring Physically Abusive Behaviour Towards Children,1997,27,3,419-433,Featherstone The Manifest and Latent Lessons of Child Abuse Inquiries,1990,20,3,197-213,Hill Social Skills Training with Delinquents: A Look at the Evidence and Some Recommendations for Practice,1990,20,5,483-493,Hollin Critical Incident Reporting: An Approach to Reviewing the Investigation and Management of Child Abuse,1990,20,3,215-220,Mills Preventing child deaths: Learning from review,2013,43,7,1455-1456,Devaney Carer drinking and more serious child protection case outcomes,2013,43,7,1384-1402,Room Who kills children? Re-examining the evidence,2013,43,7,1403-1438,Williams Prevalence of adverse childhood experiences in a university population: associations with use of social services,2014,44,3,657-674,Spratt Safeguarding cyborg childhoods: incorporating the on/offline behaviour of children into everyday social work practices,2014,44,3,596-614,May-Chahal Intimate partner sexual violence,2014,44,4,1082-1083,Barter Suicide attempts and social worker contact: secondary analysis of a general population study,2015,45,1,378-394,Slater 'Stand by me': the effect of emotional support on children's testimonies,2015,45,1,349-362,Katz Victim-offender mediation in the Italian juvenile justice system: The role of the social worker,1998,28,5,729-744,Baldry Working with trafficked children and young people: complexities in practice,2011,41,8,1424-1441,Pearce Abuse of children in West Africa: implications for social work education and practice,2009,39,7,1218-1234,Sossou Children's narrative within a multi-centred dynamic ecological framework of assessment and planning for child trafficking,2015,45,1,34-51,Rigby The presentation of child trafficking in the UK: an old and new moral panic?,2014,44,2,418-433,Smith Predictive risk modelling to prevent child maltreatment and other adverse outcomes for service users: inside the 'black box' of machine learning,2016,46,4,1044-1058,Gillingham Household food insecurity and children's behaviour problems: new evidence from a trajectories-based study,2016,46,4,993-1008,Vaughn Exploring demand and provision in English child protection services,2016,46,4,923-941,Jones Children exposed to domestic violence: using adverse childhood experience scores to inform service response,2017,47,4,1128–1146,Spratt Enacting firm fair and friendly practice: a model for strengths-based child protection relationships?,2016,46,4,1009-1026,Charles An evidence-based pre-birth assessment pathway for vulnerable pregnant women,2016,46,4,960-973,Harnett Spiritually sensitive social work with victims of natural disasters and terrorism,2016,46,5,1372-1393,Benson Acquired brain injury social work and the challenges of personalisation,2016,46,5,1301-1317,Holloway Adolescent-to-parent violence in adoptive families,2016,46,5,1224-1240,Selwyn Domestic violence and the paradox of post-separation mothering,2017,47,7,2049–2067,Holt Training outcomes from the Samaritans of New York Suicide Awareness and Prevention Programme among community- and school-based staff,2010,40,7,2223-2238,Knox Coercive care: control and coercion in the restructured care workplace,2017,47,1,125-142,Baines Social work research in the child protection field in Australia,2017,47,1,256-274,Tilbury Child protection social work in England: how can it be reformed?,2017,47,2,293-307,Higgins 'Under heavy manners?': social work radicalisation troubled families and non-linear war,2017,47,2,308-324,McKendrick Decolonising disaster social work: environmental justice and community participation,2017,47,3,630-647,Pyles Referrals and child protection in England: one in five children referred to children's services and one in nineteen investigated before the age of five,2017,47,3,793-811,Bilson Troubled troubling or in trouble: the stories of 'Troubled Families',2017,47,4,989-1006,Whittaker How children become invisible in child protection work: findings from research into day-to-day social work practice,2017,47,4,1007-1023,Ferguson Social workers and independent experts in child protection decision making: messages from an intercountry comparative study,2017,47,4,1024-1042,Pösö Partnership with parents in child protection: a systems approach to evaluate reformative developments in Israel,2017,47,4,1061-1077,Alfandari 'I have my life back': recovering from child sexual exploitation,2017,47,4,1094-1110,Palmer Individual group and organised experiential expertise in recovery from intimate partner violence and mental health problems in Finland,2017,47,4,1147-1165,Nikupeteri A pattern of cumulative disadvantage: risk factors for violence across Indigenous women's lives,2017,47,4,1166-1185,Renner The advantages and disadvantages of different models of organising adult safeguarding,2017,47,4,1205-1223,Manthorpe Contribution of illicit/non-prescribed marijuana and hard-drug use to child-abuse and neglect potential while considering social desirability,2019,49,1,77-95,Donohue The framework of historical oppression resilience and transcendence to understand disparities in depression amongst Indigenous peoples,2019,49,4,943-962,Renner A culturally informed systematic review of mental health disparities among adult Indigenous men and women of the USA: what is known?,2019,49,4,880-898,Burnette The development of algorithmically based decision-making systems in children's protective services: is administrative data good enough?,2020,50,2,565-580,Gillingham Personalised budgets: what is the future for child protection?,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Evans Adapting service delivery during CoViD-19: experiences of domestic violence practitioners,2021,51,5,1779-1798,Breckenridge 'Their mum messed up and gran can't afford to': violence towards grandparent kinship carers and the implications for social work,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Holt Domestic violence and whole family interventions: charting change in the lives of service users,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Spratt Social workers and disaster management: an Aotearoa New Zealand perspective,2021,51,5,1531-1550,Hay 'Out of the frying pan into the fire': Mauritian social workers' perspectives on disaster governance in Mauritius,2021,51,5,1585-1604,Rambaree Disaster preparedness in social work: a scoping review of evidence for further research theory and practice,2021,51,5,1623-1643,Boetto Social work practitioners and human service professionals in the 2016 Alberta (Canada) wildfires: roles and contributions,2021,51,5,1663-1679,Drolet Animals in disaster social work: an intersectional green perspective inclusive of species,2021,51,5,1739-1758,Riggs Being a parent after a disaster: the new normal after the 2009 Victorian Black Saturday Bushfires,2021,51,5,1759-1778,Gibbs A strength-based approach to exploring factors that contribute to resilience among children and youth impacted by disaster,2021,51,5,1897-1916,Drolet Social service worker experiences with direct and indirect violence when engaged with service users,2021,51,4,1238-1258,Graham 'Just get on with it': a qualitative of study of social workers' experiences during the political conflict in Northern Ireland,2021,51,4,1314-1331,Tosone Children speaking against home arrest: decolonising racial penologies,2021,51,4,1374-1391,Shalhoub-Kevorkian The take-off for private consultants in child protection investigations--how did Sweden get here?,2021,51,4,1463-1481,Bergman Adverse childhood experiences: developments in trauma and resilience aware services,2021,51,3,999-1017,Spratt Sudden violent death: social workers' strategies for coping with a traumatic event in a Bedouin community,2021,51,3,1101-1118,Allassad Alhuzail Acknowledging post-traumatic stress disorder: treatment utilisation amongst Israeli Bedouin and Jewish combat veterans,2021,51,2,389-407,Caspi Experiences of domestic violence among newly arrived Afghan women in Australia a qualitative study,2021,51,2,445-464,Crisp Social workers' encounters with elder abuse and neglect: giving meaning to their experiences,2021,51,2,564-582,Goldblatt Building collaboration with child protection and domestic and family violence sectors: trialling a living lab approach,2021,51,2,692-711,Wendt Prevalence of child maltreatment during the CoViD-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional survey of rural Hubei China,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zhang Building trust with children and young people at risk of child sexual exploitation: the professional challenge,2017,47,8,2456-2473,Luckock Research-based risk factors for child maltreatment: do child protection workers use them in their case investigations?,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,De Ruiter 'Marriage is going to fix it': indigenous women's experiences with early childbearing early marriage and intimate partner violence,2022,52,5,2475-2494,McKinley Cognitive and affective elements of practice confidence in social work students and practitioners,2017,47,3,701-718,Regehr A consumer study of young people's views on their educational social worker: Engagement as a measure of an effective relationship,1998,28,6,915-938,Pritchard Euthanasia: Israeli Social Workers' Experiences Attitudes and Meanings,2002,32,4,397-413,Leichtentritt Preventing suicide: A neglected social work research agenda,2008,38,3,507-530,Joe The epidemiology of out-of-home care for children and youth: A national cohort study,2008,38,6,1043-1059,Hjern Men who were sexually abused in childhood and subsequent suicidal ideation: Community comparison explanations and practice implications,2009,39,5,950-968,O'Leary Social work with older people - Reducing suicide risk: A critical review of practice and prevention,2011,41,1,131-147,Manthorpe Dying together: Suicide pacts and other episodes of paired suicides in Yorkshire and the Humber,2013,43,2,298-316,Gregory From sense-making to meaning-making: Understanding and supporting survivors of suicide,2013,43,2,317-335,Castelli Dransart Risk Hope and Recovery: Converging Paradigms for Mental Health Approaches with Suicidal Clients,2015,45,6,1788-1803,Heller Assessing suicidal risk in practice: A validation study initiated by medical social workers,2018,48,8,2332-2345,Ho Chan Research note: Attempted suicide among adolescents,1990,20,4,365-372,Gilliland Attempted suicide among adolescents,1990,20,4,365-372,Gilliland 'Where have I found myself'? Exploring how Black social work students navigate identities in school-based practice learning,2024,,,bcae103,Rafter The social media online and digital abuse and harassment of social workers probation officers and social work students in Ireland: a national survey,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ó Súilleabháin Media-based social work as a modality for the enhancement of public awareness of violence against women: a comparative analysis of two cases covered by the israeli media during the COVID-19 pandemic,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Levin-Keini Mental health social work practice: navigating tensions,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Smith Meditation and empowerment of female trauma survivors with co-occurring disorders: implications for social work practice,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lee Older adult homicide: investigating case victim and perpetrator characteristics in a national sample from England and Wales,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Storey Benefits of a 'psy-curriculum' for theorising interprofessional practice provision of school support services,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hoang Trauma as the 'belief that the world is a dangerous place': the obfuscation of systemic violence in social work's discourses of trauma,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chatterjee Outreach work in 'hard-to-reach' communities: a critical analysis of task shifting contact making establishing credibility and on-the-spot solution-focused assistance,2024,54,3,1191-1210,Gonzalez Benson Voices behind images: exploring left-behind children's lives with grandparents through photovoice,2023,,,bcad264,Lu Working together to create meaning: narratives of care leavers in Eastern Europe,2024,54,4,1459-1476,Smith Parenting practices and children's quality of life in China: the mediating role of self-esteem,2024,54,4,1535-1553,He The impact of COVID-19 on social care and social work in the UK: a scoping review,2024,54,3,885-904,Young Structural and socio-political barriers to providing services to Arab-Palestinian young women: social workers' perspectives,2024,54,2,568-586,Elias A pilot randomised controlled trial to improve social problem-solving skills of kunjing children without sufficient parental care,2024,54,1,456-474,Zhou Exploring the lived experiences of compassion fatigue in parents who adopt children with trauma histories,2024,54,1,147-167,Pearson Complexity theory and child protection and welfare: a tool of hindsight and/or a tool to assist improved decision making in child protection and welfare work,2024,54,1,59-76,Canavan Residential social care experiences of LGBTQ+ young people in England: a qualitative interview study,2024,54,4,1420-1440,Montgomery Gambling harms in adult social care: developing an 'introductory' question to identify gambling harms among service users,2023,53,8,3584-3607,Manthorpe 'you just treat me like a human being': using lived experience to (re)imagine boundary practices in mental health settings,2023,53,3,1408-1425,Fernandes Playing the game: reflections on (intentional) institutional capture and working for mental health justice,2023,53,3,1824-1832,Buckler The often-unheard perspective of a carer navigating neoliberalism under the provisions of the 2014 Care Act,2023,53,3,1784-1792,Daniels 'I'm gay! I'm gay! I'm gay! I'm a homosexual!': overt and covert conversion therapy practices in therapeutic boarding schools,2023,53,3,1426-1444,Golightley Social work curriculum: preparation for sexuality and sexual well-being practice,2023,53,6,3237-3257,Turner Supportive relationships with trusted adults for children and young people who have experienced adversities: implications for social work service provision,2023,53,6,3129-3145,Frederick 'relocating' adolescents from risk beyond the home: what do we learn when we ask about safety?,2023,53,5,2958-2978,Firmin 'You say one thing wrong and your children are gone': exploring trauma-informed practices in foster and kinship care,2023,53,6,3055-3072,Cooper The role of uncertainty in professionals' thinking about children who harm other people,2023,53,5,2922-2939,Black How effective are current joint working practices between children and family social workers and mental health care coordinators in supporting families in which there is a primary care-giver with a diagnosis of emotionally unstable personality disorder?,2023,53,5,2665-2684,Martins Mental health family carer experiences during COVID-19: a rapid scoping review of the international literature,2023,53,3,1483-1505,Petrakis The perceived public image of Palestinian female social workers in Israel: effects on professional experiences,2023,53,4,2001-2018,Hardal-Zreik Domestic violence survivors who became anti-domestic violence volunteers: a qualitative study in china,2023,53,4,2157-2175,McLaren Serious case reviews and extra-familial harm: missed and emerging opportunities to develop contextual practices,2023,53,2,1077-1098,Firmin Mental health problems amongst left-behind adolescents in china: serial mediation roles of parent-adolescent communication and school bullying victimisation,2023,53,2,994-1018,Wang Localising social work practice for migrant workers' children in China: an action research learning from other countries,2023,53,1,139-156,Huang Black Mothers' Cognitive Process of Finding Meaning and Building Resilience after Loss of a Child to Gun Violence,2013,43,2,336-354,Clarke Complicated Grief in the South African Context: A Social Work Perspective,2013,43,2,355-372,Strydom Public Health Approaches to Palliative Care: The Role of the Hospice Social Worker Working with Children Experiencing Bereavement,2013,43,2,249-263,Paul The Decision of Hospital-Based Child Protection Teams to Report to Community Child Protective Services,2011,41,7,1232-1250,Benbenishty Systemic Family Therapy for Families who have Experienced Trauma: A Randomised Controlled Trial,2011,41,3,502-519,Coulter Serious Case Reviews in Adult Safeguarding in England: An Analysis of a Sample of Reports,2011,41,2,224-241,Manthorpe Exploring Coping Factors amongst Men Who Were Sexually Abused in Childhood,2010,40,8,2669-2686,O'Leary 'Here's my Story': Fathers of 'Looked After' Children Recount their Experiences in the Canadian Child Welfare System,2011,41,2,351-367,Strega Managing Loss and a Threatened Identity: Experiences of Parents of Children Growing Up in Foster Care the Perspectives of their Social Workers and Implications for Practice,2011,41,1,74-92,Young (Re)Assembling the Left: The Politics of Redistribution and Recognition in Social Work,2010,40,8,2364-2379,Webb Inquiring into Non-Accidental Child Deaths: Reviewing the Review Process,2011,41,2,242-260,Lazenbatt Social Work Religion and Belief: Developing a Framework for Practice,2010,40,7,2185-2202,Gilligan 'Speaking Back' to Fear: Responding to the Moral Dilemmas of Risk in Social Work Practice,2010,40,4,1065-1080,Stanford Contemporary Fathering: Theory Policy and Practice Brid Featherstone Bristol Policy Press 2009 pp. viii + 224 ISBN 9 781861 349873 (pbk) £21.99European Perspectives on Men and Masculinities Jeff Hearn and Keith Pringle with members of CROME Basingstoke Palgrave MacMillan 2006 pp. x + 237 ISBN 978-0-230-59447-0 (pbk) £18.99,2009,39,8,1634-1636,Clapton Have Communication Technologies Influenced Rural Social Work Practice?,2010,40,2,622-637,Graham Beyond Homo Economicus: Recognition Self-Realization and Social Work,2010,40,3,841-857,Houston Social Work and the 'War on Terror',2010,40,1,272-289,Guru Impact of Problem-Based Learning on Social Work Students: Growth and Limits,2009,39,8,1499-1517,Lam Ways of Enhancing Hope among Social Workers Working with Adolescents in Residential Treatment Centres,2009,39,3,451-466,Lipschitz-Elhawi Bullying of Lesbian and Gay Youth: A Qualitative Investigation,2009,39,8,1598-1614,Mishna In the Name of Love: Partner Abuse and Violence in Teenage Relationships,2009,39,2,211-233,Barter The Authentic Warmth Dimension of Professional Childcare,2008,38,6,1151-1172,Cameron Clinical Case Management for People with Mental Illness: A Biopsychosocial Vulnerability Stress Model Daniel Fu Keung Wong New York Haworth Press 2006 pp. xi + 254 ISBN 0 7890 2855 7 $29.95,2007,37,3,588-589,Lee Violence Across the Lifespan: Interconnections Among Forms of Abuse as Described by Marginalized Canadian Elders and their Care-givers,2007,37,3,491-514,Lohfeld An Examination of the Use of Coercion by Assertive Outreach and Community Mental Health Teams in Northern Ireland,2007,37,3,537-555,Davidson Shaping the Future of Mental Health Policy and Legislation in Northern Ireland: The Impact of Service User and Professional Social Work Discourses,2007,37,3,423-439,Wilson Parental Alcohol Misuse in Complex Families: The Implications for Engagement,2008,38,5,843-864,Velleman Exploring Potential 'Extra-Familial' Child Homicide Assailants in the UK and Estimating their Homicide Rate: Perception of Risk--The Need for Debate,2008,38,2,290-307,Pritchard Resilience across Cultures,2008,38,2,218-235,Ungar Risk Mental Disorder and Social Work Practice: A Gendered Landscape,2008,38,1,117-134,Gabe The Trauma of Terrorism: Sharing Knowledge and Shared Care--An International Handbook Yael Danieli Danny Brom and Joe Sills (eds) USA The Haworth Press Inc. 2005 pp. 941 ISBN 0789027739 £34.91,2006,36,7,1254-1255,Lloyd Consistencies and Inconsistencies: Mental Health Compulsory Treatment and Community Capacity Building in England Wales and Australia,2007,37,6,1027-1042,Fawcett The Cost of Caring? Social Workers in Hospitals Confront Ongoing Terrorism,2007,37,7,1247-1261,Dekel Depression in the Profession: Social Workers' Experiences and Perceptions,2007,37,2,281-298,Manthorpe Under Siege: Families of Counter-Terrorism,2012,42,6,1151-1173,Guru Empowering Single Mothers in Iran: Applying a Problem-Solving Model in Learning Groups to Develop Participants' Capacity to Improve Their Lives,2013,43,5,833-852,Timpka The Development of Electronic Information Systems for the Future: Practitioners 'Embodied Structures' and 'Technologies-in-Practice',2013,43,3,430-445,Gillingham Engaging Community Support in Safeguarding Adults from Self-Neglect,2012,42,8,1478-1494,May-Chahal Social Worker Interventions in Situations of Domestic Violence: What We Can Learn from Survivors' Personal Narratives?,2012,42,7,1354-1370,van Wormer Exploring the Experiences of Parents and Carers whose Children Have Been Subject to Child Protection Plans,2012,42,5,887-905,Ghaffar Searching for LGBT Carers: Mapping a Research Agenda in Social Work and Social Care,2011,41,7,1304-1320,Fish Touch Physical Restraint and Therapeutic Containment in Residential Child Care,2012,42,3,537-555,Steckley Gender Asylum Seekers and Mental Distress: Challenges for Mental Health Social Work,2012,42,2,318-334,Chantler 'Emergency Routine': The Experience of Professionals in a Shared Traumatic Reality of War,2012,42,3,424-442,Baum Searching for Appropriate Ways to Face the Challenges of Complexity and Dynamics,2011,41,4,668-688,Sommerfeld Client Violence and Mental Health Status among Iranian Social Workers: A National Survey,2012,42,1,111-128,Ghazinour Well Motivated Reformists or Nascent Radicals: How Do Applicants to the Degree in Social Work See Social Problems their Origins and Solutions?,2007,37,4,735-760,Gilligan The Impact of Political Conflict on Social Work: Experiences from Northern Ireland Israel and Palestine,2006,36,3,435-450,McCrystal Risk Management Paradigms in Health and Social Services for Professional Decision Making on the Long-Term Care of Older People,2006,36,8,1411-1429,Taylor Response to Beckett C. (2005) 'The Swedish Myth: The Corporal Punishment Ban and Child Death Statistics' British Journal of Social Work 35(1) pp. 125-38,2005,35,8,1411-1415,Janson Community Treatment Orders for People with Serious Mental Illness: A New Zealand Study,2006,36,7,1085-1100,Mullen Potential Space: Knowing and Not Knowing in the Treatment of Traumatized Children and Young People,2007,37,1,23-37,Lesser Factorial Surveys: Using Vignettes to Study Professional Judgement1,2006,36,7,1187-1207,Taylor Cultural Barriers to the Disclosure of Child Sexual Abuse in Asian Communities: Listening to What Women Say,2006,36,8,1361-1377,Gilligan Why Gender Matters for Every Child Matters,2005,35,8,1343-1355,Scourfield Evidence-Based Practice Descriptive Research and the Resilience-Schema-Gender-Brain Functioning (RSGB) Assessment,2005,35,6,843-862,Gilgun Help-seeking among Muslim Arab Divorcees in Israel,2005,35,5,727-742,Savaya Critical Commentary: Looked After Children: Time for Change?,2005,35,5,761-767,Ritchie Young Male Street Workers: Life Histories and Current Experiences,2005,35,4,483-509,Leichtentritt Theorizing Sexuality Sexual Abuse and Residential Children's Homes: Adding Gender to the Equation,2005,35,4,453-481,Green Gender and Illicit Drug Use,2004,34,6,851-870,Neale Anti-oppressive Social Work Practice with Women in Prison: Discursive Reconstructions and Alternative Practices,2004,34,5,693-707,Pollack The Vulnerabilities of Children whose Parents have been Sexually Abused in Childhood: Towards a New Framework,2004,34,2,165-180,Hooper A Comparison of Child-sex-abuse-related and Mental-disorder-related Suicide in a Six-year Cohort of Regional Suicides: The Importance of the Child Protection-Psychiatric Interface,2004,34,2,181-198,King Multidisciplinary Reflections on Assessment for Compulsory Admission: The Views of Approved Social Workers General Practitioners Ambulance Crews Police Community Psychiatric Nurses and Psychiatrists,2003,33,7,961-968,Callaghan An Empirical Study into the Psychosocial Reactions of Staff Working as Helpers to those Affected in the Aftermath of two Traumatic Incidents,2003,33,7,851-870,Iwaniec The Significance of Past Abuse to Current Intervention Strategies with Depressed Mothers in Child and Family Care,2003,33,6,769-786,Sheppard Young Men Living Through and with Child Sexual Abuse: A Practitioner Research Study,2003,33,3,309-323,Durham Taking Fathers Seriously,2003,33,2,239-254,Featherstone Considering the Countryside: Is There a Case for Rural Social Work?,2003,33,1,67-85,Pugh Construction of the Victim Impact Statement for Sexually Abused Minors: A Dramaturgy Approach,2002,32,8,1067-1087,Leichtentritt An Assessment of Rehabilitation and Empowerment of Addicts' Dependants by a Participatory Learning and Action Approach,2002,32,8,1109-1116,Sharma Gender Ethnicity and Vulnerability in Young Women in Local Authority Care,2002,32,7,907-922,Lees Children's Homicide and Road Deaths in England and Wales and the USA: An International Comparison 1974-1997,2002,32,4,495-502,Pritchard A Reply to Helen Barnes' Comment on Child Homicide: A Review and Empirical Approach: The Importance of Values and Evidence in Practice,2002,32,3,369-373,Pritchard A Comment on Stroud and Pritchard: Child Homicide Psychiatric Disorder and Dangerousness: A Review and an Empirical Approach,2001,31,3,481-492,Barnes Child homicide psychiatric disorder and dangerousness: a review and an empirical approach,2001,31,2,249-269,Pritchard Facing adulthood alone: the long-term impact of family break-up and infant institutions a longitudinal study,2001,31,2,213-234,Weiner Ecological influences on parenting and child development,2000,30,6,703-720,Jack Critical Commentary: LESBIAN AND GAY ISSUES IN WORK WITH YOUNG PEOPLE: ARE SCHOOLS 'OUT' THIS SUMMER?,1999,29,6,955-961,Trotter Social work and health inequalities,1999,29,5,811-816,Bywaters The Psychiatrization of Post-Traumatic Distress: Issues for Social Workers,1999,29,5,755-777,Davis Criminal justice,1999,29,2,321-327,Barter-Dawe The Enduring Relevance of Case Management,1999,29,1,97-125,Ryan Gender and the Child Protection Process,1998,28,4,545-564,Farmer Risk Assessment Using Psychological Profiling Techniques: An Evaluation of Possibilities,1998,28,2,247-261,Hopton Social Work Practice in Child and Family Care: A Study of Maternal Depression,1997,27,6,815-845,Sheppard Prior Agency Contact and Physical Abuse in Cases of Child Homicide,1997,27,2,241-253,Wilczynski Search for an Indicator of Effective Child Protection in a Re-analysis of Child Homicide in the Major Western Countries 1973-1992: A Response to Lindsey and Trocmé and Macdonald,1996,26,4,545-563,Pritchard Comparative homicide and the proper aims of social work: a sceptical note,1995,25,4,489-497,Macdonald Slovenian Social Work: A Case Study of Unexpected Developments in the post-1990 Period,1995,25,4,513-528,Ramon Understanding 'Going Missing': issues for social work and social services,1995,25,3,333-348,Payne Which Children are Registered at Case Conferences?,1995,25,2,191-207,Sinclair Social work education,1994,24,3,349-359,Taylor Children in Secure Accommodation,1993,23,6,597-612,Harris Theory for Approved Social Work: the Use of the Compulsory Admissions Assessment Schedule,1993,23,3,231-257,Sheppard Children's homicide as an indicator of effective child protection: a comparative study of Western European statistics,1992,22,6,663-684,Pritchard Split in Two: Experiences of the Children of Schizophrenic Mothers,1992,22,3,309-329,Webster Assessing Child Protection Risk,1992,22,1,47-60,Waterhouse Stressors and Strains amongst Social Workers: Demands Supports Constraints and Psychological Health,1991,21,5,443-469,Jones Victims of Personal Violence: The Relevance of Symonds' Model of Psychological Response and Loss-Theory,1990,20,4,309-332,Shepherd Social Work and Self-determination,1990,20,3,221-236,Spicker The Limited Domain of Effectiveness Research,1987,17,6,587-593,Jenkins The Effectiveness of Social Care A Selective Exploration,1987,17,6,595-614,Goldberg Psychology and psychiatry,1987,17,4,441-451,Prins Social work effectiveness experiments: review and implications,1986,16,2,223-242,Sheldon On the Relevance of Informal Social Networks to Social Work Intervention,1983,13,1,405-415,Timms A Winter's Tale,1982,12,1,149-169,Archer Transactional Analysis: an Introduction to its Theory and Practice,1982,12,1,47-63,Pitman A Defence Against the Public? Aspects of Intake in a Social Services Department,1982,12,1,605-618,Addison The Association between Child Abuse and Attempted Suicide,1981,11,1,415-420,Hawton Organization and Management,1980,10,2,233-238,Smith Attachment and Child Abuse,1980,10,1,33-42,Argles Help for Those Bereaved by Suicide,1979,9,1,67-74,Barraclough Clients' Reactions to Task-Centred Casework: a Follow-Up Study,1979,9,2,203-215,Butler The Singer or the Song: An Autobiographical Account of a Suicidal Destructive Person and her Social Worker,1979,9,4,471-488,Ford Behavioural Social Work with Schizophrenic Patients in the Community,1978,8,2,159-170,Hudson Some Characteristics of Abusing Families Rėferred to the NSPCC,1978,8,2,171-179,Hyman Feelings and Emotions in Residential Settings: the Individual Experience,1977,7,1,25-39,Davis Social Work and General Medical Practice: Personal Accounts of Three-year Attachment,1976,6,2,233-249,Graham Touch Sexuality and Power in Residential Settings,1975,5,4,397-411,Davis A Danger to Themselves and to Others,1975,5,3,297-309,Prins Social Policy and the Prevention of Suicidal Behaviour,1973,3,4,473-495,Bagley Reception to Prison,1972,2,3,323-335,Bradshaw Adopting a position--analysing theorising and decolonising transnational and transracial adoptions in Sweden,2022,52,8,4853-4870,Schindele Perspectives on Coping with Post-traumatic Stress and Substance Use Disorders: A Photovoice Study,2022,52,7,3881-3903,Maynard Shame and Pride among Social Workers in Israel: A Concept Map,2022,52,7,4189-4203,Savaya Unfolding Social Work Research to Address the COVID-19 Impact: A Text Mining literature Analysis,2022,52,7,4358-4377,Moro Social work practice for COVID-19 in the acute hospital setting: Recommendations for psychosocial assessment,2022,52,6,3559-3577,King Cross-cultural comparison of mental health in social work students between UK and Ireland: Mental health shame and self-compassion,2022,52,6,3247-3267,Green Building family connectedness--a new practice tool for social workers,2022,52,6,3130-3150,Woodman Soft Cops or Social Justice Activists: Social Work's Relationship to the state in the context of BLM and Neoliberalism,2022,52,5,2984-3002,Baines Called to the Crisis: The Experiences of Hospital-Based Social Workers Providing on-Call Services,2022,52,5,2726-2742,Fox Anxiety and Depression amongst African-Americans Living in Rural Black Belt Areas of Alabama: Use of Social Determinants of Health Framework,2022,52,5,2649-2668,Lee 'I married a gay man': Tongqi's agency in marital decisions,2022,52,5,2576-2594,Xie Cumulative Childhood Adversity and Long-Term Educational Outcomes in Individuals with Out-of-Home Care Experience: Do Multiples Matter for a Population Defined by Adversity?,2022,52,5,2495-2514,Jackisch Decision Making by Practitioners in the Social Professions Involved in Compulsory Admission to Mental Health Hospital: A Scoping Review,2022,52,4,1916-1933,Abbott Problematising Artificial Intelligence in Social Work Education: Challenges Issues and Possibilities,2022,52,4,1878-1895,Boddy Australian and New Zealand social workers adjusting to the COVID-19 pandemic,2022,52,4,1859-1877,Hay The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Social Workers at the Frontline: A Survey of Canadian Social Workers,2022,52,3,1724-1746,Donahue Hope during and Post-Disasters: Social Work's Role in Creating and Nurturing Emancipatory Hope,2021,51,5,1917-1934,O'Leary Improving Professional Decision Making in Situations of Risk and Uncertainty: A Pilot Intervention,2022,52,3,1341-1361,Regehr Vicariously Resilient or Traumatised Social Workers: Exploring Some Risk and Protective Factors,2022,52,2,1089-1109,González-Fernández Supportive Social Work Supervision as an Act of Care: A Conceptual Model,2022,52,2,1070-1088,Newcomb Social Work Practice with Adults under the Rising Second Wave of Covid-19 in England: Frontline Experiences and the Use of Professional Judgement,2021,51,5,1879-1896,Manthorpe Policy and Professional Responses to Forced Marriage in Scotland,2022,52,2,833-849,Chantler Place Strengths and Assets: A Case Study of How Local Area Coordination is Supporting Individuals and Families Under Conditions of Austerity,2021,51,4,1354-1373,Lunt Social relationships and their connection to mental health for young people who have been in the care system,2021,51,3,927-944,Törrönen The Importance of Considering Functional Outcome and Self-awareness in the Assessment of Care Needs: Initial Evaluation of the Brain Injury Needs Indicator,2022,52,2,682-699,Wallace On Human Dignity and Social Work,2022,52,2,609-623,Borowski Managing Risk in the Pro-Empowerment Era of Mental Health Care: A Cross-Cultural Study of Social Work Perspectives in Hong Kong and Sydney,2021,51,3,831-848,Mao Social Innovation and Social Work: A Case Study of the Early Intervention Support Service,2021,51,8,2872-2891,Connolly A Pilot Programme to Facilitate the Use of Mental Health Treatment Requirements: Professional Stakeholders' Experiences,2021,51,3,1041-1059,Oram Adverse Childhood Experiences and Social Work: Relationship-based Practice Responses,2021,51,8,3018-3034,Frederick Discharge But No Exit: An Existential Qualitative Interpretive Meta-Synthesis of Veteran Reintegration,2021,51,8,3319-3339,Tarbet Mothers' Voices: Hearing and Assessing the Contributions of 'Birth Mothers' to the Development of Social Work Interventions and Family Support,2021,51,6,2019-2037,Herring Deaths in Prison Custody: A Scoping Review of the Experiences of Staff and Bereaved Relatives,2021,51,1,223-245,Butler Broadening the 'Survivor Capsule' of Intimate Partner Violence Services,2021,51,7,2517-2535,Alaggia The Conspicuous Hidden Curriculum and Young Women's Daily Lives in Polish Crisis Accommodation,2021,51,7,2500-2516,Mostowska Practitioner Emotions in Penal Voluntary Sectors: Experiences from England and Canada,2021,51,7,2282-2300,Tomczak Child Protection Hypothetical Case Studies for a Virtual Archive: Professional Perspectives Versus the Lived Experience and Expertise of Care Leavers in Victoria Australia,2021,51,7,2626-2644,Wilson The Family Relationships of Older Australians at Risk of Homelessness,2020,50,5,1440-1456,Parsell Measurement Models in Social Work Research: A Data-Based Illustration of Four Confirmatory Factor Models and Their Conceptual Application,2020,50,1,282-301,Cimino Health Status and Quality of Life of Women Seeking Infertility Treatments in Baluchistan Pakistan,2020,50,5,1401-1418,Friedman From Needs to Relationships to Organisations: Transactional Complexity in Social Work in the Swedish Social Services,2020,50,7,2098-2115,Nygren Application and Effectiveness of Play Therapy Using an Online-Game Intervention for Hidden Youth,2020,50,7,2116-2134,Chan Conscientious Objection in Social Work and Healthcare: A Philosophical Analysis,2020,50,7,2083-2097,Cowley Trans Women's Perceptions of Residential Aged Care in Australia,2020,50,5,1304-1323,Minichiello Maltreatment and Delinquency: Examining the Contexts of Offending Amongst Child Protection-Involved Children,2020,50,7,2191-2211,Sheehan The Feasibility of Mindfulness Training to Reduce Stress among Social Workers: A Conceptual Paper,2020,50,1,243-263,Phillips Arts-Based Methodology for Knowledge Co-Production in Social Work,2020,50,4,1277-1294,Segal-Engelchin Homelessness in a Post-Soviet City: Weak Social Support and Institutional Alienation,2020,50,4,1031-1048,Negură Healing through Connection: An Aboriginal Community Designed Developed and Delivered Cultural Healing Program for Aboriginal Survivors of Institutional Child Sexual Abuse,2019,49,4,1059-1080,Frederico Healing Through Storytelling: Indigenising Social Work with Stories,2019,49,6,1472-1490,Dennis Research-Practice Relationship: The Case of Studying Sibling Sexual Abuse,2019,49,6,1526-1543,Tener Does a Co-Resident Grandparent Matter? Characteristics of Maltreatment-Related Investigations Involving Lone-Parent Families,2019,49,6,1638-1657,Fallon Everything Is Related and It All Leads Up to My Mental Well-Being: A Qualitative Study of the Determinants of Mental Wellness Amongst Urban Indigenous Elders,2019,49,4,860-879,Thurston Adverse Childhood Experiences: Beyond Signs of Safety; Reimagining the Organisation and Practice of Social Work with Children and Families,2019,49,8,2042-2058,Frederick Grief Counselling and Grief Therapy: A Handbook for the Mental Health Practitioner J. William Worden,2019,49,6,1692-1694,Barnard Empowering Residential Carers of Looked After Young People: The Impact of the Emotional Warmth Model of Professional Childcare,2019,49,7,1893-1912,Das Youngsters' Perspectives on Continuity in Their Contacts with Youth-Care Services,2019,49,5,1144-1161,Roose Social Work and Women's Mental Health: Does Trauma Theory Provide a Useful Framework?,2019,49,3,686-703,Tseris Displaying Social Work through Objects,2019,49,3,824-841,Doel Mental Health Attitudes Self-Criticism Compassion and Role Identity among UK Social Work Students,2019,49,2,351-370,Green Reaching Out for Help: Recommendations for Practice Based on an In-Depth Analysis of an Elder Abuse Intervention Programme,2018,48,4,1052-1070,Storey Affect and Emotion in a Parent's Engagement with Statutory Child-Protection Services: Navigating Stigma and 'Identity Assault',2019,49,2,485-502,Quick Poverty Vulnerability and Everyday Resilience: How Bangladeshi Street Children Manage Economic Challenges through Financial Transactions on the Streets,2019,49,5,1105-1123,Reza Regime of Truth: Rethinking the Dominance of the Bio-Medical Model in Mental Health Social Work with Refugee Youth,2019,49,2,300-317,Denov Using Adverse Childhood Experience Scores to Better Understand the Needs of Young Carers,2018,48,8,2346-2360,Davidson Understanding the Phenomenon of Older Adult Homelessness in North America: A Qualitative Interpretive Meta-Synthesis,2018,48,8,2361-2380,Eghaneyan Integrating Attachment Theory into Probation Practice: A Qualitative Study,2018,48,8,2235-2252,Ansbro Catharsis Containment and Physical Restraint in Residential Child care,2018,48,6,1645-1663,Steckley Theoretical Understandings of Unaccompanied Young People Affected by War: Bridging Divides and Embracing Local Ways of Knowing,2018,48,6,1576-1593,Denov Broadening Social Work's Framework on Place and Belonging: An Investigation into Identity Processes Intersected by Experiences of Migration,2018,48,6,1594-1610,Määttä Wired: Early Intervention and the 'Neuromolecular Gaze',2018,48,3,656-674,Michael Garrett Epigenetics Revisioned: Reply to White and Wastell,2018,48,2,531-535,Combs-Orme Child Mortality and Child-Abuse-Related Deaths in Albania Bulgaria Croatia Cuba Czech Republic Estonia FRY Macedonia Hungary Latvia Lithuania Moldova Poland Romania Russia Serbia Slovakia and Slovenia Compared to Western Comparators the USA and the UK (1988-90 to 2012-14),2018,48,1,236-253,Pritchard Childhood Adversities and Later Economic Hardship among Swedish Child Welfare Clients: Cumulative Disadvantage or Disadvantage Saturation?,2017,47,7,2137-2156,Vinnerljung Predictors of Child-Fostering Attitudes in a Large Cross-Section of Kenyan Women: Family Health and Psycho-Social Factors and the Residual Presence of Childhood Adversities,2017,47,7,1850-1869,Zhang Human Agency and Social Work Research: A Systematic Search and Synthesis of Social Work Literature,2017,47,1,238-255,Eggins Domestic Violence Service Providers' Capacity for Supporting Transgender Women: Findings from an Australian Workshop,2016,46,8,2374-2392,Donovan Developing a Health Inequalities Approach for Mental Health Social Work,2017,47,3,885-992,Karban Heuristics in Professional Judgement: A Psycho-Social Rationality Model,2017,47,4,1043-1060,Taylor Forced Displacement and Alcohol Use in Two Karen Refugee Communities: A Comparative Qualitative Study,2017,47,4,1186-1204,Wieling Altruistic Exploitation: Orphan Tourism and Global Social Work,2017,47,3,648-665,Roby Creative Writing after Traumatic Loss: Towards a Generative Writing Approach,2017,47,3,936-954,Leichtentritt Contesting Corruption: How the Poor Demand Accountability and Responsiveness from Government Officials,2017,47,2,561-578,Dauti Excavating the past: Mother and Baby Homes in the Republic of Ireland,2017,47,2,358-374,Michael Garrett After the Biomedical Technology Revolution: Where to Now for a Bio-Psycho-Social Approach to Social Work?,2016,46,5,1446-1462,Healy 'Introducing Michael Gove to Loïc Wacquant': Why Social Work Needs Critical Sociology,2016,46,4,873-889,Michael Garrett Not All that Is Solid Melts into Air? Care-Experienced Young People Friendship and Relationships in the 'Digital Age',2016,46,4,1059-1075,Sen Social Worker Shame: A Scoping Review,2016,46,2,549-565,Gibson Street Work and Outreach: A Social Work Method?,2015,45,6,1923-1934,Szeintuch The Decision by Approved Mental Health Professionals to Use Compulsory Powers under the Mental Health Act 1983: A Foucauldian Discourse Analysis,2016,46,1,46-62,Buckland Decision Making in Social Work with Families and Children: Developing Decision-Aids Compatible with Cognition,2015,45,7,2142-2160,De Bortoli Multisystemic Therapy as an Intervention for Young People on the Edge of Care,2015,45,7,1968-1984,Fox Risk Factors for Depressed Mood in a Taiwanese School-Based Sample of Adolescents: Does Spirituality Have Protective Effects?,2015,45,7,2020-2037,Chen Intimate Partner Violence Risk Assessment: A Primer for Social Workers,2015,45,6,1804-1820,Messing From the Ground Up: Indigenous Women's after Violence Experiences with the Formal Service System in the United States,2015,45,5,1526-1545,Burnette Linking Social Work with Buddhist Temples: Developing a Model of Mental Health Service Delivery and Treatment in Vietnam,2015,45,4,1242-1258,Nguyen Intersectionality and Critical Social Work with Girls: Theory and Practice,2015,45,4,1190-1206,Krumer-Nevo The Association between the Utilisation of Empowerment Strategies and Clients' Changes of Self in the Field of Intimate Partner Abuse: From the Perspective of Social Workers,2015,45,2,527-548,Song Professionals' Double Exposure in the Shared Traumatic Reality of Wartime: Contributions to Professional Growth and Stress,2014,44,8,2113-2134,Baum 'That I Live that's Because of Her': Intersectionality as Framework for Unaccompanied Refugee Mothers,2014,44,7,2023-2041,Derluyn Voices from the Front Line: Social Work with Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Australia and the UK,2014,44,6,1602-1620,Robinson Community Development and Umbrella Bodies: Networking for Neighbourhood Change,2014,44,6,1582-1601,Ennis Parenting and Substance Misuse: Understanding Accounts and Realities in Child Protection Contexts,2014,44,6,1491-1507,Forrester Places of Sanctuary for 'the Undeserving'? Homeless People's Day Centres and the Problem of Conditionality,2014,44,5,1251-1267,Bowpitt Surviving Coping or Thriving? Understanding Coping and Its Impact on Social Well-Being in Mozambique,2014,44,4,972-991,Hutchinson Young People with Complex Needs: Designing Coordinated Interventions to Promote Resilience across Child Welfare Juvenile Corrections Mental Health and Education Services,2014,44,3,675-693,Ungar A Comparative Study of Social Work Students in India and the UK: Stress Support and Well-Being,2014,44,1,163-180,Coffey Can Sense of Coherence Moderate Traumatic Reactions? A Cross-Sectional Study of Palestinian Helpers Operating in War Contexts,2013,43,4,651-666,Veronese